Shushan Wushen

Chapter 713 Subduing the Dragon 8 Palms

Chapter 713 Subduing the Dragon Great Eight Palms


Mu Yanling is a girl, and the communication skills of the senior girls are amazing in any school.Zhou pepper is famous for being good at doing ideological work, and is famous at Shuimu Tsinghua University.

"It's this student—"

Shen Mu raised his fat hand "嗖", his big chubby paws seemed to cover Mu Yanling's red lips.Mu Yanling didn't understand Shen Mu's background, so she couldn't help being startled, and took a step back subconsciously.

Shen Mu interrupted Mu Yanling's words, with a solemn expression, with a sense of discussion and criticism, and said: "Seniors, leaders of the student union, as a student of Tsinghua University, I have something to say. No I can't spit fast."

Everyone was attracted by Shen Mu's abruptness, and their eyes fell on his fat face.

Shen Mu said loudly: "I think the most important thing in life is nothing more than two things, love...," said, his eyes "swish" across Tang Chen, and landed on Jiang Xiaojiang's bowed headband.

"...and [Glory of the King]!"

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

Shen Mu's big fat hand rubbed his big fat face, crossed his hands on his big belly, and suddenly raised his voice in the attitude of a preacher: "Love is the greatest! [Glory of the King] Different roads lead to the same goal, great stimulation , can stimulate us to secrete more hormones that are beneficial to the human body. With hormones, it is as if we have supernatural powers. We are like martial arts masters in martial arts novels, breaking stones, destroying gold and breaking jade, destroying heaven and earth! Whatever you want to do, you can do!"


Countless people in the crowd gave Bao'er their left hand and gave them thumbs up.Some don't have bags in their hands, and they hold up their thumbs with both hands.Words cannot describe such a shocking evaluation.

"For endless years, this minister has never seen such a daring person!" Zhou Chili muttered to himself with his hands on his forehead.

"Me too!" Li Dajiang stretched out his hand and patted Mu Yanling's shoulder to show comfort.

"This is an important moment for us to open our eyes, let us witness it together!" Mao Cong folded his arms and rested his elbows on Li Dajiang's shoulders.In a trance, I was a little absent-minded.

Shen Mu is also crazy, and the more he talks, the more slippery he is, "...the school motto of our Tsinghua Holy Land: self-improvement, and virtue! Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is good, and a gentleman carries virtue. We, Tsinghua Tianjiao, should Like the sky, I strive for self-improvement. Resolute and strong, work hard, and never stop! Therefore, I plan to develop a game to crush [Glory of the King]! Let all the little friends who eat chicken feel the virtues The feelings of things!"

"it is good!"

I don't know who it is, I can't listen to it anymore in the crowd, and I don't know whether it's "vomit" or "good". After all, the Tianjiao of Tsinghua University comes from all over China, from all directions.The accent is very heterogeneous.

However, everyone clapped their hands enthusiastically, applauding "papapa".The scene was spectacular and extremely enthusiastic.

Several gray-haired old professors in the distance watched this scene.He wrote down Shen Mu's name, smiled at each other, and staggered away.

"However, for a scumbag like Tang Chen, who wants to go to Tsinghua Holy Land to do things in delusion, this earth-like mind of mine cannot tolerate it. Envy is always envy. Since you have passed the Wudaokou Vocational and Technical Education Test, then you still have to go to Wudaokou Vocational and Technical Education What are you waiting for? Hurry up and report! Accept your fate! Tsinghua University is not just for anyone who wants to get in..."

Tang Chen looked at Shen Mu who was walking step by step, full of oppression, as if he was carrying a universe, completely ignoring the strong pressure in his eyes.Smile lightly.

"Sorry! I'm also from Tsinghua University!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen "swish!" unfolded a Tsinghua University admission notice.


All the onlookers, freshmen and veterans, as well as the parents of the students, burst out laughing.

Martial God Tang Chen glanced over.He felt that Qin Xiaosuan was interesting.He has Tang Chen's strong character.

The magic spiral galaxy is as impressive as a conch shell.From the angle of Martial God Tang Chen, one can clearly see that the green silkworm is like a fly that landed on the mouth of a conch, moving at a leisurely pace...

The green silkworm is insignificant, and the magic spiral galaxy is hidden in the mulberry leaves. If you don't look carefully, it is also hidden by other galaxies, so it is not easy to see clearly.

The magic spiral galaxy can be seen clearly because the silkworm is moving!

Where the green silkworms passed, the stars disappeared, only the star-debris shone desperately.Some of them disappeared in a flash, and they didn't last long....

Qin Xiaosuan was full of enthusiasm to serve the country, but never thought that it was his turn to die.In the headset, the formation squadron leader's angry condemnation was wave after wave.

However, Qin Xiaosuan understood that Captain Jiang Si was just trying to divide his emotions.Their base, their empire, and their home planet have all been buried in the belly of the silkworm.

The magic screw star is gone!They are just a lone army.

Without the supplies from their parent star, they will eventually turn into dust in the universe.

all of a sudden—

"Hey! This and Cool Star, how much I miss Neil!" Tang Chen felt an inexplicable sigh in his heart.Touching the scene and living in love.Mu Fengling and Tang Longwang....vividly.

In Tsinghua Garden in October, sweet osmanthus is fragrant.Tall sycamore trees, with yellow leaves falling and colorful falling flowers.

The mottled old red bricks are neatly arranged one by one, gradually towering.In the end, it actually filled the entire red zone.The boldness was shocking, and Tang Chen was amazed.

If the red brick is compared to a singularity in the universe, then the combination of countless singularities should not be enough to describe the scene as "magnificent"!
In the future, when I control the ship and lead the formation of wingmen to travel into space.Will it be like this red zone has the same status in Tsinghua University, and write an invincible and magnificent chapter with passion and ink?

Stroll through Tsinghua Garden.Dry branches were swaying, dead leaves were flying, Tang Chen's thoughts were also flying, the wide sycamore leaves under his feet were shattered, and his soul wandered into the sky.imagination.

Finally, there were few people around Tang Chen. "Cough cough" he coughed several times, startled a pair of lovers who were Qingqing in the corner flying away.

In the boy's resentful eyes, and the goddess's grateful eyes, Tang Chen obtained a piece of pure land grandiosely.He gently took off his shirt and hung it on the branch.


Tang Chen stood still suddenly, his eyes were shining like two golden lamps.Extraordinarily bright and dazzling.

Peng, Peng, Peng!

The muscles on Tang Chen's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, majestic and continuous.The sunlight fell on Tang Chen's muscles through the mottled tree shadows, emitting a bronze-colored brilliance.

Tang Chen clenched his fist lightly, and the bones made a muffled sound full of tension, "Crack, click, click."

Tang Chen turned around slowly, and——!An indescribable breath poured out with a gradually accelerating posture.

Sa~, Sa~, Sa~,

The fallen leaves under Tang Chen's feet rolled upside down with a bang. The withered leaves were golden and falling all over the sky. Tang Chen had black hair and jumped like a demonic fire.

call out!
Tang Chen tapped the ground with his toes, twisted it lightly, exerted force on his waist, and his muscles deformed exaggeratedly, "Hey!"Slowly push the arm flat.

(End of this chapter)

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