Shushan Wushen

Chapter 744 Seeking Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages

Chapter 744 Seeking Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages


"I'll stay away from Muyan Ling in the future?! What about you? What are you!"

After saying this, Ma Jieao's expression turned ugly immediately, relying on the advantage of his martial arts cultivation, he turned his head and taught Mu Yanling an old-fashioned lesson.

"Oh. Mu Yanling! The strong are respected, you know it! Tang Yangmei is not qualified to protect you! I will protect you from now on! Tang Yangmei steps within half a meter of you, and I will fight Tang Yangmei! Just Break his bones!" After speaking, he arrogantly waved his big furry fist.Zhang Yang let go of the suppression of the breath by the soul.

"Boom!" A powerful aura from the martial artist shocked the crowd to retreat!

Mu Yanling was taken aback, her face turned pale with fright, she waved her hands repeatedly, and said repeatedly: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't use force!"

Tang Yangmei laughed, staring at Ma Jieao jokingly, and said contemptuously, "A date for a fight? A first-level warrior is about to fight a sixth-level warrior! You are very majestic, senior brother!...Hmph! I bet my life with you! How dare you fight?" Take it!..."

"Okay!" There was a sudden applause from the crowd!

Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun left the crowd and walked into the circle!

"See Tianjiao, Fairy Bone Leng!" Tang Yang was startled, and fell to one knee!
Tang Zhiyun, a tall and cold beauty, is cold, and what she says is even colder!
"Brother Yangmei, get up! I heard that someone is going to break your bones! Who dares to bully my Tang disciple?"

Before the words were finished, "Whew!" Waved his hand, and there was a burst of blue dou qi, which turned into a giant frost dragon, roaring and rushing towards Ma Jieao!
Ma Jieao's robe of Tianjiao, "Peng!" Ripples were emitted, and his fighting skills were dispelled, his figure swayed, "Boom!" He kicked the ground and jumped high. The cloak behind the robe was like a huge wing, covering The sky blocks out the sun.

A huge fist fell from the sky!Roaring towards Tang Zhiyun's face!

Tang Chen twisted the ground with his feet, drew a fox step, stood in front of Tang Zhiyun, bent his arms inwards, concentrated the true energy in his body on his fists, and shouted: "Hold the moon in my arms!"

A dazzling moonlight! "Teng!" The ground erupted between the two fists, facing Ma Jieao's fist, "Boom!" The surrounding stalls were overturned by the turbulent air waves.Although Tang Chen is an eighth-level warrior, his victory lies in his exquisite martial arts.Martial arts can transform true energy and amplify the attack effect.Although Ma Jieao was a martial artist, he chose to use low-level martial arts hastily, so he suffered a dark loss.On the surface, it looks like they are evenly divided, which is a loss to Ma Jieao's face!

"Wow! I'm so mad!"

Ma Jieao became angry from embarrassment, a man in his 60s and [-]s was flattened by a boy of [-] or [-], how could he keep face.Using martial arts skills, one punch after another, roaring like a mountain and a sea!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Spirit suppression! Quick, quick, quick!" Guigu reminded.

Martial arts consume a lot of energy, after a wave of attacks, Tang Chen couldn't hold on any longer, his face was flushed!Suddenly receiving Guigu's advice, he woke up immediately. Through the nourishment of the Concentration Pill and the trace supplement of the soul universe in the dragon's blood, Tang Chen's soul became even more powerful, even Tang Zhiyun, who was at the eighth level of condensed energy, could not hold a candle to it.


An extremely oppressive pressure, like a prehistoric beast, directly devoured Ma Jieao's soul.As a martial artist, Ma Jieao's soul can only be called a soul, and he was immediately suppressed. For the first time when he used the pressure of the soul, Tang Chen didn't control the strength well.Ma Jieao's soul was instantly annihilated.


Tang Chen is still riding a horse and squatting in the crotch, holding the moon in his arms!A wave of moonlight slammed into Ma Jieao's chest! "Crack!" The sound of broken bones.In an instant.Ma Jieao was thrown far away!In fact, the moment his soul was annihilated, Ma Jieao had already died!The blow to the chest was completely subconscious.It's just extra damage to Ma Jieao!But the onlookers didn't know the inside story, and they all looked at Tang Chen for a while, extremely astonished!
"Who is this? How can you be so cute! Make yourself look like a boy!"


No one believed that a [-]-year-old boy would kill a martial artist!That is inconsistent with cognition.Martial arts practice, one step at a time, warrior, warrior, martial master, martial king... Every realm is achieved steadily and slowly.There is no room for opportunism.Therefore, everyone was extremely disgusted with Tang Chen's making his appearance look like a teenager.

"Senior! Thank you, senior, for your help!" Tang Yang stepped forward with bowed eyebrows, bent over and cupped his hands, bowing respectfully.Mu Yanling looked at Tang Chen, glanced at Ma Jieao's corpse hanging on the tree, frowned, as if realizing something.Muttering to himself like a snort: "Can you tell me the way to strengthen the soul? I know you can hear it."

Tang Chen's face suddenly changed, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at Mu Yanling. Mu Yanling was peeping at Tang Chen, and when she saw Tang Chen's murderous intent, she trembled in fright and staggered.Almost fell.

"Get out of here!" Tang Yang raised his eyebrows to support Mu Yanling, and turned his inquiring gaze to Tang Zhiyun.Tang Zhiyun nodded, grabbed Tang Chen's arm, and the four of them left in a hurry...

Tang Chen turned his head and glanced at Tang Yangmei and Mu Yanling, who was half-embracing Tang Yangmei, stretched out his hand to hold Tang Zhiyun's little white hand, squeezed it, lowered his voice, and whispered: "Cousin Zhiyun, I don't want to stay Tsinghua University! A first-level martial artist can become a doctor, and he is so arrogant, alas! I am really disappointed..."

"The one you beat to death was a disciple of the Jieao noble family. The Jieao nobles must be organized in Tsinghua University. You can avoid the limelight... Why don't you go to Zhan County in Europe with me and study at the Shrek Academy of Magic!  … ..." Tang Zhiyun leaned her body against Tang Chen's body, encouraging her softly.

Tang Zhiyun was really shrewd and didn't explain to Tang Chen that Ma Jieao was just a warrior doctor, and as for becoming a warrior doctor, Ma Jieao was far worse!With some small thoughts in her heart, she tried to get Tang Chen to pass the Tang Sect's referral indicator and enter the Shrek Academy of Magic.In this way, they don't have to be separated when they study in the same college. At the same time, Tang Chen got the help of Tang Sect, and it is easier to build a sense of belonging to Tang Sect.Out of emotion and reason, he was firmly tied to the Tang Sect chariot!

"Hey! Let's go back to Shushan Town to avoid the limelight before we talk!..." Tang Chen is not stupid, Ma Jieao obviously came from the Shrek Academy of Magic, which is the territory of the rebellious nobles in Europe!If Ma Jieao is the family's tampering, then Tang Chen has nothing to rely on, and it is a high probability that his soul will be lost in a foreign land.There are already notes of cultivation until Wu Zong, and it is the same for practicing in Shushan Town.

"Tsinghua University! I will come back when I become Wuzong."

(End of this chapter)

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