Shushan Wushen

Chapter 775 Love Is So Simple

Chapter 775 Love Is So Simple


The pink angels retreated after finishing their work, walked lightly with lotus steps, and walked out of the VIP ward lightly, "click!" and gently closed the door.Like a little girl, Mu Yanling stuck out her tongue playfully, patted her chest, and exhaled.Explaining in his mouth, but also comforting himself, he muttered in a low voice: "If we can help brother Chen to get married to sister-in-law Chen, don't we also have a sense of accomplishment?"

"I'm afraid that the fans of Chenmeng will smash our hospital!" Nurse Xiao Wang cautiously advised, patrolling several nurses around vigilantly and full of threats.

"So keep it a secret!" Mu Yanling glanced at each one with deep meaning in her eyes.The nurses expressed their loyalty, "As Chenmeng fans, this is what we should do! It is worth it for Brother Chen!"

"This is a little secret between us and Brother Chen!"

"There is a little secret between us and Brother Chen!"


Tang Zhiyun was held tightly in Tang Chen's arms, listening to Tang Chen's snot and tears, telling her inexplicable parting feelings.I sighed in my heart, "This big star, the global idol is really miserable! He is too involved in the drama! What [Demon Killing Plane], what [Ultimate Plane], monsters destroying the world, refining Martial God Peak..., you are crazy. ! Brother Chen has a serious heart disease! This is paranoia... ".So Tang Zhiyun listened with his left ear, and ran out with his right ear...

Tang Chen still chattered endlessly!From early morning, to noon, until dusk... Gradually, the night fell and the sky was full of stars...

Tang Zhiyun fell asleep warmly in Tang Chen's arms, and was awakened by Tang Chen's beating heart!Inadvertently, it has been a day and a night!

The new morning light, through the window lattice, sprinkled freshly on the carpet.Tang Chen felt that Tang Zhiyun had woken up, and looked down at the beautiful lover in his arms with great love, a rudimentary blush appeared on the beautiful face, the bright and clear eyes after a deep sleep..., the lips that were not full of water were a little dry , Tang Chen couldn't help but leaned over...and kissed her!
Tang Zhiyun didn't dare to refuse, she stared wide-eyed in horror, letting Tang Chen be frivolous...

Although he didn't listen carefully to Tang Chen's love story, Tang Zhiyun vaguely understood that there was a shadow of a girl named Tang Zhiyun deep in Tang Chen's heart.Currently, he is being used as a substitute by Tang Chen!However, the opportunity to face the national idol is really precious!Especially when he was alone with Brother Chen.Tang Zhiyun simply let go of her arms and interacted with Tang Chen.After all, the feeling of thirst and hunger is really difficult.

Tang Chen ordered a lot of delicacies, some of which Tang Zhiyun hadn't eaten, but to Tang Zhiyun's surprise, Tang Chen ordered every dish that Tang Zhiyun liked!Even when ordering food, Tang Chen specifically told each dish not to put "garlic"!This surprised Tang Zhiyun!Tang Zhiyun usually hates garlic the most!This point, no one knows!Even Tang Zhiyun's parents didn't notice it!Doesn't Tang Chen eat garlic?

"Brother Chen, don't you eat garlic?"

Tang Chen smiled affectionately, and said softly: "Why don't I eat garlic? It's just that you don't like it in the [Demon Killing Plane]! But you don't seem to absolutely not eat garlic. There is a "Garlic Burning Kui" "Dragon" is your favorite! And "Ginger Meat"..."

Tang Zhiyun's eyes widened in shock, "I really like "Sliced ​​Ginger Meat"! But "Garlic Roasted Kuilong", how can there be dragons in this world?"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, and he asked affectionately: "Zhiyun, do you want to eat "Garlic Burned Kuilong"? I can do it!"

Seeing Tang Chen's doting eyes, Tang Zhiyun got goosebumps all over her body, but which girl is not greedy for food?Especially unheard of!Surprised eyes, nodding frequently, "Of course I want to eat it! This is the first time I've heard of it!...I'm looking forward to it!"

When the monsters were exterminated, Tang Chen dispersed the souls of the captured dragons, and threw the remaining bodies in the [Longyin Space]. Seeing Tang Zhiyun's eagerness to try, Tang Chen was very happy!To make his lover happy, Tang Chen naturally wanted to be satisfied with his life!
In this plane, Tang Chen felt that his soul seemed to be sealed!Using thought power, I have a splitting headache!But for the one you love, everything is worth it!
Tang Chen recited the Dragon Clan mantra, and suddenly gold stars shot out in front of his eyes, making him dizzy.Tang Zhiyun's hands trembled in fright, and the chopsticks in his hand fell on the carpet with a "slap!"In front of Tang Chen, there was a blood groove in the nostrils, the corners of the eyes, the ears, and even the middle of his forehead!It's terrifying!appalling!

This is the power of love!Tang Chen struggled to not pass out!Opening the [Dragon Hidden Space] with difficulty, took out a small piece of Kuilong's body... It's not that Tang Chen didn't want to get out the whole Kuilong, but... not enough mental power!
"Plop!" A dragon's foot the size of an old cow appeared out of thin air!On the rug!Tang Chen yelled, and a bloody arrow shot out from his forehead!His body was shaking and his face was pale!
"Are you okay! You look so scary!" Tang Zhiyun's face paled, trembling with fright.

Tang Chen gritted his teeth and shook his head, showing a gratified smile, "It's nothing! It's okay!" With a sigh of relief, he grabbed the knife on the table and gouged out a large piece of meat from the dragon's foot!Toss on an empty plate.Just reach out and put your hand on the dragon's feet, and use the "Qian Kun Jue"!
"Boom!" The entire ward shook, and outside the ward, the alarm blared ear-piercingly!This "Qian Kun Jue" actually shook the entire plane!Tang Chen didn't care about it, and refined it wantonly!A mere dragon foot is really not enough for Tang Chen who is a martial artist!Tang Chen didn't even use this to get in touch with Purple Star, so there was nothing left!But the soul has been supplemented a little.His face looked better.

Tang Zhiyun was dumbfounded. How could a monster of unknown origin with the size of an old cow with scales disappear?He wanted to ask, but he didn't dare, so he could only tentatively ask: "Is this Kuilong meat? Did the Kuilong cut the meat and ran away?"

Tang Chen wiped off the cold sweat on his face with a napkin, looked down at the blood on the napkin, showed a wry smile, wiped it, and explained to Tang Zhiyun, "This is one of Kuilong's legs! It's a pity that I don't have enough soul power, otherwise the whole leg will be broken." I'll get you all the Kuilong! I'll let you eat your fill! Yay! Unfortunately, I forgot to bring out the dragon liver... next time! I'll take a few days off! Hehe..."

Tang Zhiyun undoubtedly did not dare to believe Tang Chen's words!Stretching out a finger, fiddled with a scale the size of a pot lid on the meat, and said in disbelief: "Could this be a dragon scale?..."

Just as Tang Chen was about to explain, the head nurse, Mu Yanling, brought a few strong security guards and broke in through the door. "Brother Chen, there may have been an earthquake, we need to move it! Are you okay just now! Hey! Why are you looking so bad?..."

Tang Chen hurriedly waved his hands, "Thank you all! I'm fine! We chatted all night, but we're not energetic enough! Hehe!" Tang Chen squeezed out a smile.

Mu Yanling glanced at Tang Zhiyun enviously, and said to Tang Chen: "Hehe, I understand, I understand! But you must pay attention to your body! You are a national idol!"

Tang Chen responded with a gentle smile, and cooperated with the security guards to leave the ward!According to the hospital's plan, with Tang Chen's current condition, he could go home and recuperate.

(End of this chapter)

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