Shushan Wushen

Chapter 851 The Meng Family Courtyard

Chapter 851 The Meng Family Courtyard


Tang Chen got up and stood side by side with Meng Wuzhuang, and followed Meng Chengzhen to the outside of the school hall. Tang Chen asked Meng Wuzhuang about the Wenhua star in a low voice. Kaiyang star is good at the way of killing and attacking, and military strategists are divided into four categories: strategists, strategists, strategists, and strategists. The first family in Wuqu Continent is the strategists and strategists in the chaotic universe Dacheng, the Sun family of the Bing Sheng family! The Sun family is arty and likes the style of writing, so they changed their name to Kaiyang Star as Wenhua Star! The Sun family has a great reputation, and the second family of Wenhua Star, Wumu Wangyue's family, only occupies a large island in the Wuqu Continent. Kaiyang Academy still occupies a corner on Wumu Island! This time it is called a visiting student, but it is actually a trial for the Star Camp arranged by the Sun family..."

Meng Chengzhen was five or six steps ahead of the two of them, keeping his composure all the time, but secretly pricked up his ears. Hearing Meng Wuzhuang talk about the secret, he cleared his cough, paused on his feet, and ordered: "There are many people with mixed ears. Go back to the courtyard and talk!"

Meng Wuzhuang shut her mouth resentfully, but inadvertently pursed her little red lips.Tang Chen narrowed his eyes, carefully calculating...!
Qiongming College is located on Qiongming Mountain. There are countless towering buildings on the top of the mountain, and each palace is a class.Surrounding these palaces are green trees and red flowers, rockery and strange rocks, pavilions, terraces and pavilions. Through the landscape, there are well-arranged courtyards, with several entrances and exits, tall mansions.As the dean, Meng Chengzhen was born in the Meng family, so the standard of the courtyard is naturally the highest!It fully occupied a mountain top.

The precious blue cloud under Meng Chengzhen's feet extended to the feet of Tang Chen and Meng Chengzhen, whoosh!He flew across the abyss and arrived at the Meng family courtyard.As the Martial Emperor, Tang Chen can naturally fly, but it is inconvenient to show it here, so he has to hide his clumsiness.Seeing Tang Chen's clumsy appearance, Meng Wuzhuang thought Tang Chen wasn't used to it, so she reached out to support him when he landed.Tang Chen nodded politely to Meng Wuzhuang, and said in a low voice: "Thank you!"

Meng Wuzhuang's big watery eyes smiled, and said proudly: "Tang Chen, what do you think of my brother's city?" Tang Chen was startled, not knowing what Meng Wuzhuang meant by this.There is a city in his chest, or this person's city is deep, or shallow!It is extremely impolite in Yanhuangxing. The city is full of scheming and deep scheming, which means that this person counts pennies and pennies, burying his routines deeply, and calculating others all the time.The world is not ashamed!
Having no city in his chest means that this person has no scheming, carefree, frank, open and aboveboard!But in recent years in Yanhuangxing, it is used to describe a fool!
Meng Wuzhuang gently pushed Tang Chen, and said angrily, "Why are you like this? I asked you to comment on my brother Baibai's city mansion. What are you thinking when you lower your head? It's not like Zhang Gu, who proposes marriage when you enter the door." Right?" Tang Chen shook his head like a rattle, "How can marriage be a joke? How could it be so abrupt!"

Meng Wuzhuang giggled, showing her silver teeth, and said affectionately: "I know, you are not a reckless guy, but what does Brother Bai like most when others praise his city? Look at the flowers and plants, most of them are It was a gift from Brother Bai's friend!" After speaking, the corners of his eyes moved slightly, and the big eyes sparkled and rippled, making a hint to Tang Chen.

"Brother Bai?" Tang Chen hurriedly grabbed the straw, looked at Meng Chengzhen pretending to be puzzled, and then at Meng Wuzhuang.Meng Wuzhuang's eyes widened in amazement, as if she was looking at an alien: "Don't you know that your master is the hundredth in the Meng family's line of succession? How famous is the hundred-true sage Meng Chengzhen, what a status in the world... ..."

"Hundred true saints? Saints?"

"Ahem!" Meng Chengzhen cleared his cough, and waved his hand to stop Meng Wuzhuang.Staring into Tang Chen's eyes, he said softly, "Tang Chen, I think your soul age is only 17 years old, and you have attained the Tao at 17 years old. You can be regarded as an evil genius! Both you and Wu Zhuang should build a city as soon as possible! Kaiyang Academy is an opportunity! Disciple, look at this city as a teacher! How about it?"

It was only then that Tang Chen suddenly realized that this big mansion is actually the universe inside Meng Chengzhen's cultivation!No wonder Tang Chen couldn't feel the cosmic aura of masonry!Of course, Meng Chengzhen's internal city and universe cannot be compared with Tang Chen's internal universe!However, under the difficult material conditions of Tianquan Star, Meng Chengzhen cultivated such a majestic and magnificent mansion with his talent, and he stopped twice and went out twice. We must praise Meng Chengzhen for his superb cultivation!
Tang Chen admired sincerely: "The [Back Stop] is in the shape of a rectangle, which is well-regulated and long-lasting! [Middle Stop] is square, implying the integrity of doing things and being a person with a square heart! [Front Stop] is in the shape of a bow, which means that the master is not afraid of difficulties. Adversity, riding the wind and breaking the waves, unswerving ambition! The disciple has been taught!"

The shape of Meng Chengzhen's city mansion is like a large ship sailing against the current. The whole mansion is still and moving, faintly, like the wind and thunder in the ears, like a tiger crouching on a dragon!After careful understanding, it is exactly the same as Meng Chengzhen's behavior style!

"Tang Chen knows my heart well! Let's go, let's enter the courtyard!" Meng Chengzhen pushed open the door, stepped over the one-meter-high threshold, and turned his head with a smile on his lips. Tang Chen followed Meng Chengzhen's gaze and saw three Ancient seal characters; no threshold.Tang Chen thought, no son, that means no man, that means there is no man in the family.No successor, that is an extinct family!How unlucky!Therefore, it should be that there is no meaning of going back and forth!
Walk into Meng Chengzhen's mansion, carved beams and painted buildings, and change the scene with each step!Pavilions, terraces and pavilions are all unique!Although exquisite and gorgeous, it is luxurious and restrained!Low-key but unashamedly ostentatious!The circular carving on the window lattice turned out to be eight arrows piercing the heart!The window means the spiritual tolerance of Chengfu, which is also the bottom line of Meng Chengzhen's behavior!
"Meticulous and meticulous, with all directions! Jealousy is like revenge, and you must take revenge!" Tang Chen bit his lips in a subtle way, and his heart moved. This is Meng Chengzhen's weakness!If it is approved by Meng Chengzhen, then Tang Chen invites Meng Chengzhen to come out of the mountains, walk on the Yanhuang star, and spread enlightenment, then it will be a matter of course!There is no need to use low-level methods such as kidnapping!Thinking about this, I couldn't help but smile on my face.But Meng Chengzhen saw it.

Meng Chengzhen asked: "Tang Chen! Just now you stretched your brows, and a red light flashed across Yintang. Where did the joy come from?"

Tang Chen bowed respectfully, and began to fool Meng Chengzhen: "Master doesn't think that the disciple was born in the countryside, and he accepted Bai Ding as a direct disciple, so he was always worried! Seeing the window is like seeing the heart, and being able to enter the master's school, Tang Chen seems to be happy from heaven!"

Meng Chengzhen laughed out loud, very comfortable, "Tang Chen, you are my disciple of Meng Chengzhen, I will not hide it from you, Meng Ke, the ancestor of the Mengmen, has the secret technique of observing people! Rare! If the old man’s expectation is not bad, you have to preach the Enlightenment Kungfu, but you come from the Dragon Clan!”

(End of this chapter)

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