Shushan Wushen

Chapter 750: What is left for oneself is of course the best [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen&#039

Chapter 750: What is left for oneself is of course the best [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen's works]


For ordinary true warriors, the four colors of purple, white, gold, and blue in the spiritual root represent the four levels of heaven and earth, black and yellow, gold at the black level, and white at the ground level.

It can be said that other people's true martial arts need to be acquired, innate, condensed and then established.But Tang Chen was born with a spiritual root and a perfect spirit body, so when he formed a cyclone, he would condense his energy immediately!In fact, how did the examiners know that Tang Chen's small body had already been transformed into a mess by dragon's blood!How many people in this world can practice with dragon blood several times?Even extravagantly... dragon blood bath!
In fact, book lovers all understand.As a tyrant who controls this world, Tang Chen, how could he not keep the best for himself? !

The whole hall exclaimed for a while, the spirit root is heaven-level, but it is still super, a perfect spirit body, a born true warrior... This is too terrifying.

"Born to be a perfect real warrior?!" Tang Zhiyun who was on the side was surprised.He covered his mouth in disbelief.The genius little husband she abducted is not only a genius, but also a monster-like existence among geniuses!And the monster of monsters!

"Uh, I'm also good at real martial arts?" Tang Chen himself was also stunned, and involuntarily asked Guigu in his heart.

Guigu laughed twice: "Tang Chen, remember what I said at the beginning, the supernatural powers of our dragon clan are real martial arts skills! You are not a warrior! There are two ways to go with real martial arts. Play with the real energy of the body and the real martial arts , How can they be confused! It's a pity Tang Gu, rubbish spirit root!..."

"Tang Gu?" Tang Chen was stunned, and then flew into a rage, "Why didn't you tell me the first time I refined and absorbed dragon blood? If I hadn't been in Tsinghua University and killed that horse Jieao, how could I go to Peking University again! I Don't you miss Zhenwu's chance. In my life, don't you just delay it! You..."

Guigu knew it in his heart.Hastily explained to this 'tyrant': "Master, you can calm down! Don't you understand? You don't have any natural spiritual roots, perfect real martial arts, it's all nonsense! It's not because you are young and muscular. The meridian was transformed by dragon blood before it was fully developed! Your perfection is based on the dragon blood paid by my sacred golden dragon and iron-winged butterfly dragon..."

"Oh..., that's right, oops! Look, you didn't say it earlier, and it's your fault. I see you make me angry... Next time you don't bring such a thing to Ghost Valley..." Tang Chen is also very happy at the moment.He took out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears from Tang Zhiyun's face.These tears are not shed for the success of enrolling in school... I found a treasure...!
"After testing the spirit root, it's time to test the soul power! Are you ready, child? It's okay if I don't wait for you for a while!" The bald examiner said softly and kindly.

"Huh?" Tang Chen was taken aback by the voice that suddenly came from behind him. Seeing that it was a bald examiner, he smiled, calmed down and stabilized his emotions.Putting the handkerchief in Tang Zhiyun's hand, she turned around and followed the bald examiner into the middle area.

The bald examiner obviously had an attempt to release the water, the coercion was very gentle, Tang Chen felt like a spring breeze, as if lying on the surface of the Shushui River on a summer afternoon.Tang Chen thought of his mother in this life, Chen Cixin!That warm embrace and sweet milk!Can't help feeling sad.Suddenly realized that this is an excellent opportunity.

Tang Chen didn't care about the bald examiner's intention of fulfillment, and gradually released the coercion of his soul, and slowly contended with the bald examiner. The bald examiner was startled, and thought, this little guy is so uninteresting!I'm going to announce that my soul power has passed, so why is there such a thing?I don't know if the rest of the link is just going through the motions!well!It seems that the age is still young!I'm not sensible.

The bald examiner gradually increased his coercion, but he was surprised that Tang Chen's coercion also increased in intensity, even slightly stronger than that.This coercion is very well controlled!
Suddenly the bald examiner suddenly realized!Tang Chen wanted to wrestle with him, compete for soul, and make a name for himself! "Okay, little guy, I'll try your depth!" So the bald examiner cooperated extremely and increased the intensity of coercion again!

Inadvertently, two majestic and vast coercion rushed out of the middle area!Instantly enveloped the entire hall of Weiming Hall!The parents and candidates outside the middle area were caught off guard and flew out directly under oppression!

On the wall of the hall of Weiming Hall, there are many precious and meaningful calligraphy and paintings, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Debris flew!
The contest between spirit and soul is extremely dangerous, and it will be very fast!The scene was out of control, and the bald examiner could no longer control the situation. The other two examiners in the center of the circle tried to suppress Tang Chen with pressure, but in an instant, they regretted joining the battle!What a shame!He was also entangled by Tang Chen.

At this time, the scene reversed. Guigu released his spirit early, protecting all the parents and candidates, leaving Tang Chen in the central area of ​​the hall to torture the three examiners!

The three examiners were overwhelmed, and the veins on their heads gradually popped up, and they were sweating!With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he slowly lowered a bit of coercion. The pressure on the three examiners was relieved, and then Tang Chen lowered another ten percent of the pressure. Teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to show off, I have my reasons! My mother, the Dragon Blood Immortal God of War family, Tang's mistress, Chen Cixin, is currently imprisoned, I need help! Help me release my family, who is imprisoned The female relatives..."

"Understood! You are a filial child! We will help you!" The bald examiner made a promise through voice transmission with his spiritual sense!
"I also cooperate with you! Don't worry, I will definitely make you famous!"

"Okay! However, the three of us all have status, especially Dean Muyan, who is also the doctoral supervisor of Foundation Establishment, can you handle it well!"

"It's not difficult! Little fun! Remember your promise, I beg you!" Tang Chen gradually withdrew the coercion while transmitting the voice with his spiritual sense. , Warm up.

Spiritual confrontation consumes the most soul and body!Tang Chen was so stupid, the three examiners kept their expressions calm, and transmitted their spiritual senses: "Little guy, thank you! You are not bad, you have a future!"

Tang Chen felt that it was almost done, so he controlled his soul and stopped releasing coercion!
The bald-headed examiner, Muyan Boluo, announced in an excited tone: "Divine soul power! Please pay attention, please pay attention! The soul power of this examinee has already surpassed that of a strong person in the Golden Core realm! That is divine soul! Divine soul power! And he can already use it proficiently Divine consciousness! A natural practitioner, a natural practitioner with a strong spirit! I declare! Peking University Zhenwu Academy, give him the right to choose his own department!"

"Who knows that young man? Which family?" The nobles below all started talking in low voices.

A teenager with such potential, if made early on, could have a powerful friend in the future.

"His name is Tang Chen?" Some recruiters knew Tang Chen's identity from the testers nearby.

At this time, Muyan Boluo, the bald examiner, shouted in a provocative tone: "Please remember the name of this genius! At the same time, please spread it widely! This child who is only seven years old will definitely become a star in the future." Legend of the domain! To protect the star field, maintain our peace, and establish meritorious service! He is Tang Chen! He is Tang Chen! From Fengtian Zhan County, Tang Chen from the Dragon Blood Immortal God of War family in Shushan Town! Tang Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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