Shushan Wushen

Chapter 773 Extra Long Play

Chapter 773 Extra Long Play


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Tang Zhiyun was so embarrassed, her face flushed and she was at a loss.Suddenly blessed to the soul.Rolling his big eyes, he asked, "How can brother Chen tease me? Who is your wife! I'm Ye Kang's girlfriend!"

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and said in his heart, "You almost got together with Ye Kang on the Demon Killing Plane, but this time you have upgraded to a girlfriend! But how can you rob my wife?" So Tang Chen said: "Girlfriend That's all! Not a wife! From now on, you will still be my Tang Chen's wife!"

"Oh?" Tang Zhiyun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Chen, you are so humorous!"

Tang Chen leaned on the bed, sat up, with a straight face, and said affectionately: "ILOVEYOUFOREVER! TOO...Zhiyun, I love you!"

"You stars, you really let go! ILOVEYOUFOREVER! TOO? Love me with Ye Kang? Threesome?" After all, Tang Chen's confession was too direct, and it had a backlash!Tang Zhiyun's powdery face was covered with frost, and she became angry from embarrassment.She actually has a good impression of Tang Chen, especially Tang Chen is still her idol.But she was unacceptable to Tang Chen's abruptness, it was tantamount to being wanton and frivolous!

"3.~~~~P?" Tang Chen was stunned for a moment, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he soon realized what was wrong with him!Smiling embarrassingly, he passed out in embarrassment.This time it's fake!

"You...", as soon as Tang Zhiyun said the words, she felt a little heavy!Ye Kang was a few years older than Tang Chen, and although Tang Zhiyun was a few years younger than Tang Chen, she was like a sister-in-law in Ye Kang's aspect, so it was harmless for Tang Chen to make a few jokes.Just as he was trying to pull the words back, he saw that Tang Chen had passed out again.Startled, I hurriedly notified the nurse.

The nurse checked the instrument and found that all the indicators were normal. She turned her head and told Tang Zhiyun, "When the patient wakes up, speak in a quieter voice, pay attention to the tone, and don't let the patient be stimulated. There is nothing serious, but the heartbeat is irregular and needs rest!"

"Oh, oh! Okay, I will pay attention!" Although Tang Zhiyun is a medical student, she is a student after all and has no qualifications to practice medicine. Tang Chen fainted repeatedly, and Tang Zhiyun was at a loss. Hearing the precautions explained by the nurse at this moment , relieved.

After the nurse walked out of the ward, Tang Zhiyun viciously pointed at Tang Chen, who was pretending to be unconscious, and said, "Fortunately, you're fine! If you die, your fans won't kill me!" She stroked her chest with lingering fear, "That would be a big trouble." Oh!"

Tang Chen didn't hold back for a while, "Puchi...", he burst out laughing!

"Oh! Brother Chen, you're awake!" Tang Zhiyun's face turned red, and she guessed that Tang Chen had heard her complain.A timid smile appeared on his face.

"Zhiyun, I'm awake! But you haven't woken up yet! You know, I... how much I miss you!..." Tang Chen stared at Tang Zhiyun affectionately, confessing intermittently.

Tang Zhiyun, she has experienced the pursuit of stalking and various routines, but she was at a loss for Tang Chen's trick, so she could only say in a humble way: "Brother Chen, haven't you ever pursued girls? Or are you just a flirtatious girl?" What about chaotic feelings? To pursue a girl, you have to talk about strategy! With Ye Kang, it’s impossible!"

Tang Chen smiled in relief, stared at Tang Zhiyun bewitched, and said firmly: "What is Ye Kang? Not even the will of the universe can separate us! I..."


In the endless confusion, Li Yiqi curled his lips when he heard the words, and flicked his fingers, "Bo~~~~"



Outside the window, there was an earth-shattering thunderbolt!
A huge, winding lightning suddenly broke into the VTP ward!

A row of monitors connected to instruments on the head of the bed suddenly emitted a puff of black smoke... and it burned down!Click!The display is shattered!

The nurse outside the ward didn't go far away, holding a camera and a signature book in his hand, they had been eavesdropping on the conversation between Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun, they were waiting for an opportunity.Hearing the voice was wrong, he pushed open the door and pretended to smile at Tang Chen, "Routine ward rounds! I'm Mu Yanling, the head nurse of the VIP ward, how do you feel? Is there anything different from usual?  … ..." Then he searched for the source of the loud noise calmly.

"Muyan Head Nurse, look, the display screen is burned!" A small nurse behind the head nurse Mu Yanling reminded Mu Yanling carefully.

"Oh? What's going on?" The head nurse, Mu Yanling, smiled at Tang Chen again, turned away her friendly gaze, and glanced at the cracked screen.Turning his head to Tang Zhiyun, he quickly put away his smile, and asked loudly with a straight face.

Tang Chen took over the conversation and explained: "There was thunder outside the window just now, and a flash of lightning split the display like this!" After speaking, he shrugged at Mu Yanling, looking helpless.

"Hehehe, Brother Chen is so humorous!" The nurses all laughed.Listen to the sound of the piano to know the elegance.How could anyone believe such a bizarre explanation? It was obvious that Brother Chen deliberately left an opportunity to play tricks on Tang Zhiyun.

They misunderstood Tang Chen!
Mu Yanling put on a straight face, and in a business-like tone, she turned to a nurse beside her and said, "Xiao Wang, go check the agency phone number of the Wahway monitoring system and ask them to send someone over to deal with it. That's right! By the way, ask about maintenance Quotation!" After Mu Yanling finished speaking solemnly, her eyebrows twitched twice seemingly unintentionally.

Nurse Xiao Wang understood, gave a secretive wink, and hurriedly left the ward.

Tang Chen watched Mu Yanling's performance calmly. Although he could not use the power of the soul, it did not hinder Tang Chen's ability to judge by observing words and expressions.

Tang Chen couldn't feel the malice from Mu Yanling and the nurses.Simply admire Mu Yanling with piercing eyes.Mu Yanling put on the pink nurse uniform, like a slim lotus.The elegant figure, elegant and indifferent, is exactly the same as the elegant and beautiful face of [Demon Killing Plane].

Mu Yanling didn't have the slightest intention of hiding anything, she bathed Tang Chen's eyes affectionately.Appreciate the most popular national star, national hero, national husband, national role model on Yanhuang Star... Brother Chen!
Tang Zhiyun felt nervous and looked around in a daze. Seeing all the nurses staring at Tang Chen like an idiot, she found that no one was paying attention to her. She rolled her eyes and moved her steps quietly, planning to slip away.Approaching the door of the room, Tang Chen grinned with a hint of a smile.

Mu Yanling and the others clearly saw Tang Zhiyun's stealthy and stealthy appearance from Tang Chen's pupils, and turned their heads to the door in unison.Tang Zhiyun's hand was almost close to the doorknob, but the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside!Nurse Xiao Wang came in with the paper.Tang Zhiyun was startled, and quickly withdrew her hand, pretending to be nonchalant.

Mu Yanling took the paper from Nurse Xiao Wang, this is the record of the call, Mu Yanling lowered her head and quickly glanced at it, hooked her hands at Tang Zhiyun, raised the paper in her hand, and said in a business-like tone : "The problem is very serious! This is a lot of money! Would you like to talk to the dean with me?"

"Me?" Tang Zhiyun's expression changed when she heard Mu Yanling say this, she was startled, and immediately reacted, and said anxiously, "Is there a mistake? What does it have to do with me! I'm too lazy to talk to you guys ..., hum!" After finishing speaking, she stomped her feet, stepped over to the sofa in a few steps, grabbed her satchel, turned around and was about to run away in a grandiose manner.

Mu Yanling and the other nurses blocked the door of the room without haste. Tang Zhiyun saw that she couldn't escape, and shouted angrily, "Get out of the way! What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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