Shushan Wushen

Chapter 714 Black Fish Pit

Chapter 714 Black Fish Pit


In an instant, the whole world suddenly became unreal.Impressively, I saw the student Tang Chen's figure like a crouching dragon, a big golden dragon whistling and circling with Tang Chen's arms dancing.Strong wind.

Boom, boom, boom,...

Tang Chen kept changing the angle of his palms, and his fist, palm, and fingers switched alternately.Flowing clouds and flowing water, the movements are clean and neat, but the thoughts are extremely fearful.The momentum is frightening, and the scene is extremely astonishing.

"Good work!"

clap clap clap!
Suddenly!An exaggerated praise sounded suddenly.And it was very inappropriate to applaud again and again.


The student Tang Chen frowned, put his fists in his waist, "Hey!" He opened his mouth and let out a strong white steam.Boxing practice was interrupted.

"Are you going to make me go crazy? What are you doing here?!"

Tang Chen snapped angrily.In fact, when he saw that it was Shen Mu, he was a little surprised and suspicious.

Because Jiang Xiaojiang resolutely refused, and spared no effort to avoid it.Shen Mu seemed to be interested, and these days disappeared without a trace.However, it suddenly appeared here today.Depending on the situation, it should not be an unexpected encounter.

Shen Mu's chubby hand held his chubby face, shaking it from side to side, and his cervical spine creaked.

"Yo ho, why do you want to start practicing? Do you want to try my Dragon Subduing Eight Palms?"

Tang Chen looked funny, squinted at Shen Mu, tore off his clothes from the branch, and put them on his body.

"No, no, no! Your momentum alone is enough to make me pee. I don't want to die young."

This time Shen Mu spoke in a very equal tone.Tang Chen didn't feel guilty when he heard it.After all, I am a fellow villager, and I have a friendship, so I took advantage of the opportunity to exchange another sentence.

"Then what are you doing? You're talking nonsense and frightening. The wind is high and the forest is dense. It's the right time to kill and steal! Hehe."

Shen Mu chuckled, his chubby face was like a cabbage bun for breakfast, with the exhausted luster of the night: "You are lying, I have been typing codes for the past few days, and my cervical spine is always uncomfortable. When I was walking around, I ran into you punching. Occasionally ! Encounter!"

Tang Chen glanced at the space cup and computer bag in his hand, but didn't poke them.Putting on his uniform, he walked past Shen Mu and smiled casually.

"Let's talk again when you have time, I don't know how to massage~! See you soon~."

Shen Mu lowered his head slightly, seemingly in thought, and stopped Tang Chen.

Tang Chen knew that he had something to do, so he stopped.

Seriousness surfaced on Shen Mu's face, and he said in a tone he had never used before: "Tang Chen, I know, you know I have something to look for you on purpose."

"Hmm." Tang Chen responded with two nasal voices.

Shen Mu blinked, and said again: "I don't want to say anything else. Don't deny that we are fellow villagers."

Tang Chen was startled, seeing the solemnity of what Shen Mu said, he also paid attention to it.Without answering, he turned around and looked at Shen Mu squarely.

Shen Mu said: "I have developed a game, and I want you to try it out. There is no other candidate, only you are the most suitable."

"Me? I—" Tang Chen was just about to excuse himself.In the end, Shen Mu stretched out his fat hand again, as if to cover Tang Chen's mouth.

The action is rough and rough, but it works.

"Don't refuse. Of course, this game has benefits for you, but I'm not giving you money. It's the game itself, which has many benefits. It's just like our school motto 'Great Virtue Bears Things'. I What is being developed today is a framework, which is then gradually filled in, and the final step by step towards perfection.”

"I don't eat chicken!" Tang Chen said calmly.

Shen Mu ignored it, and said to himself: "This game has condensed my hard work for many years. You know that I study informatics and have participated in countless international competitions. Taking a shortcut to enter Tsinghua University, in fact, my real ideal of studying informatics is to develop a game that I think is perfect, not a game!"

"A game that is not a game is also a game!" Tang Chen made up his mind.

Shen Mu ignored Tang Chen, put down his computer bag and space cup, and took out his phone.Give it to Tang Chen.

"This time, what I'm making is just a MOBA mobile game. In fact, I think that if it is a real-world display using AR technology, the effect should be more ideal. Remember, this is not a game, this is a person's real life! We All the shortcomings in life can be supplemented in this game."

"Give me the phone?" Tang Chen looked shocked.Because this phone is obviously brand new and has just been activated.

APP is just a LOJO of a big black fish

Shen Mu picked up the computer bag and the space cup, "I'll send you off! It was originally... well, forget it!"

After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving a sentence that drifted among the withered yellow leaves, and it also entered Tang Chen's ears colorfully.

"Don't delay your punching, remember, in the world of martial arts, you will get more excitement!"

Tang Chen looked surprised, and murmured to himself: "It's been a while since I've been here. He's so free and easy. Hehe, pursue Jiang Xiaojiang, change the routine, curve the attack and go the wrong way? On the contrary, it's a good way to learn it. What a big dye tank! What a simple and stupid child, he turned over like a salted fish, and his studies were ruined..."

Click on the APP, and two large characters appear on the interface; black fish!
Afterwards, a line of small characters burst out; [A person lives for a lifetime, even if he is surrounded by beauties, enjoys all the glory, and is an extremely human minister.There are also shortcomings.It's too cold to be high!

Looking at my whole life, I will never change my mind. I will fight on the battlefield, and I will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

Not to mention, traffickers and pawns, market villagers, and officials at all levels.A person's life is too short, too short!Just one life is not enough!Far from enough! 】

Then, the black font suddenly turned blood red, shocking!

[Let a big black fish take you for thousands of generations, and read the world of mortals thousands of times.Live as you want to live!Live as long as you want, live as long as you want, everything depends on your heart, and you can control it all by yourself! 】

Swish!The scarlet letter faded away.

In a blink of an eye, a line of words was shot out word by word in the mode of an ancient typewriter.It's actually a list of games.

【Martial Arts】, 【Original】, 【Fantasy】, 【Urban】, 【Romance】, 【Youth】, 【History】, 【Military】, 【Science Fiction】, 【Horror】, 【Spiritual】, 【Two-dimensional】, [Fanren], [Glory of the King]....

Student Tang Chen saw it and was a little shocked.Even more hesitant.He hesitated and clicked [Martial Arts]——

Phew ~.

The interface opens; this is the world of martial arts, please select the category option; modern martial arts, ancient martial arts, future martial arts, custom martial arts.

Tang Chen clicked on Customize Martial Arts.The interface blurred again, and then a new interface appeared.

There are only four words: reincarnation requirements.

Tang Chen clicked on it again, and three options appeared; both parents, single parent, and orphan.

(End of this chapter)

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