Shushan Wushen

Chapter 691 Hitting the Great Rhyme

Chapter 691 Hitting the Great Rhyme

"Where is the pure land? Ke Anyi's great soul?"

Tang Chen simply opened up a pure land!
This is an independent plane.What the heart relies on actually created the primordial age of the gods and beasts.

At this time, the human race has just evolved from the spirits.Very weak.Like a young grass by the roadside in a rainstorm.May be ravaged out of grass pulp at any time.

This plane of gods and beasts is full of beasts, and it is the world of gods and demons. A five-clawed golden dragon is the number one overlord of this plane.The sacred loli dragon, the starry sky beauty wolf, the bird phoenix, the fragrant toad, the red-sleeved lion, the goddess female turtle, the red police flower tiger, the stunning mermaid, and the fragrant red luan are all the confidante of this golden dragon.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons.

Prisoner Niu, Yazi, Xiaofeng, Taotie, Jinni, Baxia, Jiaotu, Biyan, Chiwen, Suanni.In the name of his father, he roamed the rivers and lakes.

"Tang Yangmei, you can reopen Shushan here!"

Tang Chen threw Tang Yangmei into a human tribe, and with a word of advice, he left gracefully.

In the trial of [Seeing Myself], Tang Chen had been instructed by Tang Yangmei.This is Tang Chen's karmic repayment to Tang Yangmei in this life.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows to receive Tang Chen's great favor, and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you, Master Zijin Xingchen, for fulfilling my life. I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Tang Chen smiled and nodded.Suddenly, Tang Chen quietly turned around, his eyes sharp.

Tang Yang raised his eyebrows in shock.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and countless bright treasures flew like flowers.A supernatural five-clawed golden dragon came through the sky.

The five-clawed golden dragon came very urgently, its scales opened and closed, and the sound of piercing the sky was extremely pleasant.Only the word sounds of nature can describe it.

"See the Lord God!"

The five-clawed golden dragon fell to the ground with a bang, respectfully transformed into a human form, and paid homage.

Tang Chen was startled.

"Thanks to Lord Lord God's enlightenment that day. I was guided to practice again. Great kindness and great virtue, the family of five-clawed golden dragons, I will never forget it!"

Before Tang Chen could speak, the five-clawed golden dragon stood up by himself, and stood meekly beside Tang Chen.

He asked in a low voice, "God Qi Yu is well? Why don't you see the God of Cars?"

Tang Chen suddenly realized, and took a breath.

"Are you... ah?"

The words almost blurted out.Tang Chen was shocked.He thought that the five-clawed golden dragon had already been refined into the [Eye of Shushan Mountain], and it was taken away by the [Zijin Sequence List] of Zijinlou Cambridge Master.

"The main god appeared in Hongmeng Tiandi, another trial?"

The five-clawed golden dragon asked tentatively.

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Yang's eyebrows, and said seriously: "This time I came to protect him."

"Leave it to me! This Hongmeng world is the world of my dragon clan. My nine wives and ten sons have nothing to do, so I should do my best to protect the human race!"

Tang Chen was a little guilty. He had seen all the humanoid bodies of the sacred loli dragon, starry sky beauty wolf, bird phoenix, Tianxiang toad, red-sleeved lion, goddess female turtle, red police flower tiger, beautiful mermaid, and fragrant red luan. .

The five-clawed golden dragon didn't take it seriously, and still finished speaking on its own, and asked for Tang Chen's opinion.

Tang Chen nodded, expressing his consent.

"You can protect the human race, but don't confine it. The human race needs to survive, develop, and finally control the progress of civilization. Dominate all spirits. Therefore, trials are needed!"

The five-clawed golden dragon bared his teeth and burst into laughter: "That's it! That's it! I know it. I think it's possible to build a big cart, so that the human elites who are trying to test can sit on the cart. I will drive the shaft to pull the cart first, and then pass it Imprisoning cattle, imprisoning cattle and driving them, this is the [Dragon's Descendants] plan! Humans can walk the rivers and lakes to test this world. Lord God, what do you think?"


Tang Chen agreed, and the five-clawed golden dragon took the order, and took Tang Yangmei to cut down trees to make a cart.

"Where is the spirit of the plane?"

Tang Chen saw the five-clawed golden dragon and Tang Yangmei leave, and called softly.

In front of Tang Chen, a handsome young man suddenly appeared.Bow to salute, and bow to the ground.Quite respectful.

"Yuan, see Master Zijin Xingchen Tiandao."

Tang Chen stared at [source], and a majestic voice sounded: "The five-clawed golden dragon has made great achievements in protecting the human race. In the future, I will take him to walk the rivers and lakes and pursue the true meaning of martial arts. What are you going to do?"

Seeing Tang Chen asking such a question, Yuan immediately understood the meaning.

"The luck of the plane is dominated by the human race. The rhythm of the heavens, the profound meaning, will be in the form of colliding with the big rhyme, giving luck and luck. It is beneficial to the amazing people of the human race to show their edge!"

Tang Chen clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Okay! What a 'bumping rhyme'! All living beings are equal. However, the equal distribution of luck is not a means to make a son of destiny after all. It's good luck! It's really a good way!"

Yuan waved his hand, and a scroll of bamboo slips appeared in each hand.

"This is the so-called destined person in "Long Wen Whip Shadow" and "Li Weng Conversation Rhyme", but a person with great opportunity. Controlling the rhythm is the kingly way of the human race."

Tang Chen said solemnly and solemnly: "That's right! Heaven and earth have rules, and the profound meaning lies in rhythm. The beauty of rhythm lies in enlightenment. Human race can only understand the true meaning of martial arts if they accept the enlightenment of rhythm, resonate with heaven and earth, and unite with heaven and man. This opportunity is extremely mysterious. It's indescribable!"

Yuan said again: "Master Zijin Xingchen Tiandao, as a spirit of the plane, I might as well incarnate as a human being. How about preaching, giving and spreading the true fruit of martial arts?"

Tang Chen smiled, and stared at Yuan inscrutablely, "Do you want to personally experience the growth process of the master of all spirits? Yes! But you must know, it is easier to know than to do!"

Yuan laughed and said nothing.He does have such ambitions.

Tang Chen's eyes were dim, and his gaze was directed towards the endless expanse, crossing latitudes and endless dimensions, staring at the cool stars of Xiaoyao Universe from afar, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Okay! Then I will grant you the qualifications to be a human being."

Tang Chen's will descended, and on this purple gold star, the rules of heaven and earth were divided.

The chaos is divided into two, and the Qing rises to the ordinary plane.The turbid one descended into the plane of gods and demons, and the dividing point in the middle was a tiger stripe, black and white, vaguely humanoid.

This tiger pattern is the plane controlled by Yuan.

"Yuan! I will build a natural star body for you, and establish a link between your physical body and the original star beyond the infinite dimension. But when you recover and embark on martial arts, it is up to you! Of course, your incarnation can be in the gods and demons. Conceived with the mortal world. I look forward to your early awakening!"

Yuan was overjoyed.Born with a star body, as long as it is awakened, it will become a god.This Zijin Xingchen Tiandao, it can be said that he did not take care of him.So, thanks again and again.

There was a faint smile on Tang Chen's face. He thought Yuan was still too superficial, and he didn't understand the meaning of "easy to do, easy to do", boom boom boom!Thought power surged out.

Tang Chen linked all the stars in the Jade Emperor God Realm and Pangu God Realm, half of the vast expanse, to [source] with the supreme technique.Yuan's will became the cool star's astral will.That is to say, if the source is promoted to a human being, then the original star in the dantian is a cool star!
(End of this chapter)

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