Shushan Wushen

Chapter 655 Inalienable

Chapter 655 Inalienable

Martial God Tang Chen saw all this from the air.Emperor Wu Qi Yu also saw it.The two looked at each other, relatively speechless.


With one voice, they sighed deeply: "This is destiny. God, unstoppable, let alone interfere."

Be it Martial God Tang Chen or Martial Emperor Qi Yu, in fact, there is no causal relationship with Miss Tian in this world.Get out and save them.It's already acting against the sky.But after all, it was Jiang Laojiao who violated the rules of heaven first, so it made sense.

However, Jiao Dianlun, a fake old man, and Tian Bihan, a young girl from Tian, ​​have a romantic relationship, and their dewy love is different.

Reckless interference will ruin Jiao Dianlun's chance, and at the same time delay Miss Tian's chance.Regardless of whether the opportunity is positive or negative, it is inappropriate for Tang Chen and Qi Yu to intervene rashly.Deviating from normal normal development.It is tantamount to forcibly reversing the trajectory of a mortal's life.

It will cause the heavens to bite back!

Originally, the cultivation of Valkyrie, see yourself!See heaven and earth!See all beings!The main thing is to fit a 'see'.When it's time to act, you can act.When you shouldn't make a move, just wait and see what happens, which is in line with the rules of the trial.

A catastrophe happened suddenly and ended suddenly.The citizens of Sanjiao Town who are immersed in their dreams, many people have never known.What a horrible thing they passed by this early morning!

However, there are also some people who are wandering in the sky, wandering the streets, and accidentally crossed over.For example, Jiao Dianlun, or Tang Yuan...

In Tang Yuan's world, Tang Chen was kicked in the head by Hao Yunlai when he was a child, and Hao Yunlai didn't know how to do it, so he exposed himself on the spot.

Tang Chen might have been frightened.Later, my mind was not as bright as before.Often foolishly giggling for no reason.On the contrary, the two sons of Hao Yunlai's family, Daguai and Xiaoguai, recovered their sanity and got along very well with Tang Chen.

Later, Tang Dahai spent a lot of money to send Tang Chen to Tang County to study.As a result, Tang Chen never came back.

It's gone!

Walking on a familiar street, looking at the familiar street with many strange buildings.Tang Yuan was terrified.She just wanted to take a walk around the campus of her alma mater, Sanjiao Town Primary School, but ended up in this strange world.

"Did I not wake up..."

Tang Yuan talked to herself, turned back decisively, and returned to the small courtyard of the Tang family.

"Huh?... This is my home?!"

Looking at the cars all over the yard and the row upon row of bean bag curtains on the cars, Tang Yuan was stunned.Where did so many cars come from! ?They were all parked in my yard.What is rhythm? !

The toilet in Tang's small courtyard is in the southwest corner of the courtyard.Tang Yuan, who was in this world, relieved her hands and went out to the toilet, and saw a fiery red figure.Tingting Yuli, wearing a red cotton robe, is very festive and very retro.

"Where did you buy it! It really fits the occasion."

While wiping her hands with a wet towel, Tang Yuan walked towards the red-clothed Tang Yuan in her yard.

When Tang Yuan in the red robe turned her head, her head buzzed. It is natural for women to love beauty, and they don't know how many times a day they have to look in the mirror.The two looked at each other, looking at the handsome face exactly like themselves in the mirror, the whole world became silent in an instant.



There is an irresistible fusion of mysterious thinking and memory in the dark.

These two Tang Yuan are all ordinary, and the essence of life has not changed.There is no life-level transition.

Silently, the two Tang Yuan joined together face to face.

In the end, ignoring the barriers of the robes and velvet coats, Tang Yuan and Tang Yuan turned into one, two-headed Tang Yuan...  

Is it fusion-?
The thinking of the two is the same.There is no difference.Memory, however, is quite different.

Tang Yuan's eyes lit up, and she pursed her lips: "You are not such a wonderful brother, the pressure is relieved immediately!"

Tang Chen in the other world, with bright eyes, grinned: "Brother is such a domineering president, he must hug his thigh!"

Same way.


Wearing a red robe and a mink coat, Tang Yuan's complexion changed dramatically.Her true spirit, the source of life, suddenly became stronger.The whole person began to faintly glow.This is a leap in the essence of life.From then on, Tang Yuan's luck was not to say that it was overwhelming, but Tang Yuan from other worlds could not expect her to go against her.

Organized the overlapping of memories and corrected some deviations.The difference between the two worlds tells Tang Yuan a conclusion; she has traveled through time.Tang Yuan in this world is no longer pure.

"Yeah, the old girl has changed into new clothes. Come, come, come, ma'am, have a look!"

Zhao Yijia walked out of the side room of the Tang family with the chamber pot in his hand, and greeted him kindly with a smile.Tang Yuan responded reservedly.

Following Zhao Yijia's loud voice, many people got up one after another.Only in Kong Fanren's room, the window lattice trembled and made an unbearable sound.Those were Kong Fanren's mother-in-law panting and moaning, and Kong Fanren's yelling.

The family members who got up were so ashamed that they lowered their heads and snickered.

Zhao Yifang was carrying a towel and a sword with tassels on her back, returning from morning exercise. "Kang Bang Bang" kicked the door of the side room a few times.

"Get up! Don't be a monster!"


Blossoming pink mouths suddenly rose in the courtyard, like plum blossoms in snow.

Many hands are also diligent.After freshening up, the food is already on the table.The men brought all kinds of drinks, and the children brought boxes of expensive drinks.

Suddenly the scene became lively.There was a lot of voices.

Tang Yuan was slightly taken aback. Her palms were slightly sweaty for those expensive baijiu and legendary beverages.

"Come on! Yuanyuan, drink a cup to warm your stomach, white wine helps digestion."

Mr. Tang's table is full of direct descendants of Tang Dahai's lineage, as well as bodyguards.Well, Qi Yu is not here, she is going back to Qi's house for the New Year.

Tang Yuan hastily bowed her body to express her thanks. Tang Chen in this world, his aura is too strong, he is not angry, his eyes are shining like golden lamps.

"What's the matter? I haven't seen you in half a year, and my little sister has grown up? Is it because of lack of communication and estrangement?"

Mr. Tang was full of smiles. Over there, Zhao Yifang and Tang Dajiang were already drinking, fighting wine and punching each other. In the morning, the wine had a three-point wake-up mood, making jokes, and the atmosphere was very hot and enthusiastic.

Tang Yuan here is still a little uncomfortable with the integration, she lowers her head to pick food, and looks a little restrained, not even as relaxed as people with foreign surnames from the Kong family and the Zhao family.

Jin Chan took the initiative to pick up the topic: "Tang Chen! Your sister is already 25."

Mr. Tang nodded and said with a smile: "Yes! Time is like flowing water, and the years go by. Year after year, the little girl grows into a big beauty. Hahaha, look at how festively my sister is dressed."

Tang Dahai put down his wine glass and scolded seriously: "Don't interrupt! Your mother wants to talk about business."

Mr. Tang was startled, looked at Tang Dahai, then at Jin Chan and Tang Yuan.He attributed the weird atmosphere to the upcoming so-called 'business'.

(End of this chapter)

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