Shushan Wushen

Chapter 813 Wang Mian's Small World

Chapter 813 Wang Mian's Small World

Don't forget the national humiliation!Ten more tomorrow!


Tang Chen thought, leaving Ye Mengrou alone on Yanhuang Star is really dangerous!Ye Mengrou's cultivation is indeed a hidden danger!She has been in a high position for a long time, and she is good at planning and fighting!He must be bloodthirsty and ruthless, once he is offended... he will wantonly poison the common people!With Tang Chen's current status, it is absolutely impossible to clean up the mess!

most important!Tang Chen felt that he still had some binding force on Ye Mengrou! "Okay! But there are three rules! You must obey my orders! Don't do anything that is detrimental to the Yanhuang Starfield..." Suddenly!Liu Jinduo pushed the door open and walked in.

"Are you bothering you? Hehehe! Newly married after a long absence! Am I being too abrupt! Hahaha, I'm sorry..."

Liu Jinduo looked up and saw Ye Mengrou nestled in Tang Chen's arms, feeling a little embarrassed, and laughed.

"Yes or no, you have already said, my husband has nothing to say! Hehe, sit down, Rou'er will serve you tea!" Ye Mengrou stood up and left like a heroine.

"Thank you!" Tang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Liu Jinduo a grateful look.Liu Jinduo had a smirk on his face, winked his eyebrows, and whispered: "What a beautiful girl! What's the matter? Didn't succeed last night?"

"Go! Go away! I'm only in the second year of high school! Isn't this puppy love? Pity me for being so young, and you have tossed me here for nonsense! Let's go back! I'm tired! It's too messy and complicated!"

Tang Chen's complaints made Liu Jinduo blush, although there was a reason for the incident.After all, Tang Chen's time travel is under his sole control.Sighing, "I want to go back too! If we don't complete the task, how can we have any reason to go back? The responsibility lies! Your mission and mine!"

Tang Chen said sternly: "Bureau Lin, tell me honestly, make a real brother! Can we still go back? I feel that there is still a gap between [Ultimate Plane] and our world! Although the gap is small, but... ..."

Liu Jinduo waved his hand, "Stop thinking about it! Whether you can go back or not, I really don't know enough at my level! But you may know soon! Don't forget to tell me about it!"

Tang Chen nodded, "Yes! I'm going to inspect Pluto soon! As a star master, I should be able to learn more secrets..."

"No, no, no! Not the Star Master! It has nothing to do with the Star Master! The Star Master is not as high as me!" Liu Jin laughed and corrected Tang Chen.

Tang Chen was startled, "Huh?..."

"The consciousness of the universe in the star field, that is, the spirit of the chaotic god crystal! I summon you!"

"Summon me? Why?" Tang Chen didn't understand, "Pluto? Or..."

"Don't ask me! I don't know either! You'll know when you go!..." It is impossible for Liu Jinduo to know the content of the conversation in advance.Tang Chen knew it well in his heart, but because his soul was transformed from the Emperor Hunter, King Ye Meng, the Lord of the Stars, Tang Chen was still quite nervous!In the eyes of God, people are ants!

The spirit of Chaos Crystal is a god-like existence!

Jingle Bell.

Tang Chen picked up the communicator, "Hello! Tang Chen? I'm Hua Fongjia!"

Tang Chen's heart suddenly constricted, an ominous sign!With Liu Jinduo in front of him, Tang Chen casually exchanged greetings: "Oh? So it's Hua Fongjia, haven't you become vulgar? Are you going to invite me to your wedding?"

Hua Fenjia slightly anxious, "Tang Chen, I'm getting married next week!..."

"Oh? Next week? Great! Congratulations! I will definitely participate! What do I need to do..." Tang Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, with a relaxed and natural tone!
"But! You can't participate!" Hua Fongjia struggled in her heart and uttered a sentence with difficulty.

"Why can't I participate?" Tang Chen's mind instantly cleared up!
"I deduced the wedding ceremony, but I didn't find your blessing! I deduced you, and found that you are no longer here! Do you understand? I can't say! I don't know! Just pay attention... Dudududu."

Tang Chen's heart was surging and he was shocked!
"You and your siblings have just been reunited! Be gentle!" Liu Jinduo is a monk, so it is not difficult to hear the content of the communication!Full of profound hints to Liu Jinduo.

Tang Chen looked at each other, and his heart warmed!Liu Jinduo's eyes were full of concern!Worry!Even anxious!
Tang Chen sighed leisurely, "It's fine to go and pay a visit!"

Liu Jinduo lost his composure and told Tang Chen, "Tang Chen!..." He winked, "My brother and sister need you to accompany me more! Looking for a husband from thousands of miles away..."

"Husband! Where are you going? No matter in the vastness or in the depths of the wilderness! Rou'er will accompany you!" Ye Mengrou, who walked into the house with the washed tea set, could not refuse!Ye Meng is as soft as watching a fire!
"You should quickly return to the Starfield of the Hunting God! Otherwise, don't blame me and I will divorce you!" Although Tang Chen had no feelings for Ye Mengrou.But you can't let Ye Mengrou follow her into danger!The tone is sharp!

Ye Mengrou smiled sweetly, "Can you beat Rou'er?" Jokingly stretched out a finger, and swayed it vertically!

"Siblings can even do Tang Chen's signature moves! Hahaha!" Liu Jinduo blunted the silence, with profound eyes, hinting frequently!
Tang Chen thought about it for a second, and had a calculation in his heart.Looking at Ye Mengrou, he said solemnly: "You can come with me, you can! But you need to check the magic equipment first, at least you must have the power to protect yourself! Understand?"

Ye Mengrou's heart was filled with sweetness, she was so beautiful!Overwhelm the country and the city.Zhan Yan smiled, "The prince still loves Rou'er so much! Rou'er listens to the prince!"

Tang Chen and Ye Mengrou carefully checked the equipment.Ye Mengrou took one magic weapon after another from Tang Chen's hand!He said softly: "My lord! You should take charge of it yourself! These talismans..."

Tang Chen shook his head and refused, "What's yours is yours! I don't want it!"

Ye Mengrou picked out the lacquered crown and stuffed it in Tang Chen's hand, "This 【Ye Meng Dongtian】Your Majesty, you need to refine it quickly!"

Tang Chen took over Ye Meng Wang Mian and hesitated!Gently rubbing the exquisitely engraved lines, it is obvious that this dark tree stump is a symbol of the identity and status of the Hunting God Starfield!To take it or not to take it is the big question!
Upon seeing this, Liu Jinduo said: "Father-son love of the third generation! After all, this is the dream left to you by your old man Lin. You can refine it when you see things and think about others!"

Tang Chen sighed, "Alas! This is something belonging to the heavenly demons from outside the territory! I'm afraid the spirits of the gods will not like the things of demons, and it's a taboo!" Before Liu Jinduo could speak, "But since this thing is in my hands, I can make it After transforming, defending the Yanhuang Star Field may add even more combat power!"

"The Yanhuang Star Territory will win!" How could Liu Jinduo not understand Tang Chen's true thoughts?Posture encouragement!

"The Yanhuang Star Region will win!" Tang Chen echoed.With a firm look in his eyes, he quickly circulated his spiritual power to refine Wang Mian Ye Meng.

Ye Meng Wangmian is called "Ye Meng Dongtian", and there is a small world inside, which is the small world of Wang Mian among the three thousand big worlds and one hundred thousand small worlds!
(End of this chapter)

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