Shushan Wushen

Chapter 785: Ye Kang Poaching

Chapter 785: Ye Kang Poaching


"This is circumventing the investment rules of Tang's Trust!" Qian Shuu burst out suddenly, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, he felt that he had made a mistake, and his face blushed again.

Han Xiang didn't take it seriously either, and nodded when he didn't care about money, "That's right! According to the relevant investment terms of the family trust, the investment in any business workshop should not exceed 15% of the total funds of the trust, but the Tang family The trust invested in Tangmen Group, and the total investment of several subsidiaries has already exceeded 80% of the total funds of the Tang family trust! What does this mean? What does it mean?"

Zhang Pusen looked solemn, nodded frequently, and exhaled, "Yes! This shows that Tang Xiong and Tang Zhiyun are not simple! Could it be the storage ring project?"

"There is this factor! But I'm afraid it's not just this one item! The price of [Soul Condensation Pill] used with the storage ring is ten times higher than that of the storage ring! It's also out of stock!": "I declare discipline!It concerns influential figures in the world, so the content of this analysis must be kept strictly confidential!The records made are now destroyed...! "

The Great Purge is over.Tang Chen finally got some free time, and with Tang Sect's authentic [Soul Concentration Pill] and a large number of dragon corpses in Longyin Space, Tang Chen decided to retreat!

Seeing that Tang Chen was retreating, Tang Zhiyun devoted himself to alchemy and fighting skills all day long.

Seeing that Tang Chen was retreating, Ye Kang didn't see any guests and didn't answer notifications, and he didn't dare to arrange work without authorization for a while.I have to stay outside Tang Zhiyun's door every day, ask for instructions early and report late.

Ye Kang has no right to deal with many things!Naturally, Tang Zhiyun had to allocate part of her energy to make decisions and deal with the important matters of Tangchen Studio, Tangchen Entertainment Culture Communication Company and Chenmeng.

Soon, Ye Kang became more and more terrified of Tang Zhiyun's method and method of accident, and regretted it greatly!Taking advantage of her familiar relationship with Tang Zhiyun, she half-seriously and half-jokingly said: "Tang University's belle, I really regretted it back then!"

"What do you regret?" Tang Zhiyun was taken aback. After awakening, she mostly paid attention to the preparations for the Star Wars. She really didn't pay attention to it. She and Ye Kang are still the same as before!Ye Kang in that plane, that is, Tang Ao's son Ye Kang, did not have any results with Tang Zhiyun. Could it be that Ye Kang in this plane, Tang Zhiyun agreed, and quickly checked Tang Zhiyun's past memories in this plane.I can't help but laugh.

Ye Kang didn't know, stared at Tang Zhiyun resentfully and said: "I love you so deeply, but I asked you to be Tang Chen's health care assistant for a few days, but in the end you were sent to the tiger's mouth! Sigh! You! How kind a cabbage..."

Tang Zhiyun has practiced fire-attributed fighting skills without the interference of [bone-cold spiritual fire] different fires, and she has a beautiful little face, flushed!Like the beginning of love, the shy girl who is often pregnant with spring, makes people have to love her.At this moment, Tang Zhiyun also had the intention to tease Ye Kang, so she took advantage of the opportunity to tease Ye Kang, her beautiful eyes sparkled, she giggled and said, "What a cabbage, it's been overwhelmed by Tang Chen, a pig! Right?"

Ye Kang didn't know what it was, so he responded casually: "Tang Chen is well maintained and looks very young, hehe! But he is older than Chairman Tang Xiong! He is an old cow eating tender grass!"

Tang Zhiyun was angry and funny, and continued to tease: "Then are you an old cow? Sigh! I don't know if my tender grass suits your taste?"

Ye Kang was overjoyed at the past, no doubt about him, staring at Tang Zhiyun fascinatedly, licking his lips while talking: "Tang Chen won't be popular for a few years! His golden years have passed, and this era will soon belong to another group Little fresh meat, and I, Ye Kang, as a senior manager, can still be in the entertainment industry for at least 50 years! Besides, I am ten years younger than Tang Chen! Look at how good the relationship between the two was! Ah! Hee hee..."

Tang Zhiyun's face turned even redder. Thinking of the absurdity before she woke up, she was almost captured by Ye Kang. Fortunately, she met Tang Chen in time, and her heart was filled with lingering fear. Sweat dripped from the tip of her nose and temples, and a few strands of soft hair were stained with sweat and stuck to her body. On the forehead, you can even see the style of a beautiful girl, Ye Kang was so infatuated!Tang Zhiyun couldn't help but gave Ye Kang a blank look, and said embarrassingly, "The relationship between us? Hehe, it's over before it even started! What the hell!"

When Ye Kang saw that there was a door, he confessed in a dazed manner: "Yunyun, my love for you is a lesson from heaven and earth. I dare not say that the sea is dry and rocks are rotten. At least I can accompany you until death!"

When Tang Zhiyun heard about death, her complexion changed drastically, and she suddenly turned pale!In my mind, [Demon Killing Plane] the moment of parting from life and death resurfaced again!His heart was agitated, and his love for Tang Chen became even stronger!Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face!

Ye Kang's ultimate confession is extremely effective, it can be said to be tried and tested!Self-satisfied, as soon as this trump card was used, Tang Zhiyun was taken down with a big move in an instant...!After adjusting his facial expression, Ye Kang affectionately took out his handkerchief to wipe the tears off Tang Zhiyun's face.It's pretty close...Tang Zhiyun suddenly realized that as a fighter, her reactions were so sensitive, her brows stood on end, a burst of fighting spirit turned her palms red, and she grabbed Ye Kang's wrists, it was a "rebound pipa"!
"Oh!" Ye Kang screamed, and his arm deformed immediately, "Yunyun! Yunyun! Why are your hands so strong? Let go, I'm already broken!" Ye Kang clearly felt the bones in his arm, and Tang Zhiyun's hand Bit by bit twisted and deformed, the "beep" sound of the periosteum expanding was crisp and cruel.

Tang Zhiyun covered her face with frost, and warned in a cold voice: "Tang Chen is my eternal husband, life after life, endless reincarnation, eternal lover! If you dare to speak ill of Tang Chen, I will kill you!"

"Hiss!..." Ye Kang's mouth twitched in pain, and he broke out in a cold sweat.He ran away in a hurry!Tang Zhiyun sighed! "If it weren't for this, the law is strict, there is no reason for you to live! Lustful guy!" Tang Zhiyun set fire attribute grudges outside, disinfected the hand that was holding Ye Kang with fire, and pulled out the hand in disgust. He took out a handkerchief, wiped his fingers carefully, and threw it away without hesitation.

Ye Kang bared his teeth in pain, and ran straight to the hospital with a whimper, his upper arm was already swollen badly.The orthopedic doctor with a big belly and a round waist took a lot of effort to reset and put on a plaster.But Ye Kang had already fainted from the pain.

After waking up, Ye Kang couldn't help sighing, his heart is not old!He hated Tang Zhiyun for not thinking about his old love, forcibly taking the beauty away from Tang Chen, and hated him so much! "Tang Chen, Tang Chen! You are sorry for me! I went to Nanjiang to seek medical treatment for you, but you cheated on my girl! They say that a friend's wife should not be bullied, you are welcome as a friend's wife! Don't blame me for being unkind! Righteousness!"

Ye Kang was full of resentment, his character was just like this, and he would accept death in everything, otherwise he would not have followed Tang Chen for so many years. Tang Chen had never changed his agent, and everyone in the circle knew that as long as it was the character Ye Kang liked or Tang Chen had Ye Kang intends to take the commercial, and Ye Kang will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal!This kind of person's character is extremely paranoid, but it also made Tang Chen feel a lot easier!
(End of this chapter)

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