Shushan Wushen

Chapter 670 The Gods Make Dumplings

Chapter 670 The Gods Make Dumplings

Raising his eyebrows, he turned his head to look at the gods who were going away, and said to Chidi, "Go and go with Tathagata first, and I will have a few words with God Renran."

Send away the Red Emperor.It is not easy to stay in death.He also left with Chidi.

Wherever Tang Chen's thoughts passed, the sun shone on Yang Mei, and also on Xiaozhu Renran.

"Pangu Heaven and Earth already has a time priest beast. However, I think you are a happy and carefree Sanxian with your temperament. Live transparently!"

The little pig swayed impatiently with its big ears and pouted its small nose, revealing two holes.

He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Well, I have a universe, and you can serve as a time priest."

"Where?" Xiaozhu Renran was just annoyed with his little brother Xue Mastiff.

Raising his eyebrows, tearing open the void, he made a gesture of invitation: "Xiaoyao Universe!"

He said again: "The power of time, please fully absorb and refine it! What I need is the evergreen tree of life! The flower of youth will bloom forever!!"

"No problem! I'm good at this!"

The little pig flashed away, "Whoosh!" and disappeared.

"Hahahaha...! My head is guaranteed not to rot! My heart is at peace! No worries anymore!"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, and swaggered away.

Everyone has selfish intentions, he raised his eyebrows, and wanted to replace Pangu's original star with a cool star, so that he would obtain eternal life in another form.Time is always there, and time takes away the fleeting years without taking away a trace of vitality.Then his Tang Yangmeihuaxing head will last forever!
At this time, Tang Yangmei could sense that there were two little guys stirring up the wind and water in the cool star and establishing order.A man named Liu Jinduo established an organization called [Jinduo Empire].A man named Tang Chen got a bunch of beauties, gave birth to a bunch of children, and founded Shushan Tangmen...

Tang Yangmei felt very funny and had a sense of accomplishment. "The universe belongs to you. You belong to me. But in the final analysis, you belong, and you can live for a long time. As long as my head is still there...! The time cleric beast, piggy, is taking care of it, and professionals are taking care of it... so how could it be?" No more heads?"

Yangmei got this opportunity, great luck.Taishang Laojun is no exception.

In the Huangfeng Cave of Huangfengling, the Red Emperor sweated profusely and built a portal.The Taishang Laojun here discovered [Void Yellow Wind Grass]!
This is a more miraculous herb than [Void Black Wind Grass]!Belongs to the evolutionary species.And there are quite a few of them.Except for one plant that has [grass pet] and cannot be used medicinally.There are three more!
Lao Shang Laojun was ecstatic about it.Pick the medicinal materials and dry them for storage.When he was happy, he took out a medicine gourd and gave away the golden pill with unprecedented generosity.

The golden elixir was very extraordinary, Tang Chen swept across it with his thoughts, and felt that the entire Eye of Shushan was shaken violently.He also regained much clarity.

"Ah? I turned into the sun, illuminating the vastness? All the stars in the sky are bathed in my brilliance, all things are revived because of me, and all spirits rise up by refining the breath of Shushan I spread...!"

Tang Chen finally reflected on himself, and his thoughts covered the eyes of Shushan.

This big-eyed Liuyan flame became more majestic, dazzling, and extremely gorgeous.Guiguzi's divine body has turned into a star core.In Guiguzi's dantian, the original stars degenerate into a cyclone, this is a strange wind!

The wind is sentimental, and it turns into a coffin, paying homage to its owner—Guiguzi.

Tang Chen's Nianli turned into a handsome young man, walking on the sun.Wherever it passed, the Liuyan flame receded, revealing Guiguzi's skeleton.

"Immortal Master..."

Tang Chen recounted the past with Guiguzi in detail, and he was very sad.Apart from being strict, the old man treated him with respect.And all this could not reveal the kindness of the elders.Both a teacher and a friend, like a father, like an elder brother!
I don't know how much time has passed, Tang Chen just walked slowly in the sun, thinking about sentient beings in bursts of nostalgia.

In the confusion, raised his eyebrows and led the gods to open up a chaotic star road, one after another, connecting the Pangu world. Later, the Red Emperor learned to be smart, and he didn't want to spend any more effort to build a large teleportation array and set up a teleportation gate. Started to build the altar, and made the teleportation array into a simple altar by connecting a portal here.

The altar meandered all the way, and finally arrived at the Colorful Continent.


The gods got excited and rushed to the Colorful Continent, and were instantly stunned.The development of civilization here is far stronger than that of Pan Gu Tiandi.

If, as Yang Mei said, Pangu Heaven and Earth could become the God Realm, then the Colorful Continent would be a fairyland!

The spiritual energy here is solidified on the surface of the stars in the form of glass, and the spiritual energy turns into water, and the waves are vast and surging.The beasts here are born with extraordinary intelligence, and the Valkyries here are simple, simple and hospitable.

Chen Laogou, Li Yiqi, Qi Yu, Han Xiangyi, Chen Ye, Lin Jingran, Bai Lang, Tang Shuang and other super gods are powerful in battle, and more importantly, they are very pure in their understanding of realm.The jade is flawless.This is the real Valkyrie!They are extremely enthusiastic about Yangmei and Taishang Laojun who came from afar.Great help was given.

Only passed away, very upset.He didn't expect that after walking around, he returned to the Colorful Continent.No harm without contrast, though.The civilization process of the Colorful Continent is really developing at an outrageous speed.

Raising eyebrows, he said privately to the gods: "Our linear development starry sky strategy is complete! Perfect!"

"People move to live, trees move to die! Gods are the same!" Nvwa echoed while pinching the little clay figurine with spiritual clay from the Colorful Continent.

The Martial Gods of the Colorful Continent and the Martial Gods of Pangu Heaven and Earth get along very harmoniously.Singing and laughing, we often get together to chop meat, roll skins, and make dumplings.

Yangmei and other gods are very fond of the food of the Colorful Continent.

"The dumplings are delicious! The fillings of the dumplings are varied. Exotic flowers and herbs, great medicines from heaven and earth, the flesh and blood of sacred beasts and beasts, you can catch them all in one go. No waste, no extravagance! It really can be called..."


The void in the Colorful Continent trembled, and an indescribably icy breath descended instantly!
"Snow? It turned out to be snowflakes!'s snowing!" Qi Yu and Li Yiqi cheered.Those who awakened in Mount Shu have never seen a lovely snowflake in countless years!
The snowflakes are crystal clear, gracefully rotating, and the spiritual energy of the colorful continent is surging, and the snowflakes absorb it wantonly, 咻~咻咻咻.......

Yangmei and other gods have never seen snow.Be alert.

"Where did this strange thing come from? How can it be murderous?"

"Murderous? What are you thinking... Hehe——"

Jiang Xueting hadn't finished speaking, whoosh!
A snowflake changed direction, brushed Jiang Xueting's throat and flew across the air——.

Jiang Xueting ignored the coolness, and looked at Old Dog Chen with a look of shock on her face.There was a line of blood on Chen Laogou's throat, and then the blood line gradually oozes blood.In the end, Chen Laogou fell silently.

At the throat, there was a hideous wound like flaming red lips, and the red blood flowed loudly.


The Martial Gods of Colorful Continent and Pan Gu Tiandi all exclaimed, Boom!Boom boom boom!Unleash the divine bodyguard.

"This is here to kill us! Be careful! Be careful!"

All the Valkyries are roaring.Seeing that the situation is not good after passing away, whoosh!Shrinking his head and moving his thoughts, the brocade cassock in the form of stars wrapped up the death like a cocoon.

Fluttering ~~~~.

A primordial peacock flew by..., panicked and hungry, and swallowed Yuan Ji and his cassock in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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