Shushan Wushen

Chapter 654 Bihan Flower Sea

Chapter 654 Bihan Flower Sea

God's shock!

A mysterious wave descended.Like the invisible cold in the winter snow, it can't help but penetrate the bone marrow.

boom!The monkey with Kong Fanren's body and the monkey's body with Kong Fanren's soul shook violently at the same time.Then, Kong Fanren rolled his eyes, before his face could show gratitude, he fainted.

"go with!"

Martial god Tang Chen waved his hand, and threw the naked Kong Fanren back to the side room in the small courtyard of the Tang family.His Kong Fanren's wife was helping in the kitchen last night, and she just fell asleep at this time.Suddenly, Kong Fanren appeared on the side of the bed.

Very abrupt!

Kong Fanren's wife was startled, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Kong Fanren, she fell back into a deep sleep.With his eyes still closed, he covered Kong Fanren with a quilt.

"Hey hey!"

Tang Chen continued to send out the shock of God.With supreme magic power, the souls of more than a dozen neighbors were stripped from the monkeys, and the replacement was enlightened.

It was also Martial God Tang Chen who made a timely move, and the matter was killed as soon as it sprouted.

What's more, in the morning of Sanjiao Town, many people were busy all night and immersed in sleep.Beside or in the next room, those snoring loudly are long-lost relatives.A rare and precious lazy sleep.

No adverse effects were caused.

Only Jiao Dianlun wandered the empty streets.The atmosphere of the New Year is getting stronger.Instead, his heart became more and more frightened.He is empty.So lonely.Ma Houpao is on holiday for the Spring Festival, staying at home to watch over his wife and children, and it is inconvenient for him to go to Ma's house.

After all, that cousin, he couldn't figure out how many turns he had to make.

The sky is as gray as ever, and there is no blue sky to save face because the Spring Festival is approaching.The air is full of the smell of gunpowder smoke from firecrackers, faintly.Sticking out his tongue, he felt a subtle bitterness.

Looking at it as far as the eye can see, the blue-gray old building is nondescript, like a toilet in a big city, with a floor of small grid white tiles inlaid.Looking up again, there are strings of bright red dried chilies covered with snow, and dried cabbage that has become greener and greener from the cold.

"This is not Sanjiao Town in my memory!?"

Jiao Laodao was shocked.He lowered his head and stroked the down coat on himself, feeling weird. "Where's my cotton robe? What the hell is this? So soft and so warm?"

Touching the side pocket of the down jacket, he took out a mobile phone.He doesn't know this stuff.His side of the world does not have such high technology.Even this high-tech term has never existed.

Jiao Dianlun wandered the streets of Sanjiao Town with a bewildered expression like a ghost or a walking dead.

Suddenly!His eyes light up.A swish of green light burst out.

"What happened on West Street? It's so fragrant! Is it on fire? Why are you running around naked in the snow?"

Jiao Laodao quickened his pace, but he was very smart. Taking advantage of the terrain, he hid in the wall of the public toilet on the side of the road, looked out through the broken brick hole in the wall, with a wretched face, flushed with excitement, Sweaty nose.

"Huo Jun's daughter-in-law has such a good figure! Ahh~! Tian Damei, tsk tsk! Tian Bihan..., Tian Bihan..., oh yo...!"

Jiao Laodao bared his teeth lasciviously, trembling with excitement.In his side of the world, men and women are wrapped tightly one by one.Such a scene can never be seen!
Unexpectedly, at the time when Jiao Laodao saw the rise...

Whoosh whoosh...!
Not only Kong Fanren, Miss Tian disappeared, Huo Jun's wife, Chen Dagou's daughter-in-law, all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Appearing again, it fell out of thin air, and fell directly in front of his own door.Then, naked men and women fled into the house in a hurry.

"What happened? How did they return to heaven?"

Jiao Laodao looked up at the sky, where it was as gray and white as ever, without any abnormality.wrong!There are colorful glares flowing in the gray and white, like a group of extremely compressed rainbows!

Jiao Laodao suddenly felt something strange, staring blankly at the phone in his hand, there was a picture on it, so realistic!So clear!Even Miss Tian's body hair...

The screen is a little dark.Jiao Laodao hasn't seen enough.He reached out to touch Tian Bihan on the screen in his hand.


The screen instantly brightened and enlarged the part he touched!


Jiao Laodao was so frightened that he sat down in the public toilet and threw his phone out.He got up in a hurry, a little unwilling, but in fact he was full of lust.He crawled over and grabbed the phone again, muttering to himself: "This is a god! Is it the treasure of Fengyue? This is the magic weapon of Taoism!"

Following Jiao Laodao's fingers on the screen, Miss Tian's body parts are constantly changing...Suddenly!Tian Bihan's eyes are sharp and fierce——


Jiao Laodao was so frightened that he slipped and fell down again.

Landing on the back of his head, Jiao Laodao had stars in his eyes, but he opened up his mind.

"Why is she still so panicked? It's fear!"

Realizing this, Jiao Laodao looked into Miss Tian's eyes again.And face it bravely.

soon!Jiao Laodao conquered Tian Bihan on the phone screen.

Jiao Laodao's eyes were bloodshot, emitting a frightening red light. He even poked his head out of the drill hole and glanced at the Tian family with eighteen public houses.

At last!Finally, Jiao Dianlun's desire overcame his fear, and he rushed towards Tian Bihan's house with great strides.

Push the door open, but Tian's family didn't open the door.Jiao Dianlun went straight in, and stepped into the stove in the outhouse.The east house is Kong Fanren's family, but the Kong family has moved away long ago, and now lives in the Sun family, and the door of the Sun family's couple is closed.

Jiao Dianlun pushed open the door of the West Room and strode in.

Miss Tian hugged the quilt in panic and panic, and cowered in a corner of the kang.She couldn't explain what had just happened.All of that has overturned her cognition.

Sudden!Jiao Dianlun brazenly broke into her Tian Bihan's house!
After all, Jiao Laodao is from this town, Miss Tian also laughed at him before.The level of excitement is lower than that of the scene of flying into the sky just now.

Especially Tang Chen, standing in the sky like a god.That heart-shattering "Hey!"

What else will Old Jiao say?Why can't I hear you?Why is he like this....

Jiao Dianlun raised the mobile phone in his hand and waved it, threatening Miss Tian.It's a pity - Tian Bihan didn't hear it, let alone hear it clearly.

However, Jiao Laodao thought that he had frightened Miss Tian.He stripped himself naked in a hurry.

"Tian Damei...! I'm coming!"

Jiao Laodao grabbed the quilt and rushed towards the naked Miss Tian like a wolf.


Miss Tian realized that she was tearing desperately, her fingernails were flying, scratching Jiao Dianlun, a fake Taoist priest, was covered in blood all over her body and face.

As a result, the blood stains all over Tian Bihan's body were rubbed.

The eclectic and shameless scene was staged unsightly.The white jade body lay horizontally, rolling like a wild beast.

Bihan Flower Sea....

(End of this chapter)

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