Shushan Wushen

Chapter 783 The ring sells well

Chapter 783 The ring sells well


"Tang Men Pharmaceutical, this time they made a fortune!" Qian Shuo said in Tang Xiao Shao's tone, pretending to be an old man.

"Yes! So let's look again. The entrepreneurs who were murdered recently, the metallurgical king Zhuang Zhihua, the Miaochun biopharmaceutical Ma Zhaoshang, the magic car king Jieao, and the Yanshou Chinese medicine group Tu Malong are all garbage families in the business world! They have a What they have in common! That is the extremely bad reputation, copycats, imitations, and plagiarized technology! Each of them is a product that is entangled in lawsuits! And the biggest commonality we see is that these few are related to Tangmen Pharmaceutical and Li's Magic Car! Their Existence will seriously hinder the development of Tangmen and Li's Magic Car!"

With piercing eyes, Han Xiang circled these black names one by one with a red pen, pulled out the arrow, and pointed to the word "Chen" in cursive script!

"But what about Baicao Pharmaceuticals? That's a giant in the pharmaceutical industry! Next..." Qian Shuu almost blurted out, then realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and stopped abruptly!

"You deliberately tried to leak it to Tang Xiaoshao, so that the six-door gang should guard against it! This does not belong to the main scope of our six-door investigation. We can't go beyond the scope of the investigation. You can decide the specific scale yourself! Do you understand?" Han Xiang also grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a smirk, like a villain abetting children.

Qian Shuan straightened his expression, "Crack!" Standing at attention at his feet.With a serious look on his face, he said solemnly: "Please don't worry, chief arrester, and promise to complete the task!"

Han Xiang also nodded in satisfaction.

Cai Mingyue is very good at hype, so she immediately took Tang Xiong's arm, her long straight legs matched Tang Xiong's short legs, and she took small steps, "click!" "click!" "click!" !” Amidst the sound of the flash exposure, they walked to the empty arena.

Tang Xiong patted the small white hand in the crook of his arm with satisfaction, and that small hand was still persistent and refused to let go.This is a shortcut to instant fame!Cai Mingyue has been in the entertainment arena, and he is deeply familiar with this way!
"Crackling!" Like scattered sugar cane, microphones with various LOGOs appeared out of thin air and fell to the designated open space one after another. Tang Xiong talked and laughed freely.Like a senior magician!

"Chairman Tang, can I try?" Cai Mingyue was eager to try.

Tang Xiong smiled slightly, and said loudly: "In principle, it is possible! But to manipulate the storage ring, you must use mental power! As long as you are energetic!"

Tang Xiong went to the countryside to do as the Romans did, and did not mention soul power or spirit power.Create a new vocabulary of mental power in general.

"Okay! Then I'll give this valuable storage magic weapon to the popular anchor and pick Mingyue girl!"

Tang Xiong took out another storage ring and instructed Cai Mingyue to recognize the Lord by dripping blood. Everyone was shocked and discussed, "Sure enough, it is a magic weapon! It is the same as the one written in martial arts novels. The legendary confession by dripping blood! !"

The storage ring drained a large amount of Cai Mingyue's soul power, and Cai Mingyue's face turned pale!
But Caimingyue has a history after all. Tang Xiong knows this well. He can cross planes and reunite in this life. Caimingyue should have extraordinary soul power, otherwise his soul will be annihilated long ago, and he will never be seen again!
Cai Mingyue reluctantly manipulated the storage ring, put it away...release it!
Immediately, the crowd was excited and curiosity was blazing!Trial operations were requested.

Among the reporters, Tang Xiong found an old friend who was suspected of being in the [Demon Killing Plane] in the past. After dripping blood to identify the master, he operated. The male reporter was very naughty. Put the mop and broom in the corner of the wall, and then take them out one by one..., success in one fell swoop!
But the sequelae of naughtiness are very obvious. The male reporter's soul power is overdrawn, his face is pale, showing an unhealthy blush, and he is on the verge of falling. In the end, he needs to put his head on Tang Xiong's shoulder to stand up!

Look at Cai Mingyue again——, she has already passed out in Tang Xiong's arms, her soul is overdrawn, her face is flushed, this plane is shameless, money worship is prevalent, beautiful women love rich men, it's commonplace!No one paid attention to it, but that male reporter behaved in the same way, making people...

Tang Xiong gently pushed and pulled the male reporter aside, and fell down suddenly!Tang Xiong ignored it, hugged Cai Mingyue unobtrusively, and said to reporters from various media: "Both of them have insufficient mental power! Fortunately, there is Tangmen! The [Condensing Soul Pill] produced by our Tangmen Pharmaceutical! Everyone Please look!"

Tang Xiong took out a [Ninghun Pill], crushed the wax pill, put it in his mouth, and with one hand, put his thumb and middle finger on Caimingyue's cheeks, stood on tiptoe, and kissed the pill in his mouth way, stuffed into Cai Mingyue's mouth!
No one mocks!After all, no one has a third hand!What's more important is Tang Xiong's status, where is it!A beauty like Cai Mingyue only has the right to be picked, so there is no reason to refuse it!

Tang Xiong was very kind, wiped off the lipstick on his mouth with a wave of his hand, smiled coyly, and explained: "There is no other way!"

"Understand! Understood! This is normal!"

"This is the girl's fortune! She should thank Chairman Tang!"


The reporters expressed their views one after another, expressing their rare tolerance and understanding!To comfort Tang Xiong with words, the more he said, the more disgusting he became, and gradually lost his shape!It seems that it is not Cai Mingyue who is being slighted, but Tang Xiong!

Many media broadcasted the news live. The news that Tangmen Pharmaceutical had developed a magic weapon for storage spread like a plague in the air at an unbelievable speed!Rich people from all over the world, some came in person, and some sent agents or partners! "Chairman Tang, make an offer! No matter how much it costs, I'll buy it!" "Make an offer! I'll cover everything!"...

There are still so many rich people in the world!A single piece sells for 1000 million pounds!In less than half a day, more than 1 storage rings were quickly sold out!

Tang Chen and Tang Xiong had already expected this situation, so they were not too surprised!Smiling, gather together to toast and celebrate! "Oh! I didn't expect that! Tang Chen said that the starting price is 1000 million pounds, and I'm still a little bit drummed! Who would have thought that the asking price was not high enough! It's out of stock! It seems that I, Tang Xiong, was really poor in the first half of my life!" Tang Xiong sighed endlessly!
Tang Chen chuckled, and raised the champagne in his hand! "Earn more and earn less, just make money! To win the future star field war, I propose, cheers!"

"Cheers!" The cup was unsteady on his feet, he fell down, hit his head on the hardwood leg of the European-style sofa, and passed out again.

Tang Sect's storage ring, without any accident, became popular and quickly became fashionable!Every high society salon, if there is a Tangmen storage ring on the finger, it must be the focus of the audience!The rich man who started his business at the beginning, smiled happily at the profit, but at the same time regretted it, lamenting that he bought less at the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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