Shushan Wushen

Chapter 659 Changing Customs and Customs

Chapter 659 Changing Customs and Customs

Mr. Tang stepped on the brake subconsciously.

"One hundred thousand?...Okay! I will prepare the money."

When it comes to money, he has a headache.Tangmen Company went bankrupt, and he repaid the bank loan and settled the supplier's debt. In fact, he didn't have much money left.He even wanted to find a job to work safely.

He, Tang, always dropped out of college to start a business, and his actual diploma is only a high school degree.Who will use him?
More importantly, he, Tang, is always a big crocodile of the generation. With the existence of the business giants in the past, would he be willing to live under others?If you go to someone else's company and get their company's resources, it's hard to guarantee that you won't take the opportunity to make a comeback.

Who will breed tigers?

You can only rely on yourself to be a man.Relying on himself is Mr. Tang's only way out.

Tang Haishen added: "The 30 is the operation fee, as well as postoperative chemotherapy and hospitalization expenses. At least [-]."

Mr. Tang's scalp was numb.He really was spending two halves of every penny, even when the car had to be driven, he was willing to refuel and drive on the road.Not even insurance.He wants to save every penny to start a business.

That's good!With Tang Dahai's indifferent words, 30 yuan will be settled.

Mr. Tang plucked up his courage: "Dad! Haven't you saved some money over the years?"

Tang Dahai sighed: "What kind of money is making money? I am busy all year long, and the money I earn is all on the goods. When the season is over, I have to sell the goods. They are all at a loss. If the sale is expensive in advance, then the customer is one One of them came back to return the goods. It’s annoying. There are fewer and fewer people shopping in physical stores. Alas! It’s all because of this e-commerce platform you set up.”

"The e-commerce business you run is robbing us of business! The money you earn is immoral!" Jin Chan resented and cursed viciously.

Mr. Tang shook his head, "Business needs to be upgraded. If you can't keep up with the format, you can't complain about e-commerce. Listen to me earlier, switch from offline to online, and guide the customer group to shop online. Isn't there nothing like that?"

"Bah!" Tang Dahai spat at Mr. Tang severely.

Jin Chan said angrily: "We spent money to buy a warehouse! We bought a storefront and hired a designer to renovate it. How much money did we invest in? If you just say a word and sell online, you don't care about these investments? Besides, those customers are our little ones. Are cats and puppies so obedient? Besides, cats and puppies are not so obedient! Do whatever you ask them to do?"

"Calm down! Calm down! I'm driving."

Mr. Tang resolutely calmed down the matter.Tang Dahai helped Jin Chan smooth her chest, and scolded Mr. Tang: "Look at you, you're so mad! You're really promising!"

Mr. Tang sighed silently.

Yading Hotel, this is a seven-star super luxury hotel.

Tang Yuan's fiancé's family had already been waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

"Here comes my in-laws! Hahaha, this is..., this is Xiao Fang's uncle, Mr. Tang Chen, the boss of Tangmen Group!"

Xiao Fang is Tang Yuan's fiancé, Mr. Tang has met him a few times.He is relatively down-to-earth, a grassroots military officer of the empire.

Xiao Fang's parents are warm and polite.

Mr. Tang shook hands with Xiao Fang's parents, and said: "The Tangmen Group is in the past tense! Now my little sister is doing better than me."

"Stop talking, let's go in and take a seat! Let's talk while eating!" Xiao Fang's father, changing the subject, greeted him attentively.

At the banquet, the Xiao family served wine and vegetables generously.The host and guest had a good time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Xiao Fang's mother threw bricks at her and said, "These two children get along very well. As for Tang Yuan, we also like Tang Yuan very much. So, as parents, let's move forward with this matter. We have to get married sooner or later!"

"That's it! That's it!" Tang Dahai and Jin Chan nodded.

Xiao Fang's father picked up the words and said, "As for my family, in terms of conditions, it can't compare with your Tang family. Fortunately, my son is up-to-date, has a decent job, and eats royal food. However, we are only one child. You see, the in-laws have If you need our cooperation, just ask for anything!"

What Xiao Fang's parents said was obviously tentative.Said carefully.Be extremely cautious.

The intention is obvious; less dowry!Our conditions are not good, and there are too many betrothal gifts, and my Xiao family can't afford them!
Tang Dahai waved his hand, but Jin Chan was the first to speak: "Don't worry about the in-laws! You can make arrangements for the wedding according to the situation. We have no objection!"

The scene became cold at once.The most difficult thing in the world is the word "casual".It's easy to say, but it's full of flaws!
Xiao Fang's parents looked at each other, and finally Xiao Fang's father asked in consideration.

"The dowry..."

Tang Dahai waved his hand: "No! No bride price! We are not selling girls!"

This sentence shocked everyone.

Tang Chen revealed his shocked eyes, and the Xiao family members, including some elders accompanying them, looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously.

"Isn't there something wrong with this girl? Why doesn't the Tang family dare to accept the bride price?"

"Isn't it because of Xiao Fang's status as a food eater, Xiao Fang is the deputy platoon leader...!"

"I see! Xiao Fang must eat this silly girl to death...!"

The seven aunts and the eight aunts whispered in private, and the corners of their eyes looked at the four members of the Tang family with flickering sarcasm.

Tang Chen sighed, this scene is an elder's discussion, he has no right to intervene.

However, he had to say, he sat back straight, and said solemnly: "My parents mean that Tang Yuan and Xiao Fang are here, and the bride price is just a formality. Besides, the bride price is sent to the Tang family, isn't it? Turning it into a dowry, you have to return it to Tang Yuan and Xiao Fang! Things don't follow your heart, and Xiao Fang and Tang Yuan don't care about it. Why don't you choose something yourself? They discuss it with each other and sell it to a new house. Yes! Besides—”

Jin Chan stood up in a huff, "Besides, this is the only younger sister in my family, Tang Chen. He is a good-looking person. Every year during the Chinese New Year, those old people in our Sanjiao Town, he will give out money in bundles! Tang Yuan Marriage, it’s okay for him to cover everything! Right, Tang Chen!”

"...Eh?" Mr. Tang couldn't help it in an instant.

Looking around at the pairs of eyes around him, feeling the bright eyes, he felt that the whole world was slowly treating him maliciously.

At this moment, he felt a collapse he had never had before.

Forced to pull himself together, Mr. Tang forced a smile: "Mother is joking. How could Tang Yuan let her brother book the wedding? Besides, even if I agreed, Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao didn't agree. This is a matter of the Xiao family after all! "

"Change the customs! We have no objection! No objection! We are all old brains! It's still the in-laws who are well-informed and so enlightened. Come on! Father-in-law, mother-in-law, let's have a drink!"

Xiao Fang's father, with a smile on his face, helped Tang Dahai pour the wine with his own hands, reaching over the wine glass and clinking it lightly.After taking a sip, the smile on his face was like a flower, very happy.

"Brother loves me the most." Tang Yuan wanted to roast Tang Chen again, and sincerely paid Mr. Tang for money.

"My brother helped me manage my wedding, but you still don't respect your uncle!"

Xiao Fang got orders, holding cups in both hands in a panic, and approaching Mr. Tang: "Brother! I heard that Tang Yuan was raised by you alone. She suffered a lot and suffered a lot of grievances. The relationship between your brothers and sisters So deep. Tang Yuan and I keep it in our hearts. From now on, the three of us will be in the same boat, with one heart! This glass of wine, I respect you! Do it first and respect it!"

"Chi slip...!"

Xiao Fang raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, and solemnly turned the wine glass upside down, indicating that there was no drop left.

Mr. Tang waved his hand, "Brother! I'm driving, I don't drink. Just keep in mind. A family doesn't talk about two families. The words are in the heart, not in the wine."

Xiao Fang gave an inscrutable smile, stood up straight, and said in a low voice, "Come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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