Shushan Wushen

Chapter 774 Both are old friends

Chapter 774 Both are old friends


"What are you doing? You broke millions of Wahway equipment, and you have to pay for it!" Nurse Xiao Wang looked at Tang Zhiyun sarcastically, and several nurses agreed with her.

"This is the most sophisticated Wahway equipment!..."

"The hospital usually treats it like a treasure, but it's not Brother Chen, I can't bear to use this equipment..."

"If you damage the medical equipment, you must pay for it!"

Tang Zhiyun's face turned red, she angrily threw her satchel on the sofa, sat up on it, turned her head suddenly, looked at Tang Chen and said, "Brother Chen, you know..."

How could Mu Yanling give Tang Zhiyun a chance to pull Tang Chen into the water, cut off Tang Zhiyun's words, took a step across, blocked the line of sight between Tang Zhiyun and Tang Chen with her body, and said in a sharp tone: "Brother Chen has been You are the only one who is in a coma and awake, and you cannot escape responsibility for this matter! Don’t think about other ways, it’s useless to think about it! Hurry up and think about the compensation plan!” The conversation changed, and he asked seemingly casually: "Who are you, Brother Chen? Are you a hired health nurse?"

Tang Zhiyun was getting angry, and blurted out, "I am!..." After thinking about it, if he admitted his identity as a health care assistant, it would undoubtedly remind people of operating monitoring equipment, so he changed his words and said, "...I am Brother Chen The manager! The one who took over Ye Kang's job!"

Mu Yanling quickly glanced around the nurses at the door, and sighed deeply: "Brother Chen's agent is Ye Kang, and fans of Brother Chen know it! How could they find you? Lie...but It’s not like that!” After speaking, she shook her head and shrugged at Nurse Xiao Wang.

Nurse Xiao Wang, tall and slender, walked gracefully to Mu Yanling's side, lowered her head and asked, "Tell me, we don't want to embarrass you, just confess your relationship with Brother Chen! Are you dating?..."

"No..." Tang Zhiyun stared vigilantly at Xiao Wang, who was like a big bad wolf, and was about to refuse when he opened his mouth. The words were all annihilated by the miscellaneous discussions...

"Brother Chen is the image spokesperson of our hospital, a piece of equipment, it can be big or small..."


"Yes! There are still such ignorant people..."

"Admit that Brother Chen is dating her, fans of Chenmeng, don't know how envious they are..."

"This Wahway's equipment is very expensive, and it will cost hundreds of thousands to repair it! The dean doesn't know how to deal with it..."

"Tang Chen...! Tang Chen...!" Tang Zhiyun, with a head as big as a bucket, sat on the sofa, surrounded by nurses condescendingly, and asked Tang Chen for help in a hurry.The nurses were very naughty and deliberately spoke loudly, suppressing Tang Zhiyun's voice.

"Let's talk, we are all fans of Chenmeng, so why should we be embarrassed to admit that we are dating Brother Chen..."

"Yes! Yes! What's the point of admitting it? Could it be that you don't like boys?..."

A nurse pretended to be cute, and while examining Tang Zhiyun, she tentatively asked, "Is your orientation different from normal girls? Curvy?..."

Tang Zhiyun was so anxious and angry that the faces of the nurses were almost on Tang Zhiyun's forehead!Tang Zhiyun could even see the freckles on the faces of the nurses and the uneven cream on their faces...

This is a matter of principle, there is no doubt about it, Tang Zhiyun loudly defended: "I have no problem with my orientation! I like boys! I am straight..."

"Then do you like male gods?..."

"Then do you like the national hero?..."

"Are you sure? You like boys? What about Brother Chen?..."

Tang Zhiyun defended desperately, while avoiding the saliva splashing on her face, while constantly wiping the saliva that had landed in disgust, the words she spit out were not so rigorous, "I like it! Normal girls, how can you not like the national male god?" Where's Tang Chen's?..." Under the strong coercion of the nurses and the persuasive verbal offensive, Tang Zhiyun fell...

"Then are you willing to date Brother Chen?..." The nurses opened up a breakthrough at the first sight, took advantage of the victory to pursue, and a series of forced palaces made Tang Chen laugh.She thought to herself, Tang Zhiyun won't be abducted into a daughter-in-law again by herself, these lovely matchmakers!He stared wide-eyed, held back his smile, and watched the group of pink angels tease Tang Zhiyun.

Tang Zhiyun's family is not rich, hundreds of thousands is an astronomical figure, parents have never seen so much money in their life, let alone own it!Difficult economic conditions lowered IQ, and the group of nurses broke their minds, and forced a calm explanation: "I admit, I am dating Brother Chen! Really! It was Tang Chen who took the initiative to pursue me! In fact, I like him very much Yes! I'm also a fan of Brother Chen! I'm also the assistant secretary-general of our TCM Great Chen League..."

"Then do you love Brother Chen?"

"Tell me, do you love Brother Chen?..."

"Yes! You have to say it out loud! You love Brother Chen!..."

Tang Zhiyun is still a 16-year-old girl after all.The nurses chattered and chased after each other. Under the crazy offensive, they were forced to be at a loss at the moment. Tang Zhiyun nodded desperately, and replied mechanically, "I love Tang Chen! I really love Tang Chen!"

Muyanling smiled evilly, cast a wink at Tang Chen, and waved her fist successfully, meaning "Come on!" Tang Chen didn't look at Muyanling at all, and Muyanling shrugged disappointedly.Loudly booed: "Confession in English, it's more subtle!"

"Quick! Use English..." The nurses, a group of cute pink dogs, booed one after another...

The tip of Tang Zhiyun's nose almost touched her knees! "I, LOVEYOU, Chen~!" Actually, which girl doesn't have a boyfriend she likes?It's just that where Tang Chen's status is, Tang Zhiyun probably didn't even dare to think about it in the past.She was able to confess her love in front of Tang Chen today!

Mu Yanling shook her head, and said softly: "It doesn't seem sincere enough..." When the head nurse spoke, wouldn't the nurses be more unscrupulous, taking turns to brainwash and induce one after another like a ladder.Tang Zhiyun finally shouted hysterically: "I, LOVE, YOU, FOREVER!"

"I, LOVE, YOU, FOREVER!" Tang Zhiyun raised her head suddenly, her eyes were red, she didn't know whether it was because she sat up straight, or she yelled out this vow of love, her heart loosened inadvertently, the shackles in the deepest emotion, " Boom!" Turned into powder!Staring at Tang Chen without any scruples, his eyes were blocked by the graceful white wall...

Mu Yanling was amazed at Tang Zhiyun's tearful beauty, she couldn't help but take a few steps, instantly!The nurses formed a pink alley, at one end of the alley was Tang Zhiyun, and at the other end was Tang Chen!
Tang Chen's head "hum..."

In an instant, [Demon Killing Plane] Tang Zhiyun left the hope of life to Tang Chen..., the void passage, the last parting of life and death, the tearful Tang Zhiyun's last... silent mouth: "I, LOVE, YOU, FOREVER~~ ~!"...

Overlap! !

Tang Chen burst into tears, burst into tears... "I, LOVE, YOU, FOREVER! TOO..." Rolling and crawling through the pink alley, he didn't care if the nurses treated him deliberately. Taking advantage of the opportunity, they pushed away the blocking hills...

Tang Chen only had Tang Zhiyun in his eyes at this moment!There were tears streaming down her beautiful face...he was going to wipe it off!
Tang Chen couldn't bear to let his lover cry again!He will be very distressed!
Tang Chen stumbled and leaned on the sofa, reaching out to wipe Tang Zhiyun's tears... But he couldn't help but hugged Tang Zhiyun into his arms!Tang Zhiyun had no choice but to let Tang Chen hold her tightly in her arms and breathe carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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