Shushan Wushen

Chapter 660 Video Incident

Chapter 660 Video Incident


Sure enough, after drinking this glass of wine, the battle of wheels began.

After the second uncle, there is the third uncle, and after the third uncle, there is the old uncle.Uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, old uncles are all here!

Martial God Tang Chen hid in the void, curled his lips and smiled, he can help with this matter.A divine power enveloped Mr. Tang.

All that alcohol evaporated!Mr. Tang suddenly became clear.Even the heat and discomfort in my heart for the past few days have all disappeared.

This is the power of God!

Martial God Tang Chen quietly told Mr. Tang: "Drink! Keep you safe!"

Mr. Tang's eyes lit up immediately, Xiao Fang's family took turns to attack, and he would not refuse anyone who came, and took the initiative to attack, and they all responded with three cups.

In the end, Mr. Tang got everyone drunk under the table...

Looking at the empty wine bottles all over the room, Mr. Tang felt lost, the Xiao family is a dimple!It's really drinkable.

Xiao Fang's little uncle was the worst victimized by Mr. Tang. He was so drunk that he lost consciousness and told the truth: "The task Tang Yuan entrusted to us is to let you guarantee that all the wedding expenses will be paid by you... ...Your Tang family is really amazing...!"

Like five thunderbolts, Mr. Tang's face turned pale, and he looked at Tang Yuan who was supporting Xiao Fang on the table.Asked lightly: "Tang Yuan! Why? Don't you know that I'm out of money? Don't you know my current situation? In the past three years I—"

Tang Yuan roared: "Li Ding, Zhang Yong! My brother drank too much, send him back."

Martial God Tang Chen sighed.Looking at Mr. Tang who was carried away by two sergeants, he felt very sad.

The next morning, when Mr. Tang opened his eyes.Tang Dahai and Jin Chan were guarding his bedside.

"Father! Mother! Good morning!"

Tang Dahai's face was gloomy: "I don't drink too much! It's as if I've never drank. Why did I drink so much! Do you know how embarrassing you are?"

Jin Chan ruthlessly poked Mr. Tang's forehead: "Yesterday you said that you will bear all the expenses of Tang Yuan's wedding! You are responsible! You are good enough for your sister. What about the money? Why don't you hurry up and give it to me?" Send it to your sister?!"

Mr. Tang shook his head and shook his head vigorously, "No no! I never said that! Besides, I didn't drink too much. I would never say that. I admit what I said, and I If I didn't say it, I will never admit it!"

Say it!Mr. Tang got up and got out of bed.

Tang Dahai's big slap came over, and Mr. Tang was slapped on the bed with a slap.

"Bastard! A man! You don't admit what you said?"

"Shame on the Tang family! Bah!" Jin Chan made up the knife viciously.

Mr. Tang touched his hot cheeks, and was immediately stunned.

"Did I say it? God! Please tell me!"

Martial God Tang Chen saw that Mr. Tang's eyes were scattered and infinitely confused, he waved his hand from the void and threw out a mobile phone.There are all videos of yesterday's banquet.And told Mr. Tang: "You never said that!"

Mr. Tang immediately gained confidence and raised his mobile phone: "Yesterday's full-length video is here! You can watch it for yourself! I will do what I said. If I didn't say it, don't make trouble!"

"Do you still dare to slander people? Keep back? You have used all your scheming at home! Otherwise, your business will not be lost!"

Jin Chan scolded Mr. Tang angrily, making trouble out of nothing.

Tang Dahai pressed the video to play, watched and listened carefully.

"What a last glass of wine! It's unlucky. The book is for nothing! The business is for nothing!"

Mr. Tang pursed his lips bitterly, frowned, rushed out of the room, and went to the bathroom to wash up.But he saw Tang Yuan and Xiao Fang sitting on the sofa.

"elder brother……."

Xiao Fang stood up, swaying and his face was sallow.Clearly hungover.

"Well, sit down!"

Entering the door is a guest, Mr. Tang still has a good impression of Xiao Fang.He waved his hand and greeted him.

"Brother..., thank you! But I'm still... a little embarrassed——."

Xiao Fang raised his hand and scratched his head.

"What's the matter?"

Mr. Tang was startled and listened to the following.

Tang Yuan pulled Xiao Fang, "Sit down! Don't be embarrassed, my brother wants to save face, and he has many friends in the business world, he can handle it for us, and he can collect a lot of gifts. He makes money! "

"What? Tang Yuan, what are you talking about?"

Mr. Tang was a little sullen, he understood what Tang Yuan meant.

At this time, the room "boom!"

Mr. Tang quickly stepped into the room, and Martial God Tang Chen sighed in the void, and with a wave of his hand, made another copy of the mirror image from last night's banquet and threw it into the painting environment, and took out a mobile phone.

Jin Chan roared and rushed towards Mr. Tang: "Speak up! You have a red mouth and white teeth, what else can you say?"

"What?" Mr. Tang looked confused, staring blankly at the torn cellphone on the ground.

Tang Dahai stared at Mr. Tang coldly: "What else do you have to say this time?"

"What can I say? I didn't drink too much! You guys have watched the video..."

Jin Chan said angrily: "But, you said it in the video! You patted your chest to assure the ticket, you said that you have many friends, they are all business elites, and they are very rich!"

Tang Dahai sighed deeply, angrily staring at Mr. Tang like a raging old cow.

Mr. Tang was in a mess for a moment.In my memory of the banquet last night, my language was very cautious.Such abrupt words are not in line with his personality, let alone what he can do with his current financial resources and social influence.

Martial God Tang Chen appeared, deliberately set so that only Mr. Tang could see it.He handed Mr. Tang his mobile phone again.

"You never said that! That's just evidence of destruction!"

Mr. Tang regained his confidence, pretended to grope in his pajama pants, and took out another mobile phone. This time he learned his lesson.

"You guys think I drank too much yesterday. Huh! And you think I just woke up and didn't get a chance to watch last night's video, right? Come on, watch the TV picture! It's clearer!"

During the time he was talking, Mr. Tang had already connected his mobile phone to the TV.

On the TV screen, it was the banquet scene last night.Mr. Tang's TV was ordered by the manufacturer before it fell into disrepair. The picture is very large, clear and delicate.The sound was restored very realistically, as if it was repeated last night.

In front of the video, Tang Dahai, Jin Chan, and Tang Yuan lowered their heads one after another. Xiao Fang went in without knowing it, and looked at the video seriously, occasionally giggling.

"If I really drank too much yesterday, wouldn't I be ashamed? My family, why bother?"

After leaving a word, Mr. Tang shook his head and got into the bathroom.

"Don't look! Let's go. You haven't eaten breakfast yet, let's go drink soybean juice!"

Tang Yuan dragged Xiao Fang away in a hurry.

Tang Dahai and Jin Chan looked at each other, then pulled out the mobile phone, pushed open the window, and threw it out of the window with a "whoosh".

Martial god Tang Chen sincerely disgusted Tang Dahai and Jin Chan, his mobile phone flew in the air, bang!Hit on a branch, whoosh!It bounced back again.

The moment Jin Chan closed the window, the phone changed direction miraculously, sa!Shengsheng got into the living room.

At the same time, Martial God Tang Chen waved his hand, and Mr. Tang, who was brushing his teeth, suddenly appeared in the living room.


When Jin Chan turned her head and saw Mr. Tang, she screamed out of guilt and fell with her head up.

"Your mother is sick! Why are you scaring her?"

Tang Dahai pushed Mr. Tang down and helped Jin Chan up.

Jin Chan was lying in Tang Dahai's arms, looking at the mobile phone on the sofa in front of her, she didn't know what she was thinking, but said in a very weak tone: "I'm afraid I can't do it! I'm going to have an operation! Tang Chen, hurry up I will take 30..."

"Gah..." Mr. Tang trembled and crushed the toothbrush.

(End of this chapter)

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