Shushan Wushen

Chapter 732 Ghost Valley Dragon

Chapter 732 Ghost Valley Dragon


"Woo~! This dragon body is in the Longyin Space, and it has consumed more than 1000 years of Longyuan in vain! It's good if it didn't die! I was imprisoned in the mecha...forget it! You can see for yourself!" Guigu Impatient, and impatient with explaining a few words, he simply sent all the past memory fragments to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen looked at it for a while, and confirmed that what Guigu said was true!Guigu pursues immortality and turns into a mecha spirit.Duoshe's dragon body is usually exiled in Longyin space.The Dragon Hidden Space is located in another "dimension" plane, and Guigu must rely on the host's soul power to perform the Dragon Language Summon.To put it bluntly, Ghost Valley is just a wisp of dragon soul.But the dragon body of this golden dragon is indeed a good thing.Tang Chen was a little moved.

Tang Chen learned from watching the memory that Guigu hates the dragons extremely, and once they encounter them, they will never die!He was even so crazy that he was overwhelmed; Tang Zongyuan was instigated by Guigu at the stage of a third-level warrior to sneak attack the Huang-rank Shenlong who was equivalent to a ninth-level warrior.

... At the critical moment when he was promoted to a first-level martial artist, Guigu had a whim, and shamelessly used Tang Gu's identity to encircle and suppress the lower-level dragon.That is the existence of Wusheng level.Tang Gu died because of this!
"This could be an opportunity!"

Tang Chen couldn't help clenching his fists.But this guy is rebellious and stubborn, he is simply a lunatic.This is no small matter!You have to think over and over again, and make trade-offs.

Guigu noticed Tang Chen's hesitation, and continued to induce Tang Chen: "If you want to make achievements, you must have strong force, and you can get my protection! I will work hard, and you will reap fame and fortune! Besides, all of this is actually free. Yes! Hee hee hee, let your heart beat!"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, you treat me as a fool, or you as an idiot!" Tang Chen looked disdainful.Then he fell silent.

Guigu laughed strangely, and explained: "Human life is limited after all! I was originally a sacred golden dragon, the pride of the dragon clan! Speaking of this dragon body, I am quite suitable for you to be a golden dragon knight. Hehe!"

Tang Chen circled the little earthworm a few times.She curled her lips and shook her head to express her disbelief, "Really? It's the first time I've seen a golden dragon as big as a little earthworm. How did they ride a dragon to fight? If you don't pay attention, your intestines won't be trampled out!"

Tang Chen said to deal with it, but thought in his heart, "Ghost Valley is a bit unreliable!"

It seems that getting Guigu's assistance is not as powerful as imagined, and it does not substantially help the improvement of strength.Always beware of Guigu going crazy.It's like sleeping next to a keg of dynamite.

As an internet writer, Tang Chen has constructed several worlds in his works.Now that he has traveled through time, he has more than one hole card.The risk is higher than the benefit, and it is really not worthwhile.Therefore, Guigu must be ignored or even avoided!

Tang Chen rolled his eyes and sneered in his heart.Decided to give up Ghost Valley.

How can Guigu give up!Not only did Tang Chen have the blood factor of the golden dragon in his body, but his soul was also extremely powerful.It is even comparable to the soul power of Ghost Valley when it was at its peak.This is unavoidable.Guigu carefully checked Tang Chen's past, lowered his sharp voice, and continued to persuade Tang Chen full of temptation: "Hey, Tang Chen, you faced your second brother twice in a row, the same embarrassing situation, the same ending. You said how sad you are! You yearn to be proud of the Jianghu and dominate the stars! Although you have this ambition! But you don't have the ability to realize it! And I, Guigu, can just help you gain the ability!"

Although Tang Chen had already classified Guigu as a party that would never be messed with, Tang Chen's heart still couldn't help but jump after hearing Guigu's words.

"Then how about you help me reach level nine warrior within a year, and teach me a few supernatural powers of the dragon clan? Can it be done?" Tang Chen threw out a difficult problem, trying to make Guigu retreat.

Seeing that the bewitching was effective, Guigu was overjoyed: "Hey, Tang Chen, you are so ambitious. But, I like it! But..." Tang Chen drooped his eyelids and had no intention of continuing.Guigu begged for mercy helplessly.

"Tang Chen and I are partners, let me tell you directly, warriors and even Emperor Wu, I can pass on the supernatural powers of the dragon clan to you! But under warriors, I really can't do anything, my body is too weak! Even when Tang Gu, a ninth-level martial artist, tried to cultivate the supernatural powers of the dragon clan, alas~, bang! It exploded~"

"Then you are useless to me! I don't care what you are doing! I don't want to bring along an unreliable piece of trash! You go! I will give you freedom!" Tang Chen didn't show mercy, and took advantage of the situation. Eviction order.

"Tang Chen, don't drive me away yet! After I finish speaking, you can make a decision, okay?"

"Let's go! Don't bother me anymore! I'm enough trouble now!" After speaking, Tang Chen never looked at the little earthworm-like sacred golden dragon again.Walk towards the dormitory of the training base.It was a row of solid wooden houses.

Guigu didn't care about that, in Tang Chen's mind, he kept talking, "...the difference between supernatural powers and martial arts is too great...martial skills are weak...supernatural powers don't rely on blood power...supernatural powers don't rely on spiritual power ...Supernatural powers do not rely on battle qi..."

Tang Chen stepped into the dormitory, opened the door and entered the room.He found an empty bed, lay on it, and closed his eyes.In his mind, Guigu clung to Tang Chen's spirit and chattered endlessly, refusing to leave.To be honest, Tang Chen still covets Guigu's supernatural powers.After thinking about it, Tang Chen stopped being stubborn and simply changed his strategy.

"Okay, Ghost Valley! Don't be inked. In this way, I have three conditions. You should listen to them first!"

Guigu really got excited, and his voice became high-pitched and sharp: "Three chapters of the agreement! No problem, oh! First, I want to protect you, right! It's no problem, if you don't tell me, I will protect you too. So this You don't need to bring it up at all..."

Tang Chen felt dizzy for a while, and this guy knew all three of these things.Tang Chen is really not proficient in the use of divine consciousness.

"The second rule, all your dragon talents and supernatural powers must be handed over to me! Don't keep them! The third rule is to seek my opinion on everything. If there is disagreement, your opinion will be invalid."

Seeing that Tang Chen made a firm statement, Guigu hesitated for a while, and then said, "As a dragon clan, a generation of sacred golden dragons, my blood is supremely noble. I can't stand some hybrid dragons! I saw One just wants to kill one! In this matter, if you obey me, I will promise you all! In addition, you can’t practice dragon supernatural powers if you are below a martial artist. So the second... After becoming a warrior, even if you I don’t want to learn supernatural powers, but I also want to improve my supernatural powers into martial arts and hand them over to you! The third item, I promise you!... If you die prematurely, I will also..."

Tang Chen lost interest when he heard that he couldn't learn the supernatural powers of the Dragon Clan in the near future. He lay on the bed, rolled his eyes, and transmitted voice with his spiritual sense strangely: "Then think of a way to make me become a warrior as soon as possible! Otherwise, get out! "

Guigu became a little anxious, and also saw that Tang Chen obviously didn't want to see it, so Guigu gritted his teeth and made an unexpected move.A strand of dragon soul was simply separated and directly appeared in Tang Chen's mind, pulling out a strand of Tang Chen's divine soul.

(End of this chapter)

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