Shushan Wushen

Chapter 814: Don't Forget the National Humiliation!Anger more chapters! 【Shushan Martial God·Zi

Chapter 814: Don't Forget the National Humiliation!Ten more chapters of anger! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Don't forget the national humiliation!Ten more today! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Wang Mian's small world was snatched by Ye Meng in the old days!
Tang Xiong's Patriarch's Token of the Tang Sect is just a magic weapon!It cannot be compared with Wang Mian Small World!Wang Mian's small world is reincarnated, and the rules are mysterious, but it is the real world!

Ye Meng refined the small world of Wang Mian. On a plain in the small world of Wang Mian, he chose the dragon veins to build Ye Meng's palace. Ye Meng's army set up antlers and fences around Ye Meng's palace, dug out a moat, and set up camp along the river bank!
Ye Meng is the controller of Wang Mian's small world, and Ye Meng's consciousness is the consciousness of the universe in the small world!Absolute master!Tang Chen's spiritual consciousness entered [Ye Meng's Cave] without delay!After all, Tang Chen is Ye Meng!The magic weapon of the cave has the spirit of the magic weapon, which Ye Meng has already refined.It clearly proves once again that Tang Chen is King Ye Meng!Tang Chen obviously didn't make enough preparations!

In Wang Mian's small world, mountains, rivers, plants, trees and creatures are instantly visible!Clearly appear in the mind!Tang Chen was taken aback!It is clear that there is already an inch of space in the brain, which is reserved for this!In other words, it awakened the dusty memory!
Tang Chen was quite moved in his heart; being able to enter [Ye Meng's Cave] so smoothly, it was obvious that Tang Batian, the God of Hunting, had never entered the interior of Ye Meng's Cave.It's just to help Tang Chen take care of it!

Tang Chen cast his eyes into the distance, "Father..." There was a trace of reminiscence on his face!Father's love is as heavy as a mountain, and he sets up a routine of experience, so that children can transform under pressure, gain abilities, and shoulder future responsibilities and missions!Father's love is like the sea, with a broad mind, he can bear the unbearable suffering of his children!Even at the expense of deceiving himself and others, he raised hope and tried his best to turn decay into magic!How majestic and majestic is the father's love for mountains and seas, broad and deep? ...

Tang Chen's face turned into a white cloud and suddenly appeared in the sky! The 13 Yemeng King's personal soldiers formed ten legions and were training. Feeling the king's breath, 13 black-armored elite soldiers raised their heads in unison, shouting in formation. "See King Ye Meng!" The voice was so loud that it shook the sky!The sound of the mountain roar and the tsunami was uniform.Suddenly it sounded in Tang Chen's ears!

Tang Chen's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. The lowest rank soldier on the ground is comparable to Martial Ancestor of the planet!This is definitely a role I need to look up to!Of course, this Wuzong is the real [Planet Wuzong], not the original [Plane Wuzong] of the [Demon Killing Plane]!Although the practice system is similar, the realm gap is different!

"King Ye Meng is mighty! Kill them all! Snatch them all!" The top ten black-armored legions raised their fighting spirit, and the slogans they shouted made Tang Chen ashamed!What did Ye Meng do in the past!What a good soldier, all taught badly!It should be mighty and benevolent, and it is right to take maintenance as your own responsibility!

Suddenly!The majestic fighting intent on the ground, the suffocation and tsunami, without hesitation, like a torrent of raging waves, all rushed into Tang Chen's soul!Tang Chen was dizzy for a while, and his eyes and ears were negligent!

Outside of Ye Meng's cave, Tang Chen's Qi and blood had never been filled up before, and his breath was indescribably majestic!

Kacha~~, there seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of Tang Chen's eyes, and it shattered suddenly!Consciousness and fighting will blend in harmony, a perfect fit!A burst of domineering coercion belonging to the king suddenly broke out!It makes people tremble involuntarily, the coercion of the worshiping king is mighty and mighty!

Wang Mian is outside the small world.In the room, Liu Jinduo, seeing Tang Chen's look of loss, only thought that he missed his father and felt pity for his own situation, which made him very sad.Secretly thought, Tang Chen is indeed a man of great filial piety, loyalty, affection and righteousness...

Caught off guard, a fierce evil spirit rose from Tang Chen's body!For a moment, Liu Jinduo lost his mind and soul, and in his hazy consciousness, endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, broken magic weapons, and broken talismans were like waste paper, flying all over the sky...!
"Ah!" Liu Jinduo only breathed a sigh of relief when he encountered the evil spirit!But he was already sweating profusely, as if he was exhausted!The roar of the will of the universe suddenly sounded in the ears, and the thunder and thunder rolled!Suddenly woke up, endless shock could not help appearing on his face.

"Too weak! It's just a fighting spirit! Alas!" Ye Mengrou glanced at Liu Jinduo, contemptuously in her heart, and kept her face calm, secretly pinching her fingers to cast a barrier.After all, it was Tang Chen's boss, Ye Mengrou comforted Liu Jinduo out of respect. "This is the fighting spirit generated by Ye Meng's [King's Coercion Battle Formation]. It is very powerful against the soul. Even the Martial Emperor of the Astral Realm can't compete with it! You really don't have to worry about your satellite cultivation!"

Actually, Ye Mengrou is hiding the truth!Ye Meng's [King's Coercion Battle Formation], how powerful it is!Liu Jinduo suffered only a slight ripple!

In Wang Mian's small world, "Ye Meng is mighty!" The password officer roared!
The soldiers dressed in Ye Mengjia had cold and stern faces, cold and resolute!Iron-blooded and chilling!Neat and crisp! "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The fighting spirit was overwhelming!Tang Chen stared intently at the earth, his heart was surging and surging!I am full of emotions; the thousands of troops and horses written in the past are not as good as the ten legions under the sky!This is the most ideal soldier in Tang Chen's mind!
"Rehearse all battle formations, King Ye Meng please review! King Ye Meng please give instructions!" The password officer in gold-rimmed black armor was obviously an officer.

"Sure!" Tang Chen responded casually.

"Yes!" The officer responded loudly, turning his head and ordering.The tone is sharp! "The first item! Take the First Legion as the imaginary enemy, and the time limit is one stick of incense! The massacre begins!"

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The ten legions have been ordered, and their fighting spirit is even higher!The faces of the officers and soldiers were murderous!Bloodthirsty eyes!Pull out the formation!Ye Mengjia of the First Legion quickly changed his color.

The password officer is lighting the platform, lighting up the eight-inch-high letter incense that is as thick as chopsticks!

Can be lit, Tingting's curling cigarette, before it spreads!The First Legion launched an offensive brazenly!He even took the initiative to charge the other nine legions!Be the first to attack!In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and corpses littered the field!The killing sound shook the sky! "Ah? Real swords and inscription guns are killing each other? Isn't this cannibalism!" Tang Chen couldn't help being taken aback, the corners of his mouth twitching!

An oligopoly!The First Legion has no scruples!Unleash martial arts, rarely fail, but the enemy is outnumbered, as the nine major legions spread out, the first legion gradually loses the wind!

The last soldier of the First Legion was overwhelmed by countless martial arts!Burst into a cloud of blood mist...,
The eight-inch-long incense stick is gray and white, crooked, bang!It fell on the case table.Annihilation!
The password officer nodded in satisfaction, and announced loudly: "The First Legion, fight to the death! Win! King Ye Meng please inspect!"

Tang Chen deeply regretted and was extremely annoyed.One sentence of "accurate!" killed [-] soldiers for no reason.What a pity!I can't help but be speechless at the brutality of the battle!The first legion is not afraid of death, while the other nine legions, killing people is like harvesting wheat, with a deadpan face, as if they are used to it.In fact, Ye Meng's black armor army has long been immune to death!It is indeed commonplace.

Tang Chen snorted coldly.Hiding his face in the sky, his consciousness turned into a ray of breeze and sneaked into Ye Meng's palace.The password officer was taken aback, with a look of sadness on his face.Plop!Kneeling on the ground, "Grand General Ye Meng Zhao Kuo asks King Ye Meng to punish him!"

Tang Chen's figure was fixed in the palace. Hearing this, he let out another cold snort. After thinking about it, training soldiers like this, although cruel, can indeed produce usable soldiers!There is nothing to be afraid of such a soldier who kills the enemy freely!It's just that in the future, the method and method must be changed!And it must be changed!It's almost dead, how brave the soldiers are, and the lack of numbers is also a big problem!

Then, he spoke comforting words, "General Zhao Kuo, your soldiers have trained well! There is no fault!" Tang Chen paused for a while, brewed his emotions, chose words and sentences, and planned to get rid of the disadvantages without dampening his enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Kuo and more than [-] people from the Nine Legions shouted together: "King Ye Meng, please revive the First Legion!"

Tang Chen was startled, his head "hum!", and he thought, "What? Resurrection? I really want to be resurrected, but... I don't have that ability! What is Ye Meng bragging about?" Not only is his head as big as a bucket!
(End of this chapter)

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