Shushan Wushen

Chapter 749 The handsome bird comes out of the cage

Chapter 749 The handsome bird comes out of the cage


The body of the Iron Winged Butterfly Dragon was thin and overwhelmed, and it flew staggeringly. Tang Zhiyun hugged Tang Chen tightly, and wiped away the tears on Tang Chen's face with one hand.

"Forget it, you poked me in the eye..., look at these tears, it's all because of you..."

Tang Zhiyun smiled jokingly, brushing aside Tang Chen's lame excuse. "it's all my fault……"

Peking University Zhenwu Academy!

And looking at the entire Yanhuang Star Territory, the Zhenwu Academy of Peking University only recruits 100 people every year!

100 people a year, what is the probability?
All the students who entered Zhenwu Academy of Peking University can be called geniuses!No accidents after graduation, the Yanhuang Starfield Alliance will confer titles, nobles!
For thousands of years, I don’t know how many strong people have come out of Zhenwu Academy of Peking University. Some of these strong people have been at the top. An inseparable connection, the Alumni Association!It may be nothing at ordinary times, but once the students of Zhenwu Academy of Peking University are really threatened by some kind of life and death.Then the world will see it with its own eyes.That terrible hidden power that hides beneath it.

Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shrek, and the Yanhuang Star Field Alliance are organized by the three major colleges!The name of Peking University Alumni Association is Weiming Lake!In order for the family to get strong help when they are in crisis, all the nobles in the Yanhuang Star Region are eager for their children to study in these three prestigious schools!
During the enrollment season, I sharpened my head, tried every means, and used all kinds of connections. For a while, all the dignitaries in Fengtian City who had intersections with Peking University were extremely popular!
Fengtian Zhan County, Faku City Snake Mountain Road, Snake Mountain Road is also one of several main roads in Faku City, the buildings on both sides of the entire Snake Mountain Road are mostly luxurious mansions, and the rest belong to college buildings.One of the tallest buildings is the Weiming Hall of Peking University.

Yanhuang Star Field Alliance, the most prominent!The location of the alumni association of all previous students of Peking University Zhenwu Academy.At this moment, the square in front of Weiming Hall was crowded with people, but there was no sound. This is the test site for Peking University freshmen!

At this moment, there are two fighters in light mechs at the entrance of the Weiming Hall of Peking University, maintaining order, and those who make a lot of noise are deprived of the opportunity to participate in the test.

After a while, an examiner wearing a black robe came out slowly, stopped at the door of the church, and said loudly with a smile: "Candidates, parents... the qualification test is starting now, please follow me into the hall .”

Candidates, follow the examiners in black robes and file in!In the church hall.

Nuoda is a big hall, the floor is made of bright marble, and a huge crystal lantern is hung above the head. Hundreds of people entering the hall are not too crowded at all.

At the front of the hall, there was a row of chairs, and on the chairs were recruiters from various departments of the Zhenwu Academy of Peking University.In the very center is where the test takes place.

The black-robed examiner said with a loud smile: "The test location is the center. Those who take the test come one by one. Others are not allowed to enter the circular area in the center. Those who are going to take the test, please line up. Parents and relatives come to the side."

The central area has a diameter of ten meters, and there is a rockery in the middle. There are three examiners inside the center of the circle, two of whom are in charge of testing and one is in charge of recording.The content of the test includes spiritual root and soul.


The bald examiner pointed directly at the rockery and said, "First put your hand on the test spirit stone and test the spirit root."

No.1 is a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy. The boy pressed his right hand to the rockery nervously. Immediately, the whole rockery began to glow with a faint red light, and occasionally there was a small amount of blue mixed in it. in.

The bald examiner looked at the paper in his hand and said indifferently: "Age, Huang rank spiritual root, inferior."

"Now test your soul power. Remember, stand up straight, don't kneel or fall down, as long as possible." The bald examiner's voice was still indifferent, and the boy nodded and stood up straight.Tang Chen's soul is so powerful, he suddenly found a faint coercion released from the bald examiner, and saw that young man's complexion changed, and the coercion on the bald examiner gradually strengthened, just for a while, the young man "vomited" his face turned pale, With a "thump", he fell to the ground and passed out!

"The soul power is about twice that of people of the same age. There is no possibility of becoming a true martial artist." The bald examiner announced indifferently, and the black-robed examiner next to him released a wave of spiritual energy with a wave of his hand, and the boy "whoosh!" flew out.

There was a commotion all around,

"It's over!... This examinee is useless! I missed a test index for nothing..."

"...Are you wasting your time!..."


"Quiet." The bald examiner said coldly, and suddenly a large group of parents and candidates dared not say anything, "Next!"

Tang Chen watched this scene with great interest.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.One by one the teenagers were tested, and among the top fifty, only one had qualified soul power.Being assigned to the mecha department, it's time to fight!It is really too difficult to become a real warrior!At this time, a girl was in the test, and the girl persisted longer than the previous ten people.

"Huh?" The bald examiner's eyes lit up, and the pressure was about to increase again.

After a while, the girl finally knelt on the ground on one knee.

The bald examiner nodded in satisfaction, and finally there was a smile on his face: "The soul power is eight times that of people of the same age. It has reached the bottom line of becoming a true warrior, and the spirit root is in the middle of the yellow rank. You can become a true warrior!" The bald examiner pronounced, It also determines the fate of the girl.

"Ah, that's great." The first one to shout out was not the girl, but the girl's father, a middle-aged man with the appearance of an elegant gentleman.

"Quiet." The bald examiner snorted dissatisfiedly.

Immediately, staff members in black robes came over and took the girl and the girl's father to the admission staff of Peking University's Zhenwu Academy for an official report.

Many people looked at the girl enviously.

Become a real warrior, and you will have both status and strength in the future!Once the foundation is successfully established, the 'Viscount' will be awarded upon graduation!This is already a quasi-noble!She is still a noblewoman, she has brought great glory to her family!His father should contact the factory and order a large number of cast iron thresholds!

As time went by, there were more and more people in the hall, because the admissions test lasted for ten days, ten people a day, so most people were not in a hurry.When it was Tang Chen's turn, many people who participated in the test in the hall had already lined up outside the hall.

"Next." The bald examiner said again.

"Tang Chen, go quickly, by the way, don't be nervous, don't make a sound when you have something to do, make a gesture quietly, I'm right here! The test results are not satisfactory, and choosing a department will be more troublesome." Tang Zhiyun said.

"En! I know." Tang Chen calmed down and stepped into the middle.

Tang Chen put his hands on the rockery.


Like the sun, the entire rockery suddenly became dazzling, with purple, white, gold, and blue rays of light intersecting each other, and occasionally there is even a very small trace of crimson red mixed in it.The dazzling light even caused the eyes of those who approached to squint.

Seeing this test stone as dazzling as the sun, everyone in the hall was stunned.

The bald examiner's hands trembled suddenly, and the two examiners behind him also stood up excitedly! "Aged eight years old, super heavenly rank! This is the perfect spiritual body of a real warrior." The bald old man felt his heart beating violently.

(End of this chapter)

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