Shushan Wushen

Chapter 733 Pointing to the Universe

Chapter 733 Pointing to the Universe


"Tang Chen! I'll let you know what Qian Kun is first!"

As a quasi-samurai, Tang Chen didn't have inner vision skills.At this moment, being held hostage by the spirit of Guigu, slowly enters the body from the chest. ...muscles, ...blood, ...bones, ...meridians.

Tang Chen was horrified yet amazed that he could see the situation inside his body clearly and intuitively!It's incredible.Guigu chattered and commented all the way, and put forward many suggestions for improvement regarding the current tissues and organs in Tang Chen's body.

Tang Chen's head broke out in cold sweat when he heard this, how could he do this by himself.But I have a new understanding of the potential of Ghost Valley.

Guigu said: "At present, what you see are only the superficial organs, and there are deeper ones. Do you want to see them?" Tang Chen hesitated when he heard this. ..., Tang Chen raised his feet, and gently stroked his huge heart, feeling the surging power, the strong and powerful contraction.

Tang Chen felt that the opportunity was not lost, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind. "Then let's see!"

At the moment, Guigu's dragon soul is about the same size as Tang Chensi's spirit, or even a little bigger. Tang Chen feels the aura emanating from Guigu's body, which is extremely strong and has a pound of power.Guigu sensed Tang Chen's thoughts, and before Tang Chen could ask, he explained: "This is coercion, the power of dragons using supernatural powers. Humans don't know it, and your bodies are too small. The world you can hold is limited——" Not coming!"

"Qiankun?" Tang Chen heard the concept of 'Qiankun' from Guigu's mouth for the second time.

Guigu shook the faucet, entangled Tang Chen, and flew into the heart, "You will know the answer soon, I want to show you what the universe is!" Tang Chen felt that Guigu was deliberately shrinking his body, and he was also compressing himself His soul also became smaller.

"This is a piece of tissue that makes up an organ, this is a cell inside the tissue, oh! We're coming in, this is—is that the nucleus?" Tang Chen shouted all the way in amazement.This is the world under the microscope.Whoosh!Guigu wrapped Tang Chen and entered the cell nucleus...

...The soul continued to compress, and unexpectedly entered a wonderful world.It was nothingness!
Guigu didn't stop, and explained in his mouth: "This is the chaotic nebula, and the universe of the chaotic nebula is composed of universes... The universe is the universe of the universe!"...The soul continued to compress, the chaotic nebula became boundless, and countless universes spiraled Arranged in an incomparably mysterious manner, when Guigu and Tang Chen flew forward and came into contact with a cosmic membrane wall, Guigu unfolded its magical powers and pierced through a cosmic passage, Tang Chen and Guigu quickly stepped in!
Tang Chen found the channel in the membrane wall, which was radiant, bright and crystal clear. When he reached out to touch it, Guigu laughed sharply. "This is cosmic streamer! Ho ho ho ~"

Walking through the cosmic passage, the eyes are extremely shocking!The stars are shining, the sun star hangs high, countless star fields are densely packed, and the lunar star is bright and bright.

brush brush~
Guigu and Tang Chen landed slowly, this is a beautiful purple star.

Guigu said: "The stars under your feet are the smallest and most basic particles in your body! The star domain composed of stars is called the universe! The star domain is the most basic universe! The star domain universe forms the astral universe, and the astral universe forms ...the universe, the universe is composed of...the cell universe,...the high-level universe organs...the organs make up the living universe!...You Tang Chen is the living universe, the total universe of countless stars! Your Tang Chen is the ultimate universe of countless stars !..."

"Is everyone like this?" Tang Chen said slowly, his heart agitated and extremely shocked.

Guigu's voice also became solemn and dignified: "Yes! Whether it's a human or a dragon, every creature is born with wisdom from countless stars. It can be said that your thoughts, Tang Chen, are just like this. The consciousness formed by the condensed and sublimated will of countless stars! A living being is not as simple as a single living being, but also represents the expectations of countless stars for glory and glory!..."

Tang Chen took it seriously, nodded, and said, "So, people have a mission to live!"

Bend down and pick up a stone under your feet with your hands.In the hand, it is very substantial.This move was immediately ridiculed by Guigu: "Don't be confused, the stars, the land, the mountains and rivers all exist. There are differences in time and space, and different dimensions! It's just that the outside world may not be sure of the space-time coordinates. If the realm reaches... …”

"So, this star field, including this universe, is an integral part of my body?"

Gui Gu nodded, and aggressively wrapped the thick dragon tail around Tang Chen's body.Tang Chen understood that Guigu was showing his favor, so he didn't take it as disobedience. Looking at it from a distance, he was amazed!It's amazing.Beyond cognition.A thought popped up suddenly, and he opened his mouth and asked Guigu: "Then what if I die?"

"Every moment, a large number of universes collapse, and countless new universes are born! If you die, this universe will collapse quickly. All stars will be barren! They will soon turn into meteorites!"

Guigu raised the faucet, motioned Tang Chen to look into the distance, and said, "All your stars have not yet given birth to life, so they can't be regarded as living planets. If you want to give birth to life, you must at least become a warrior... Besides, your planet is actually a star." Ai Ningdi, it's really rubbish!..." Guigu's tone was full of disdain.

Tang Chen was despised for no reason, and asked unwillingly: "Then what are the stars in your body made of? Could it be gold!" Killing didn't care, nodded shamelessly, and said arrogantly: "The most shabby planet is a golden place. , most of them are full of treasures, rare metals and earth spirit jade planets..."


Tang Chen was choked, and the memory fragments of killing quickly passed through his mind.

There are pictures and truth!Absolutely not just talking about it!
Tang Chen was speechless.

Guigu said: "When the stars in the body are rich and the treasures are rich, creatures will be born, and the multiplied creatures will sublimate the will of the stars to the consciousness of the stars! The instinct of the consciousness of the stars is to protect the creatures! And this consciousness is controlled by you! So the poor The pursuit of this life is ultimately for the prosperity of the stars!"

If Tang Chen realized something, he said: "Yes! The life on the planet is rich and free of worries and sorrows, so to the will of the stars, it is the consciousness of happiness! A large amount of consciousness of happiness rises to my spiritual level, which is happiness. Awareness, like a spring breeze! I am happy that you are rich, this is the boat-water relationship between the leader and the led!"

Guigu said: "Living creatures have seven emotions and six desires, and these emotions determine the consciousness of the stars. This consciousness of the stars is coercion! When all the creatures on the stars have the same emotions, it will form the coercion on you! How powerful is coercion? Scary! If your cultivation base is lower than yours, hey! It will explode in an instant!"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, "This is too domineering! Coercion can directly blow people up! It's too fierce. It's so fierce that I have no friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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