Shushan Wushen

Chapter 692 Protecting myself

Chapter 692 Protecting myself


Originally, this vast expanse was a land without an owner, and Yuan's request also fit Tang Chen's plan for this expansive area.

If Yuan could really awaken, incarnate as a human and cultivated to become a god, then the decay period of the chaotic stars in this vast expanse would be extended.

In other words, the chaotic universe once illuminated by the Eye of Shushan will be evolved.

Even, if the will of the stars controlled by the source can obtain the true fruit of martial arts, it will spread across the ages, reflect the heavens, and surpass the starry sky.Then this vast expanse can even obtain eternal life.

Yuan was full of confidence and chose the path of gods and demons.

In the third plane of Zijin Xingchen, it is called Ivy Star.

Time flies, under the gray sky.Many people worked tenaciously to change the destiny of themselves and their families.

After endless years, Tang Yangmei re-created Shushan.

After endless years again.

The descendants of Tang Yangmei, Tang Bolong and Tang Bohu, robbed the Liantian Town of the Kongtong Sect in the Ivy Star Kongtong Mountain, and established another branch of the Tang Sect.

This branch of Tangmen in Shushan began to affect the historical process of civilization.A man with obsidian Kuilong eyebrows, called Liu Jinduo, was helped by brothers Tang Bolong and Tang Bohu, and also selflessly aided by Tang heroes' pills, soldiers, and magic weapons. Liu Jinduo took advantage of his power to dominate the world.Created an empire.

Rename Ivy Star to...Cool Star....

Yuan finally reincarnated in a human form in the body of a young man from Shushan.

The name of the boy incarnate is Tang Chen.

Tang Chen had been observing Yuan's growth process, and was shocked when he found out that the boy was named Tang Chen.During the trial of [Seeing Myself], the various experiences he went through touched his heartstrings.

The source continues to grow….

Tang Bohu of the Tang family had selfish intentions and deprived Tang Longwang of the right to inherit the patriarch.Little Tang Chen's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.Not only was he moved out of the big house, but even the meat was hard to eat.

After all, Yuan was reincarnated with heart energy, and was born with energy.

As a result, it attracted the attention of Xianhuang Xiuxiu, who coveted this luck.

Give birth to a phoenix egg privately...


Tang Chen devoured the phoenix egg and obtained the inheritance of the Phoenix Holy Ruins. Since then, he has practiced rapidly, and his stunning beauty is beyond description.

Little Tang Chen rose from the ups and downs and regarded flesh as his life.Every time I eat meat, I think of being persecuted by my family.

As a result, little Tang Chen became violent and perverse, jealous of evil.

Little Tang Chen quickly found an excuse to "miss" and beat Tang Xiaohu.And severely injured Tang Huwang.

Tang Bohu questioned little Tang Chen.

Little Tang Chen had already set up his back, and the family had internal strife. Almost all the elders supported little Tang Chen, and expressed strong indignation and resolute condemnation against Tang Bohu who had persecuted Tang Chen who couldn't even eat meat!

This era belongs to Tang Chen!Tang Bohu has nothing to do, the big thing is over!With Tang Huwang's lineage, go far away from the martial arts league.

Reluctantly, little Tang Chen went to Wucheng, counterattacked all the way, and won the position of patriarch. Tang Yingxiong sadly withdrew from the Tang clan's power hierarchy and voluntarily became an elder, director of refining medicine and weapons.

Tang Chen took control of Mount Shu, and under his command the disciples of the Tang Sect came out in large numbers.

He saw the weakness of Jindo Empire. "Heroes, the stars of the world are the home country! We..." Tang Chen took the opportunity to incite and clamor for almost all the nobles to jointly resist Liu Jinduo's heavy taxes on the nobles, and overthrow Liu Jinduo's so-called tyranny...

The powerful force made this reincarnated Tang Chen very conceited. He married almost all the beautiful women in the cool star, and recruited all the amazing and outstanding talents in the cool star, and made a more onerous and unreasonable plan. Lost ingenious taxation....

The aristocrats on the cool star are miserable.However, at this time, Tang Chen said one by one: "It's up to you to be a man! Find a way to adapt to this society by yourself, keep pace with the times!"

The nobles were quite reticent, but they didn't dare to reveal it.For fear of being suppressed by Tang Chen.

... That Tang Chen is all-powerful.The mouthful of chivalry is the country of the world.A full stomach of male thieves and female prostitutes.Hypocritical and cunning, black-bellied and cruel.Greedy, outrageously shameless.


Zijin Xingchen, Tang Chen over here stared at Yuan playfully.

"Your reincarnated Tang Chen, when he asks others to help you, he will give you a routine of 'the great man, his family, his country, the stars of the world'. When he asks you for help, you will reply with a heartfelt, 'you depend on yourself' ...Did you do that?"

Yuan's consciousness returned, with a look of embarrassment.

"I came from the ups and downs, and almost cut off the path of seeking Tao for a lifetime. My heart is hard to smooth, so I hate evil like hatred. It really comes from the heart, but it's a bit random!"

Tang Chen said: "It's because you are a human being for the first time, you know your heart and see your nature, and point directly to your heart. This seat will give you another chance. Let you do it all over again!"

Yuan is grateful to Dade and swears in it.In this life, we must uphold the martial arts obsession.Unbiased, all the way on the right track.

After listening to Yuan's assurance, Tang Chen rolled his eyes, and a clever plan floated in his mind.

He simply released a trace of the original true spirit of life, and participated in the rebirth of reversing time and space!
Not for anything else!Isn't the name of the noble Master Zijin Xingchen Tang Chen, how could he have the heart to tarnish this name!

Therefore, Tang Chen in this life has experienced ups and downs along the way, but he has always carried out the concept of family affection first.

Family, empire, world, stars....

That Tang Chen led the partners of Tang Chen's team, smashing the rivers and lakes, and all of them became gods.It can be called absolutely stunning and eternal.

At this time, Yuan took the initiative to break away from Tang Chen's consciousness, and asked Zijin Xingchen for the way of heaven, that is, asking Tang Chen.

"Master Zijin Xingchen Tiandao! My body has already been cultivated, can you let me formally reincarnate on the plane of Zijin Xingchen?"

Tang Chen agreed to Yuan's request.When the mind came, the will of the plane controlled by Yuan turned into a ray of fetal light, born in an official family in the Ming Dynasty.

Tang Yin!

However, Tang Yin's material talent is really amazing.Even a few casual strokes are full of dao marks.Xuan Ao Wushuang, therefore, before Tang Bohu had enlightened, he aroused the spontaneous imprisonment of the rules of heaven and earth.

Tang Bohu has no sudden talent!
Later, Tang Bohu's family fell into decline.It was difficult.

Yuan found Tang Chen again, "Master Zijin Xingchen Tiandao! I have entered the stage of decline in the power of the plane. You see, my blood is dry and I am dying of old age!"

Tang Chen knew it well and couldn't help but sigh.

"Your reincarnated body Tang Yin, the astral body has been conferred gods and reached immortality. The physical body and talents have been banned. As a result, the soul body and the physical body, the fate and wisdom root do not match that's all. Be a man! Rely on yourself! Protect yourself ?”

The source master suddenly realized.Thanks again and again.


The source master also fought hard, squeezing his body, forcing out a drop of blood from the plane.Sealed the stars in the body.

In an instant, Tang Yin's body shook violently.The soul and the body have reached a fit.Completely obliterated.However, it is also harmonious and unified.

At this time, Yuanzhu started negotiations with the Tang Chen who was sealed in the blood.

(End of this chapter)

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