Shushan Wushen

Chapter 658 Financial System

Chapter 658 Financial System

Tang Yuan responded solemnly: "Who is making trouble with you? Concentrate on playing mahjong. I am your portable financial system."

Boss Tang lowered his head and secretly glanced at the relatives in the room, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.The skin is swollen.I can't help sighing that this year, there are signs of unrest.

Captain Zhang, the bodyguard, was also perfunctory to Tang Yuan, and what he brought was a workbook and a ballpoint pen.He was about to hand it to Tang Yuan when Jin Chan stopped him.

"Give this to Tang Yuan!"

What was handed over to Captain Zhang was a formal property ledger and a carbon pen for property.

Captain Zhang was less than one meter away from Tang Yuan at this time.Not as close as Jin Chan and Tang Yuan.Jin Chan did not hand over the ledger and pen to Tang Yuan, but instead asked Captain Zhang, the bodyguard, to hand them over. There is a great mystery in this.

This Jin Chan is President Tang's wife.Mr. Tang obviously deliberately maintains the family relationship.Captain Zhang clearly knew that there were articles in it.However, I have to accept it.He slowly extended his hand.His eyes were fixed on Mr. Tang all the time.

"Take it!" Jin Chan shoved it into Captain Zhang's hand.

Captain Zhang is also cunning, he knows whose money he is earning.The fingers never closed.

blah blah blah!

The ledger and pen fell to the ground.Captain Zhang also wanted to understand.As a subordinate, he must share the worries of the boss.

"Sorry! I'm a bodyguard." Captain Zhang took a step back and stood behind Mr. Tang.Like a boulevard flag.The martial arts cultivation base on his body spread in the form of coercion.

He and Tang Chen were one meter away from each other. Everyone felt the unusual aura, and their colors changed involuntarily, and they retreated one after another.Only Tang Yuan, although her complexion became pale, was still sitting firmly on the stool with a small tin box on her lap.The pile of loose money on the box rustled.

"Okay! It's Chinese New Year's Eve. Tang Yuan is the younger sister, so just mess around!"

Mr. Tang obviously took the opportunity to remind Tang Yuan, and the name "Chinese New Year" meant that this was the end.However, Captain Zhang properly maintained Tang Chen's dignity out of his own mission.

President Tang leaned over to pick up the ledger and bookkeeping pen, and handed them to Tang Yuan.He smiled and said, "Okay, little girl! Let's help my brother keep the accounts, and see how my brother wins all the money in their pockets! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha! Start rubbing!" Bai Lang echoed.

Jin Chan glanced at Bai Lang and the others, and Tang Shuang's fingers had already reached out to the mahjong, so she had no choice but to take the opportunity to pick up the teacup.

Mr. Tang's words were meant to adjust the atmosphere.However, Mr. Tang took advantage of the opportunity to glance at the opened ledger, 嚄!Pale, startled.

Tang Yuan recorded Mr. Tang's expenses during the Spring Festival in extremely neat handwriting.This was clearly premeditated!

Mr. Tang felt vigilant.At this moment, Tang Yuan looked at Mr. Tang, and said solemnly: "Brother! I only recorded your expenditure, not the funds entered into the account. You need to provide the data, and I will complete it."

Mr. Tang's chest heaved, and he said flatly: "This time I will go back to my hometown for the New Year. The budget is 1000 or [-] million. Spend it all! If there is any surplus on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, then it will be distributed to the family group in the form of grabbing red envelopes. do you understand?"


All the relatives in the house couldn't help being shocked.Tang Chen's shot was too generous this time.What a waste of money.

Tang Yuan and Jin Chan almost said in unison: "Okay!"

"it is good!"

Tang Yuan "swish, swish, swish" took a pen and recorded it in the ledger.Then he stretched out his hand: "What about the rest of the money? My portable financial system helps you control it."

"Give it to her! Your sister wants to be your housekeeper, let her experience it." Tang Dahai urged.

The corner of Mr. Tang's mouth grinned, there was bitterness, cynicism, and more powerlessness.Money touches people's hearts. 1000 to two million is not cheap after seeing through the family relationship, but it is worth it!

"Wow", a bunch of keys were thrown on the mahjong table.

"I have a safe in the car, you can handle it yourself!"

Mr. Tang said this with anger.It was supposed to be a good year.The atmosphere became weird.How can there be someone who pays every penny during the Chinese New Year and brings a financial officer?
Tang Yuan picked up the key, and Jin Chan smiled and said, "From today onwards, my daughter will be his brother's financial officer. The personal butler. Tang Chen! You must give your sister absolute trust!"

"Yeah! Come on! Play mahjong!"

Mr. Tang stirred up the atmosphere again, Bai Lang and Tang Shuang responded positively, and there was another commotion in the house.The atmosphere of the New Year seems to be rekindled.

Martial God Tang Chen sighed in the void.

Mr. Tang, like him, has weaknesses that are difficult to overcome.That is too much attention to the scene.

Jin Chan and Tang Yuan also had a thorough understanding of this point, so they carried out targeted coercion.

Tang Yuan screened Tang Chen's keys one by one. As a result, she found that there were many keys, but she couldn't find the corresponding ones, so she asked Captain Zhang.Captain Zhang replied that it should be the key to the safe of Tangmen Headquarters in Beijing.

Tang Yuan made a backup decisively.And resolutely control this bunch of keys firmly in hand.Even on the third day of the Lunar New Year, I couldn't wait to fly to the capital.Finally understand the sharing of all keys.Not only that, she also got the... source code of the Tangmen website!

The Spring Festival has just passed.Jin Chan and Tang Dahai accompanied the tossing Tang Yuan into the palace.Ask Tang Chen to transfer half of the shares to Tang Yuan.

Mr. Tang refused!
Without Mr. Tang's signature, some shares could not be transferred to Tang Yuan.

In this way, under the confrontation of Jin Chan, Mr. Tang and Tang Yuan formally fought.Sibling estrangement.

Tang Yuan simply stayed at Tangmen Company and took the opportunity to use her identity to wander around in various departments of the company.After mastering many secrets of Tangmen Company, she set up another hill two months later and copied Tangmen's model on a large scale. With the support of Tangmen's original high-ranking officials, she successfully diverted Tangmen's market share.

Mr. Tang was also kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and he didn't have the heart to kill Tang Yuan.More importantly, every time Tang Chen concocted a counterattack and just carried it out, Jin Chan and Tang Dahai would inevitably go to Beijing to make a fuss.Order Tang Chen to let Tang Yuan go.

During the past year, Tang Chen's physical and mental health had been haggard, his career had been impacted, and what made him even more uncomfortable was the continuous harm of Tang Yuan and Jin Chan.This is at the heart level.It seriously affected Tang Chen's mood.

Twelve months a year passed quickly.It's New Year's Eve again.

Bai Lang and Tang Shuang had already called to discuss plans for the New Year.Tang Shuang even invited everyone to celebrate the New Year in his city.

Therefore, the problem of family gatherings during the Chinese New Year cannot be avoided.Mr. Tang couldn't bear others to see Tang Dahai's line of jokes.Called Tang Yuan's phone number.

"Sister! It's Chinese New Year, let's go back to Sanjiao Town!"

"I didn't make any money this year! I was kicked out of Tangmen Company by you. I have no money!" Tang Yuan was smiling on the other end of the phone, but she seemed very depressed when she spoke.

"You don't need to spend money! You can just bring your mouth back." Mr. Tang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

On the other end of the phone, Tang Yuan's face became sinister, and she dialed the phone: "Everyone in the technical department listens to the order! Prepare for the Anshi Rebellion!"

She controlled the source code of Tang Chen's Tangmen Company.She decided to deal the most fatal blow to his brother during the Lunar New Year days!
Martial God Tang Chen understood all of this, and Emperor Wu Qi Yu suggested that Tang Chen tell Mr. Tang.

Tang Chen shook his head: "This is a battle between ordinary people. We cannot interfere with the rules of the universe."

The e-commerce traffic during the Spring Festival is astonishing, but the Tangmen e-commerce platform has a lot of weird jumps.Once the user clicks to log in, they automatically log in to a large number of unknown small websites.

However, the customer's complaint cannot be known to Mr. Tang.Because the people around Mr. Tang were all bribed.

(End of this chapter)

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