Shushan Wushen

Chapter 743 Don't raise your eyebrows or exhale 【Shushan Martial God · Zijin Xingchen's wo

Chapter 743 Don't raise your eyebrows or exhale 【Shushan Martial God · Zijin Xingchen's works】


"Hehe, Mu Yanling, do you want to buy something when you come to Fangshi? Senior brother just happens to be idle, why don't you go shopping together?" Taking a deep breath in his heart, the smile on Ma Jieao's face was bright and gentle, this kind of smile , combined with his identity and appearance, has caused several school beauties to sink into a sea of ​​misery.

"Senior brother Ma Jieao, I have already said that I have something to do! Can you please step aside?" Mu Yanling pursed her small mouth slightly, her voice was so flat that there was no fluctuation at all.

Being rejected by Mu Yanling, the corners of Ma Jieao's mouth twitched, but the smile on his face was still maintained. He stretched out his hand to dig out in his bosom, and finally took out a bracelet. Made of iron, at the joint of the bracelet, there is a blue fine stone that has been ground into a round bead shape, and a faint green light shines out from it, rendering the chain beautiful and beautiful, it seems that, This small bracelet is definitely expensive.

"Hehe, Muyan's school belle has something to do, it would be too difficult for senior brother to stop me." Ma Jieao carefully held the bracelet, and smiled courteously: "This is a bracelet that I bought on purpose in the market just now, although it is nothing It is a precious thing, but it is also accompanied by a first-level amber spirit stone, which can stimulate the soul of a warrior, and has a very good boosting effect. Junior sister Mu Yanling, you have not yet become a warrior, so for you, It is the most suitable jewelry, a little care, but don't refuse, otherwise, Brother Jieao will really lose face in front of his classmates..." At the end of the sentence, Ma Jieao deliberately made a little humor And the followers around him also laughed a few times in a very cooperative way.

Looking at Ma Jieao's actions, Mu Yanling frowned again, feeling a little helpless towards this brown candy in her heart.

Just when she was about to refuse, her eyes suddenly stopped on the Tiger Soul Essence Stone at the link of the bracelet, remembering the anxiety that she had worked so hard to find for the Soul Essence Stone before, and the anxiety she couldn't get, Mu Yanling's slender eyelashes could not help but blink slightly , the cold little face seems to have softened a bit...

The aura of a warrior's blood is strong, and once he becomes a warrior, his aura will be even greater. Excessive dissipation of aura will damage his blood, so a warrior must rely on his soul to suppress his aura.Mu Yanling doesn't have such a god-defying soul as Tang Chen.Her soul must rely on the stimulation of heaven and earth spirits to grow and achieve the purpose of cultivation.

Seeing Mu Yanling seeming to move on purpose, Ma Jieao was overjoyed, and hastily handed the tiger soul chain forward a little, and said with a smile: "Muyan Ling, you don't have to be polite, the Jieao family and the Muyan family are also listed as the lords of the Yanhuang Star Region , give each other small things, no one will say anything."

"Get the bracelet, dig out the tiger soul essence stone, that bracelet...don't wear it, go back...lose it." Some greedy thoughts flashed in her heart, Mu Yanling no longer hesitated, just about to reach out her hand, but one palm was fast Grab her little hand with one step.

The hand was caught, Mu Yanling was stunned, the nine-level warrior's true energy flowed rapidly in her body, and just about to break free with her wrist, Tang Yang's eyebrows hummed softly, but it made her obediently stop struggling.

Moving her eyes slightly, Mu Yanling saw Tang Yang's eyebrows who suddenly came behind her, and when she moved her eyes a little higher, she caught a glimpse of that handsome face with a somewhat ugly expression.

"What kind of guy is this guy, don't you know?" Tang Yang glared at Mu Yanling fiercely, blamed him lightly, then raised his head and smiled and said, "Senior brother Ma Jieao from the unruly nobleman, your kindness , I feel sorry for Muyan Ling, I'm sorry, things, let's take them back."

Looking at the disturbed atmosphere, a flash of anger flashed in Ma Jieao's eyes, but in front of the beautiful woman, in order to maintain his demeanor, he had no choice but to smile and say: "Tang Yangmei, I just heard that Mu Yanling was looking for the soul Jingshi, so I just tried my best, besides, this amber bracelet is also a small ornament, wouldn't it be better to add a bit of beauty to our beautiful school beauty, your ex-girlfriend? Could it be that you are jealous?  … "

"Ex-girlfriend? When did we break up!? You fart!..." Tang Yang was furious!
Tang Yang glanced sideways at the Tiger Soul Chain in Ma Jieao's hand, reached out and took out a light green bracelet from his bosom, and said angrily, "I like bracelets very much? Here, here you are, don't just pick up other people's bracelets if you have nothing to do. I have told you all the things, there is nothing to be courteous to, you are either rape or steal, you are so stupid, you may be sold by others, I don’t know why.”

Hearing Tang Yangmei's accusation against Sang, Ma Jieao's face was filled with coldness, but when he glanced at the bracelet on Tang Yangmei's hand, he laughed in astonishment.

The bracelet in Tang Yangmei's hand, from the material point of view, is obviously just a street stall, but his amber chain is authentic fine stone jewelry. When he bought it, he spent more than 1000 gold coins, two bracelets, Regardless of the style, price, and practicality, they are all completely different, and there is no comparison at all. Therefore, Ma Jieao couldn't help seeing Tang Yangmei giving such a poor jewelry to a beautiful girl like Mu Yanling. He said sarcastically: "Tang Yangmei, although I knew you were not high in the Tang Sect, but...but you don't have to treat your best friend so poorly, do you?"

Ignoring Ma Jieao's sneer, Tang Yang raised his eyebrows at Muyan Ling who was staring at the bracelet in a daze, and said impatiently: "Do you want it or not? If you don't want it, just pay me back, I spent three copper coins .”

"Chi..." Hearing Tang Yangmei's words, not only Ma Jieao laughed, but even the group of onlookers beside him laughed mockingly.Tang Chen couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, but when he turned his head to see Tang Zhiyun's face was frosty, there was no smile at all.Tang Chen didn't care either.

However, the mocking laughter didn't last long, it was as if the neck had been cut off suddenly, and it was severed at the throat. The astonishment of everyone with their mouths open was extremely funny.

The girl who was in a daze was awakened by Tang Yangmei's action, her hands were almost subconsciously controlled, and she quickly snatched the bracelet. After getting the bracelet, Mu Yanling came back to her senses, and she seemed a little too eager Already...

A faint blush appeared on her fair and delicate face, but Mu Yanling was also very human. After being a little shy, she put the bracelet on her smooth and white wrist gracefully, raised her head and showed Tang Yang's eyebrows. Qingya smiled delicately: "Thank you, Brother Yangmei."

His expression was a bit unnatural, looking at Muyan Ling who was showing a normal girlish posture in front of Tang Yangmei, Ma Jieao had a jealous face on his face, and said with a dry smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect Muyan's school girl's hobbies to be so different, I'm a little bit Miscalculated."

Tang Chen glanced at Ma Jieao in the circle, his eyes swept over a gold star on his chest, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Tang Chen said softly to Tang Zhiyun: "A first-level warrior can be upgraded to a doctor, so what about martial masters, Wuwang, Wuhuang, Wuzong, Wuzun, Wusage, and even Wudi? A first-level warrior is only a first-level warrior, so proud Jiao! This Tsinghua University is really..." Tang Chen couldn't help feeling disappointed!Tang Zhiyun didn't move at all, and didn't answer Tang Chen's inquiry, and stared at the situation in the field coldly.

Seeing that Ma Jieao had no intention of leaving, Tang Yang frowned, and his lazy words were not polite because of Ma Jieao's strength as a first-level warrior. The relationship between the Tang Sect and the Jieao nobles was not good. The two nobles There is competition in the supply of star field military mechs, with constant friction and mutual dismantling.So there is no need for Tang Yang to show any low profile, touched his nose, and said lightly: "Master Ma Jieao, the whole Tsinghua University knows about your romantic habits, but Mu Yanling is obsessed with martial arts, and she is still young, so she has no time to spend time with you You're messing around, so stay away from her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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