Shushan Wushen

Chapter 656 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 656 The Covenant of the Year

Jin Chan glanced at Tang Dahai, sighed softly and said, "Your sister is not young anymore! It's time to find her husband's family."

President Tang looked at Tang Dahai.Tang Dahai picked up his wine glass and took another sip.

President Tang smiled and said, "What's the rush? I don't have a girlfriend yet—"

"Stop procrastinating! Qi Yu, Li Yiqi, Jiang Xueting, there are so many good girls, why don't you fall in love?"

Jin Chanyou said, her eyes were shining, she said this more than once, very slippery and smooth.

President Tang looked away from Jin Chan, with helplessness in the corner of his eyes, and turned the wine glass on the table: "How is it possible? That's my classmate. A pure classmate friendship is so precious. We are all buddies. I never thought about it, and it is impossible to leave We got together. In the future, don't mention it again."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Tang glanced at the bodyguards on the table intentionally or unintentionally.

The bodyguards pretended not to hear, and pretended not to see, they were extremely serious, eating food and drinking drinks with full concentration.

In fact, being a good friend is more fun than being a couple, you can joke around unscrupulously, and make fun of them without any scruples.If friendship turns into love, it is tantamount to a tragedy.It's too late.It's like moving the flowers in the flowerbed to the flowerpot.The pattern of being a person is too small.

With a solemn expression, Jin Chan ordered in a low voice: "That's good! Let's not talk about you, you can still find the little school girl at the age of 40. Is your sister good enough? You are an older brother, so you have to help worry about it. It must be wow! "

Mr. Tang was a little helpless, "Tang Yuan, who are you optimistic about? Tell my brother, I will send someone to investigate the details and ask someone to question you. Actually, it is better for you to be friends with yourself."

Tang Yuan smiled reservedly, but said nothing.

Tang Dahai saw that Jin Chan couldn't stop staring at him, and saw that the tables next to him were about to finish drinking, and after a while, those relatives would definitely come over and pull him to join the ranks of drinking.And those female relatives are also coming to find Jin Chan and Tang Yuan to do their homework.

Time is running out, so don't delay the important task entrusted to you by your wife. He said: "Tang Chen! Your current company has status and is more respectable than our small business, so don't say anything else. After the New Year, take your sister to the capital. In your Tangmen company, give your sister a decent position. You must have a boyfriend this year, and you have to help to strictly control it. Bring it back during the Spring Festival and get married next year! Make sure to marry Tang Yuan.”

Tang Dahai gave the order to die.He couldn't help but leave, and went to the wine table to join the battle.

"The fourth one took the initiative this time, hahaha! Come on! Come on! It's five rounds, you have to make up two rounds, let's make a circle..."

At this table, Mr. Tang seemed a little hesitant. His business started from scratch, and he didn't get the help of Tang Dahai and Jin Chan, or even Tang Yuan... .Mr. Tang made a request at the very beginning.

It's not an invitation, it's a request!Ask Tang Yuan to come over and help her control the property department.Tang Yuan was noncommittal, but Tang Dahai flatly refused.Don't go around in circles on the phone, "You asked your sister to help you? What if your business loses money, what will your sister do?"

There are no absolutely guaranteed profitable businesses.Mr. Tang dared not speak to death.However, Mr. Tang said: "I can't guarantee that I will definitely make money, but at least I can support the business now. And the fixed assets are more than 1 yuan. My sister came to help me, and if I make money, it will be half of the family. How?"

Tang Dahai forced himself to shut up, and put away the power to stir up trouble.President Tang lobbied again, and Tang Yuan went to Tangmen Company in Beijing alone.

Mr. Tang had just started his business at that time, and the funds on hand were very tight.I was counting on Tang Yuan to come to support me, so I could bring some money with me.

As a result, Tang Yuan was alone.Just got off the plane with a shriveled leather bag.

Mr. Tang didn't say anything.After all, this is just a tacit agreement.People can be in place, which is better than anything else.

Unexpectedly, the first thing Tang Yuan said when she saw Mr. Tang was to ask, "Is one person in Tangmen company half the number?"

President Tang gave an affirmative answer.

"That's good!" Tang Yuan took out a document in her shriveled purse, which actually asked the audit company to divide the equity and re-register the company.

Mr. Tang was shocked by what Tang Yuan did.

Mr. Tang resolutely smiled bitterly and said, "As soon as you got off the plane, you asked to share the equity with me. Wait until everything is settled. You won't ask for a separation of the family, liquidate the equity, and split it up."

Tang Yuan smiled and said, "That's my right too, what are you doing?... Are you reluctant?"

Mr. Tang shook his head: "I don't want to hang a sword on my head. This is an unstable factor. Forget it! You'd better go back."

Tang Yuan also simply took the return ticket bought by Mr. Tang and headed home resolutely.

That year, at the end of the year, Mr. Tang earned the first 10 yuan in his life.

This is a huge sum of money!Tang Dahai and Jin Chan said afterwards that Tang Yuan was just trying.Tang Boss absolutely didn't believe it, so he evaded it with a few perfunctory words.

Mr. Tang is now free of property.It is no longer the time when you are afraid of the wind and grass in the early stage of entrepreneurship, and you will hurt your muscles and bones.

Facing his own sister, he cast aside his grievances.Talking openly and honestly: "Tang Yuan! Are you still interested in joining Tang Sect? I think this is just wishful thinking of parents."

Tang Yuan sorted out her thoughts, and asked in a mysterious way: "Brother! You said that I will help you now, and you will give me half of the shares? You must not be willing for such a big company now, right?"

Before Mr. Tang could respond, Jin Chan snapped at Tang Yuan: "Tang Yuan! Whenever you go, you help your brother! Why don't you help your brother? Your brother doesn't have a family. You don't even have a sister-in-law. Not at all, if you use it as a money box, why don’t you help your brother?”

Boss Tang's eyes suddenly brightened, the meaning of forcing the palace was too obvious.He really wanted to say, "If you really helped me, why did you go?"

However, since it's Chinese New Year's Eve, once these words are spoken, Jin Chan is sure to be pissed off.This is not a matter of one or two families.Even the relatives of the Tang family made do with the Tang family compound for the New Year.Jin Chan's status is so special.Once the trouble started, it would be a big embarrassment.

"Mom was right! You helped me!"

Mr. Tang said lightly, obviously insincere.He is using a dragging tactic, everything has to wait until after the Spring Festival to return to the capital.At that time, Tang Chen didn't believe that Tang Yuan would be so ignorant.

"Then mom is in charge!" Jin Chan happily put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"Come, come! Let me say a few words, and everyone will be a witness!"

Martial God Tang Chen saw that the situation was not good, what he saw on Jin Chan's body was the shadow of Mu Fengling back then!

"Is the tragedy going to happen again? This is the peach picking! Why do you mother control your son's property?" Martial God Tang Chen crushed the wine bottle in his hand in the void, and the powder flew down.

(End of this chapter)

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