Shushan Wushen

Chapter 669 Official Worship Canopy

Chapter 669 Official Worship Canopy


Nuwa was very curious, so she secretly pinched a few clay figurines and left them beside the teleportation array.In time, when she comes back and asks about these common customs, she will know.

Suddenly!There are thousands of lotus flowers in the distance, and the auspicious fog protects the layers.A star glowed darkly.Brilliant and amazing, with extraordinary momentum.

The gods looked up into the distance.With erratic movements, Qi Qi jumped forward.

"It's no wonder! There will always be strange treasures in the starry sky when there are great changes!"

Raising eyebrows, on the contrary, walked behind Yuan Ji calmly.Talking about a painless little knock.

For fear of disturbing the fetish, the gods approached the obsidian-like stars and tiptoed to check carefully.

Divine consciousness swept over.Tang Chen's thoughts were also swept away.

A lively little pig is sleeping soundly with its arms around a rake.

Yuanji was dressed in cassock, with extraordinary temperament.The injured hand curled up in front of his chest, and he said leisurely: "This star is like a nest, and there are layers of weathered low mountains. It really looks like the Buddha's Great Buddha Pagoda!"

"... Hiss! Oops!" Raising his eyebrows, he couldn't help stroking his eyebrows.

"I use a refining furnace to make crispy roast pigs! The three of us have a drink." Chi Di raised his eyebrows and reached out to pat Yuan Ji's family.

"Amitabha! The wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Lord Buddha will keep it in his heart!" The corner of Yuanji's mouth twitched.This product does not eat meat.

Just as he raised his eyebrows to stop him, the Red Emperor had already scrambled past him.

"What are you doing?" Little Pig woke up with a start. 'Pu Leng' has big ears, shaking vigilantly, "What are you doing!"

"Roasted suckling pig is my favorite food!" Chi Di raised his sledgehammer and hit the little pig with fiery eyes.

The little pig let out a breath.

"Oops!" Chidi screamed, his hair visibly thinned, his hairline moved back, and dense age spots appeared, "Bada!" Two teeth in his mouth were kept as a souvenir, and the rest were all aging and falling off.

"My stomach!" Chidi's muscles were slack, and he could no longer hold the sledgehammer.Stepped back, only to find that it was already a big belly...

"...Hiss! The power of time!"

"Woo! Wow, woof, woof..."

A snow-white puppy, barking wildly, rushed out of the stars suddenly, the Red Emperor and the gods were unprepared, and was accidentally bitten bloody.

"There are secret whistles?" Yuan Ji's background is also considered military, so he immediately understood!
The little pig is luring the enemy to go deep.This little white dog is the ultimate move.

"You know the art of war!" He raised his eyebrows and his eyes were burning.

The saddest reminder is Chidi, not to mention his aging body, and his foot was bitten by a puppy, bleeding dripping with blood.

"Bah, bah, bah! It stinks! It stinks! Bark, woof, woof...!" The little white dog barked wildly, its silver teeth were bloody, and it was ferocious and terrifying.But it's hard to hate.

So cute!

Tang Chen scanned the little white dog with his thoughts, and found that the little white dog had the same strong breath of time as the little chubby pig.

"This is a natural god! Listen to my orders, and the gods will retreat!" Raising eyebrows to act as the leader, he waved his big hand to give orders.

The gods were already hesitant, and raising their eyebrows was just adding fuel to the flames.

However, raising his eyebrows imperceptibly confirmed the identity of the leader.Because no matter who, once retreating, it is tantamount to admitting to accept the command of raising eyebrows.

The gods surrendered and raised their eyebrows in this way.

Looking back, the little pig is carrying a rake, followed by the little white dog hidden in the shadow of the pig, leaping out of the nest.

"I'm Master Martial God! This is my little brother Snow Mastiff! You offended me Xingchen for no reason. It's really disgusting to disturb my sleep!"

"Disturbing people's dreams! Bow, woof, woof...!"

Raising his eyebrows and eyes, he glanced at the gods beside him, smiled secretly, took two steps forward, and cupped his hands: "I'm really sorry for disturbing the great god to rest. Please forgive me!"

"We're not great gods! We're warrior gods!" Xiaozhu Zhanran was very upright.The appearance of not being attached to fame and fortune.

"Woof, woof, woof... I—I am a master!" The little white dog was very selfish.

Brother quarrel?Looking for something different?That's easy!
Raising his eyebrows with joy, he coaxed: "I have heard that the snow mastiff has strong power of time. I, Pangu God Realm, need a time priest beast, so I came here to pick you up. How about following the gods and returning to the God Realm at this time?"

What he said was very skillful, as if it was Snow Mastiff's natural mission to serve as a priest of time.Whether it was the words 'Pangu God Realm' or 'receiving', they all shocked the head of the snow mastiff.

"Woof, woof, woof...! Then what do you think I should do?" The dog's head is a dog's head, and he decisively asked about his wealth and life... raising his eyebrows.

He raised his eyebrows and was overjoyed, and ordered: "The Red Emperor listens to the order, immediately build a portal, and send the Snow Mastiff God, as the new time god beast!"

Chidi was a little hesitant, and Yuan Ji reminded in a low voice: "Close the door and beat the dog!"

"Oh~!" Chi Di understood instantly.Bringing the snow mastiff into Pan Gu world, and dealing with a little white dog in his own territory, that's not how he wants to be ravaged, he can be ravaged!

While the Red Emperor was sweating profusely to build the portal, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Liu Ding Liu Jia, 28 Mansions, you, headed by Uri Xingguan, escorted the Snow Mastiff Time Priest Beast back to the Pangu God Realm, and drafted the draft regulations for the years!"


These little gods have already been subdued by raising their eyebrows.I understand that this is called an escort, but in fact it is an escort with many people bullying few people.

Snow Mastiff didn't know what it was, and got lost in Uori Xingguan's smile.He stood up and shook hands with these forty little gods one by one.On the contrary, Xiaozhu Zanran was left out in the cold.

The little pig has a dejected look on his face, and he is obedient and hunched over. The betrayal of his younger brother makes this little pig a little suspicious of Zhu Sheng.Faith has collapsed.

Not long after, Chidi built a portal with hatred.

This portal is a spiral structure stacked on top of each other. It would be more appropriate to call it a 'bundle'.

Raising eyebrows and walking over, I wanted to write with a pen myself: Great Buddha Pagoda!
Considering that this shape is a little dirty, he put away his pen and asked: "Snow Mastiff, Snow Mastiff, why not call it Wuchao! It's a homonym!"

The Snow Mastiff was very unjust, shaking his head and tail, and lolling his tongue: "I used to be a little brother, but now I have become a great god. From black to white! This is whitewashing! Bow woof woof...!"

Raising eyebrows and eye corners to peep at the little pig.With a wave of his hand, he gestured to Uori Xingguan.

Peng ~!

With a flash of light, the portal opened, and the space was turbulent. After a while, it was as if the muddy lime water became clear, and the Pangu Heaven and Earth seemed to be in sight.

Uri Xingguan leaned over and put a chain on the little white dog: "For the first time teleportation, the space channel may be unstable, I will add a protective gear for you..."

"Thank you! I thought it was a dog's chain!" The little white dog thanked politely.

Chaos is pervasive, and in a moment, the smoke and mist disappears here, six Ding Liujia, 28 small gods disappear.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiaozhu Ranran: "The largest river in Pangu Heaven and Earth is called the Tongtian River. I think you are quite capable, and you are still above the snow mastiff. Why don't you just confer a god on this and become a marshal of Tianhe, and the official canopy !how?"

The scale of the acquisition has become significantly larger this time.

"No! I want to be a time priest!"

Little Pig's eyes were bright and firm.As if feeling that he lacked confidence, he raised his hand and ate the nine-toothed rake.

"Pig head!"

The gods all came up with this idea.Gone in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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