Shushan Wushen

Chapter 657 The truth about forcing the palace

Chapter 657 The truth about forcing the palace

Martial god Tang Chen, as a god.If you don't enjoy incense and offerings, there is no cause and effect, and you have no obligation to stop it.

He looked at the shocked Mr. Tang, and all the relatives in the room turned to Jin Chan.

Tang Dahai put down his wine glass with a smile: "At our age, we can only show our abilities here. It depends on the son. Before thirty, the father respects the son. After thirty, the son respects the father. If the son is capable, let's do it." Drink some good wine and smoke a good cigarette. But my girl, it's just my heart."

"What are you afraid of! Don't you have Tang Chen!"

Many relatives speak with one voice.Complimenting Tang Dahai one after another, their eyes gradually focused on Jin Chan again.

"Mom!" Mr. Tang couldn't bear to refute Jin Chan's face on the spot, so he called out helplessly.

Jin Chan, unexpectedly said: "Look! My Tang Chen is even embarrassed. In fact, it's nothing. Let me just say it. All relatives are present, so be a witness. My son is sensible, and my daughter is filial, so I'm showing off." Bar!"

"Tell me, Fourth Aunt, what's the matter?" Tang Feng stared wide-eyed, impatiently waiting.Bai Mao tugged at the corner of Tang Feng's coat.

Jin Chan straightened her back and said loudly, "My family, Tang Chen, once made an agreement with Tang Yuan, that is, if Tang Yuan goes to Tangmen Company to help sell spicy sticks, she will give Tang Yuan half of Tangmen Company."



As soon as these words came out, the whole room suddenly boiled, and the sound of gasping for cold air was endless.

"This is forcing the palace!" Zhao Yifang murmured to herself, and shot Mr. Tang with bright eyes.This old man doesn't have much experience, but his brain speed is amazing.

"it is good!"

"Tang Chen is doing great!"

Tang Shuang went in without knowing it, and applauded loudly.

Bai Lang walked over and patted Mr. Tang on the shoulder: "My uncle is bold! You can be called a role model for my generation! Mother! I want a younger sister, and I also want to pretend to be aggressive like my uncle!"

"You bastard! Just stay there." Tang Feng threatened Bai Lang in a vicious low voice, Bai Lang bared his teeth, and gave a meaningful look at Tang Yuan who was silent.Sighed slightly.

No matter how much blessing and wealth a person has, they can be encountered but cannot be sought.Some people can't bear such treatment, so they will do inexplicable stupid things.

Even though the ownership is not hers, once she has a chance to touch it, that stupid person can't control her thoughts and actions at all.

Everyone here is a sensible person, which one is not a human being.Seen all the truth.

Only Jin Chan and Tang Dahai seemed to be in a dream.I always think that it is because of the existence of the two of them that Mr. Tang became rich.Every Spring Festival, so many relatives gather in the Tang Family Courtyard.That's the proof.

Therefore, Tang Dahai and his wife believed that Tang Chen belonged to them, and Tang Chen's property should also belong to them.If he didn't directly control it in his own hands, that was already a great trust in Tang Chen.

"Dear relatives, please bear witness to my Tang Chen and Tang Yuan! Hehehe..."

Jin Chan grinned, her eyes swept over one by one.Wherever he went, he nodded and smiled brightly.

Who is stupid!Don't you offend people if you say something that spoils the scenery.

"Has everything been recorded?" Tang Dahai asked.

One of Mr. Tang's bodyguards hurriedly handed over the phone: "Master! It's all right."

Mr. Tang glanced at the bodyguard, with a trace of murderous look between the corners of his eyes and brows.Regarding the video recording, the bodyguard did not communicate with Mr. Tang beforehand.

"Hehe, dear ones, this is actually the case. My Tangmen Latiao Company has now become a subsidiary of mine. Our Tangmen Company has already transformed into an e-commerce platform. For example, the seafood we eat now, The cellar and aged wine you drink, including that mobile phone. In our Tangmen Mall, all transactions are online."

Mr. Tang said such a complete sentence, and everyone showed a look of sudden realization.Looking at Tang Dahai and his wife's eyes, they also became natural.

Mr. Tang said again: "Tangmen Latiao Company has the most advanced production line. Fully automatic mechanized production. Of course, the research and development department of Latiao is still in Tangmen Head Office, not Tangmen Latiao Company. Tangmen Latiao Company It is the foundation of my Tangmen company's rise, and it is of great significance. It is not only a food factory, but also a kind of sentiment. It is like nostalgia, like the family relationship between us, and we will never forget each other even if we are rich!"

"well said!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all admired and almost applauded.But in my family, no one made such foolishness.

Jin Chan's face darkened, and she understood a little bit, Tang Yuan's shoulders were trembling.

"A company! I actually own half of the shares, an advanced assembly line... what is that? It's all money! It's good to have a big brother of the chaebol! Can you give me some more?"

The mother and daughter each had their own thoughts, scheming against Tang Chen.

Mr. Tang finally rounded up his words: "...I set aside half of the production lines of Tangmen spicy noodles and put them in charge of Tang Yuan's management. Let's see if our Tang Yuan is the best, or the talented students from Imperial Food University Come on! Tang Yuan! Brother is optimistic about you!"

"Tang Yuan! You have to work hard!"

"Look at how careful your brother is with you. This is leading you to the road of slipping!"

The relatives echoed, the scene was lively, and the family affection surged.Bai Lang stretched out a gesture of reassurance to Mr. Tang as if he was relieved.

Jin Chan's face was stern, and she crossed her waist regardless of her appearance: "Tang Chen! You are so calculating! In the end, let your sister be a blue-collar worker? Just give it half of a processing factory? You can do it! You can do it No wonder you can’t find a wife now, you are so vicious! You even plan on your sister? It’s not human! Is it human? Where do you put my old face? Let people point at the spine , Said that I, Jin Chan, raised a son who only recognizes money but not people? The family affection is gone?"

Tang Dahai was also angry: "Tang Chen! You are so inhumane! Is your mother angry? You have two stinky money to make you inflated. My mother doesn't want it anymore. My sister doesn't care about it, and you don't want my father either. Forget it!"

Everyone finally understood that this was another stupid mistake made by Tang Dahai and his wife.

Mr. Tang smiled wryly and shook his head. His fingers were steady and strong, and the wine glass he pinched made a "popping" sound.

This is his home, if it was another occasion, he would leave without saying a word.However, he knew very well that the reason these relatives and friends could gather in the Tang family compound for the New Year was simply because he "had some bad money".In other words, the influence of Tang Dahai and Jin Chan is nothing.It's just a signboard!
In other words, in the name of Tang Dahai and Jin Chan, Tang Chen's influence supported this incredible happy reunion that envied others.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan took themselves too seriously.

If Mr. Tang backed down today, the blow to Tang Chen's influence would be fatal.Because in the future, there is no need to go through Mr. Tang's discretion to deal with everything, as long as Tang Dahai and Jin Chan are settled.

At the same time, Tang Dahai and Jin Chan's dispositions, the speed of their brains, really... don't take it too easy.

(End of this chapter)

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