Shushan Wushen

Chapter 784 Han Xiang also analyzes [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen's works]

Chapter 784 Han Xiang also analyzes [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen's works]


On the black market, Tangmen storage rings are priced at [-] million pounds.Many celebrities, dignified and mysterious people have sent news through influential channels, hoping to pre-order one in the second round of listing.

There are even pervasive scammers, using various signs, wantonly accepting advance payments, and then absconding with donations, which can be found everywhere. The six doors are also battered for a while, facing frequent fraud cases, it is unbearable to disturb!

Han Xiangyi, the chief arrester of the six gates, was called in by his superior Ding Yin every day to question him, and it was even more miserable!Staying up all night, his eyes were red as blood, "Crack!" He slammed a large stack of documents on the table.

Angrily, he lit a cigarette, "Bada!"Han Xiang was also anxious, raised his hand, the cigarette butt fell to the ground, and sparks flew everywhere!Step on one foot hard, crush it to pieces!
"Boss Han, don't worry! Let's hold another Zhuge meeting. I feel that there are some details about this case that we haven't clarified!" Advise Han Xiangyi.

Han Xiang also exhaled like a cow, "Ga Zhi Zhi!" Pulling a chair, Da Ma sat on it with a golden sword, sneered and said: "Shut it out again? How can I do it again? It's clearly a case. At the same time point, using common social hotspots, setting up a scam, getting the money, and disappearing immediately! It seems that the original scam slipped through the net!"

Chai Shao nodded, the words were meant to be comforting, but Han Xiangyi robbed him, and the analysis was deadlocked again!At this time, Xinfen came to Qianbubu and suddenly said something inexplicable, which opened up the embarrassment of the silence: "Tang Chen has been missing for a month in the blink of an eye! Six doors have received many murder cases of well-known Fangzhu family elites. But this Why didn't Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun come to report the case?"

Chai Shao found the vent, and scolded Qian: "Could it be that you still want something to happen to Tang Chen? Crow's mouth! Be careful of the fans of Chenmeng looking for trouble for you! You're a melon egg! What does this have to do with Tang Chen!"

"Tang Chen is a big name, and he is in the entertainment world! Does Tang Chen have a dime relationship with the major merchants? Tang Chen is like that, just pose casually, say a few words casually, and the money he gets is enough to be famous. The owner of the shop criticizes you for working hard for half a year! If you want to do business, you can only work in the entertainment industry! The business shop is nothing!" Qin Qiong, a senior headhunter, took advantage of the opportunity to step on the money, and showed his affection to the senior Chai Shao.

The arresting money is not a bloody man, so he refused to bow his head, and argued with a thick neck and blushing: "The storage ring has something to do with Tang Chen! Without Tang Chen, who would believe in Tang Xiong who suddenly appeared?! He didn't know his name back then. The legendary Tang Xiong is said to be selling counterfeit medicines on the street!..."

"Shh! The money doesn't count, you don't want to die! What nonsense? Tang Xiong is Tang Zhiyun's father, Tang Chen's father-in-law! Be careful that the people of Chenmeng mess with you!" He covered his mouth that money does not count, took advantage of the situation to save money, and pulled money to the corner.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...," Qian Shuo was in a state of embarrassment.Desperately broke away from Shi Zhongyu, and continued to yell: "Yesterday, I discussed with Tang Xiaoshao, who was assigned to the six-door dormitory. We started from many aspects, including the killing of the famous Fangzhu elite, the fraud of the storage ring, and even Tang Chen and the previous stage. Mr. Wu Haotian was attacked, and the hurricane magic car base exploded! We both found out that it was actually related to Tang Chen and Tang Zhiyun!"

"Shut up! This is not a place for you to be presumptuous! If you don't want to stay here, get out! If you want to go to the six-door arrest camp, go! No one is stopping you! What!" Qin Qiong looked at Chai Shao's expression unhappy , Han Xiang also narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtful, and his heart trembled, this is the prelude to the black-bellied duo, and they are brewing bad water, thinking about the combination routine.So Qin Qiong actively acted as the gunner!Raise the flag for Han Xiangyi and Chai Shao.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiangyi and Chai Shao didn't play their cards according to the routine, but scolded Qin Qiong: "What are you talking about? Stop! Go buy a box of instant noodles, the office is out of food!" After being kicked out of the office, as expected, Chai Shao's warning came out: "The mustard must be the kind with sesame oil! No kelp shreds!... I hate eating kelp the most, it's slippery when I bite it..."

"Go on!"

Chai Shao was taken aback for a moment, and turned to look sideways.Han Xiangyi didn't say this to himself, but instead encouraged him to count the money interestingly.

The money was not counted but misunderstood, thinking that what Han Xiang said was ironic, he bit his lip and stared at his bloodshot eyes, shook his head, and answered honestly: "No more, I have said everything that needs to be said!"

Han Xiang also shook his head, and muttered something, although the voice was so small that it was barely audible, but you guys, you can hear it clearly!

"It's anticlimactic, it's useless!"

"Ahem!" Han Xiang also cleared his throat, and a hoarse voice came out of his smoky throat: "The idea that money doesn't count has inspired us! Look at it!"

Han Xiang also picked up two marker pens, one black and one red, and walked to the whiteboard, talking and drawing: "Shu Du pretended to be a road commander, attacked Tang Chen and Wu Haotian's convoy, and kidnapped Wu Haotian's special car! ... This piece It has been found out that the Hurricane Magic Car and the Guan Hongying family did it! The Hurricane Magic Car Industrial Park exploded, and the Hurricane Magic Car base, engineers and senior management all died! These two things combined into one thing, it would be interesting!"

Han Xiang also reached out and circled several names and events with a red pen, and deliberately wrote "Guang" next to it. In fact, this is a cursive character "Tang".
Han Xiang also continued: "This is just a preliminary idea, don't let it spread! Hurricane Magic Car, has a very bad reputation in the business world, and is known for being good at poaching walls. This time I went too far! I have read the feedback from the six-door policeman. According to the on-site investigation records, when dismantling Wu Haotian's magic car, the technical operation was not standardized, which caused an explosion! Li's magic car also proved that because Wu Haotian's exclusive magic car uses a new type of high-concentration power, the technology is not fully mature, so, there is no Put it on the market and start mass production! Of course, there may be other secrets, but it is a commercial secret, and maybe it triggered the self-destruct device, which is not relevant to our side..."

"In short, this hurricane magic car is a stumbling block for Li's magic car! As everyone knows, Mr. Wu Haotian donated all his property under his name to Tang Xiong of Tangmen Pharmaceutical for free! And Tang Xiong belongs to Tang Zhiyun. Father, Tang Zhiyun is Tang Chen's girlfriend, which means that Wu Haotian and Tang Chen have been tied to a community of interests through the Tang family's father and daughter! Combined with the data from the previous stage, all the assets under Tang Chen's name have been transferred to Under Tang Zhiyun's name! Tang Zhiyun established the Tang Family Trust to provide support to the members of the Tang Family, and at the same time invested in several projects of Tangmen Pharmaceutical!"

(End of this chapter)

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