Shushan Wushen

Chapter 852: True Liquid Without Fragrance

Chapter 852: True Liquid Without Fragrance


Tang Chen shuddered Lingling, and looked at Meng Chengzhen calmly.At the fingertips, a spatial vortex the size of a grain of rice had already been drawn, which was seen through by Meng Chengzhen!Being in the city is tantamount to being in Meng Chengzhen's body.In case Meng Cheng really has malicious intentions, Tang Chen will drag this city into the void without hesitation!
In Meng Chengzhen's palace, how could Tang Chen's every move escape Meng Chengzhen's detection?It's not easy for Meng Chengzhen to speak out directly to stop him. After all, this nominal master and apprentice has only been around for half a day, and the degree of trust has obviously not been established.

Meng Chengzhen was calm, seemingly unconcerned, turned around and sat on the stone pier, casually pointed to several stone pier opposite, Meng Wuzhuang and Tang Chen, while listening to Meng Chengzhen's eloquent talk, sat down slowly.

"According to the notes left by my Mengzu, before Baiyuncanggou destroyed the world, and good fortune made people, there was a dragon royal family named Tianjiao named Ao, called Guiguzi! Come to the chaotic universe for a trial, and travel to the plane of Wenqu Continent at that time. Civilization and enlightenment can’t be compared to slaughter and enlightenment! So they exported ideas and recruited a large number of believers! Including Tangmen’s guardian beast, the holy bright butterfly!…”

"Holy Bright Butterfly? Guiguzi? Isn't that Guigu?" Tang Chen immediately recalled that he once shared Guigu's memory about the Holy Bright Butterfly.My heart skipped a beat for no reason!
"The pens, inks, papers and inkstones of the Tang Sect, the clothes we wear, the corn we eat, and even the water used to grind the ink...all come from the Tang Sect! Although the Tang Sect is low-key, how powerful is it? It's like a kun in the sea. How dare all the halls dare to neglect the Tang Sect’s request? Send the great sages of the Confucian family, my great sages of the Meng Sect, and the saints of the Zeng Sect and the Yan Sect to fight the rebellion together!” Speaking of this, Meng Chengzhen looked at Tang Chen and licked his lips. lips, Tang Chen couldn't help but laugh.There is no real water in this Wenqu Continent, that is, [Divine Liquid Without Fragrance]!Meng Chengzhen is hinting!

Tang Chen waved his hand and took out the tea set, and started making tea on the stone table in the courtyard!Boiling water, ironing pot, cleaning cups, sanitary ware, and then, white crane bathing (washing cups), Oolong enters the palace (falling tea), hanging pot with high pressure (making tea), spring breeze blowing face (scraping foam), Guan Gong tours the city (poured) tea), Han Xin ordered soldiers (ordered tea), tasted the color of the soup (watched tea), and tasted the rain (drinked tea)!

Meng Chengzhen and Meng Wuzhuang felt sorry for such a waste of [Divine Liquid Without Fragrance]!Raising their hands several times, wanting to dissuade them, the siblings looked at each other and dropped their hands at the same time. The behavior of local tyrants is loved everywhere!
The rivers, lakes, and seas of Wenqu Continent, the so-called flowing water, are not drinkable, but drinkable, one is the heating and purification of rain, snow and ice, and the other is the most important channel, which is to go to Tangmen's commercial firm. buy water!But the bought water is also different from the [True Liquid No Fragrance] needed by real warriors!A substitute for water!

Even so, the price of water sold by Tangmen is still ridiculously expensive!Fortunately, the Confucian and Mencius families of sages and aristocrats, the Tang Sect has an example to send them away!The high-end ones are for drinking and the low-end ones are for washing.However, [True Liquid No Fragrance] can only appear on the gift list of the Tang Sect on major festivals such as the sage's birthday, and it is an important gift comparable to a heavenly first-grade magic weapon!As for the urgent use of cutting hair and washing marrow, it can only be exchanged with natural treasures, or original poems and songs!
Meng Chengzhen was on the street and only drank half a sip of Tang Chen's tea. Being of a noble background, he immediately judged that the water used to make the tea was out-and-out [True Liquid Without Fragrance]!With Meng Chengzhen's cultivation as a bachelor, apart from the bestowals from his family, in most cases, he relies on aura to transform into water to cut hair and wash marrow!As for brewing tea with spiritual energy, that is indeed an unbelievable luxury!I dare not even dream about it!

Meng Cheng genuine tea is like drinking a donkey!After drinking three cups of tea in one breath, grinning his teeth so hot, he quickly healed himself thanks to his advanced cultivation, and only then did he suddenly understand the magical effect of cool snow tea and the correct way to drink it.Like Tang Chen, take a small sip, feel the effect of refreshing your mind and condensing your soul,
After a long time, Meng Chengzhen breathed out the fragrance, breathed out a cold air, and continued: "Tang Ying, the Patriarch of the Tang Sect, and the Holy Bright Butterfly are in the same mind. He knows that the Holy Bright Butterfly has an affair with Guiguzi, and has already given birth to an evildoer. He is desperate! Fragrance】Example is given as a bargaining chip, let us, the two great saints of Confucius and Mencius, join hands to kill the dragon!"

Tang Chen already knew the result, Shi Shiran sipped tea by himself, Meng Chengzhen saw that Tang Chen showed his flaws, sighed, and finally told the truth: "I, a sage of Wenqu, has the ability to observe souls and people! In order to get a glimpse of the way right away, the Grand Scholars have already achieved great success! Fortunately, you met as a teacher! Otherwise, you will be in great trouble in the Big Dipper Star Field!"

Tang Chen didn't answer, but looked at Meng Chengzhen with piercing eyes.Meng Chengzhen laughed back angrily, "Tang Chen, you are too cautious! As a teacher, you are confiding in your heart, and you are still hiding it, it is not authentic! Let me clearly say that the soul body in your brain is not a human shape, but a purple five Is it a golden dragon with claws? The maximum amplitude of the soul fin is seventeen, that is the age of the soul..."

"Hiss!..." Tang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he officially took Meng Chengzhen seriously!This old master Meng is really expected!I can't help but secretly think it's a fluke.Wenqu Continent, this is the sage's nest!Hidden dragons and crouching tigers, those who live in the countryside do not know how many great sages, capable and great saints there are!Even though I was very cautious, I still underestimated the Wenqu natives!
Tang Chen clasped his fists and gave a deep salute, "It's fortunate that this disciple is destined to be taught by a great virtuous person like Master! Offending Master is really not intentional! If Master blames, then please Master punish! Tang Chen is willing, no complaints regret."

Meng Chengzhen chuckled, leaned forward and said to Tang Chen: "How much [True Liquid No Fragrance] is left? Confiscated! And these teas from you are not bad! They are all confiscated!"

Tang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and his figure paused.Meng Wuzhuang quit, her face flushed with anger, "Brother Bai, you are too much! How can you steal such a precious thing from your disciple? Look at you, you just drank three cups in one breath! The saints of Mengmen are respectable! The dignity of nobles has been tarnished by you! Thanks to you, you are still a great saint..."

Meng Chengzhen sneered, very embarrassed, "I'm just teasing Tang Chen, look, look at you..., oh! Forget it, forget it!" Waving the tea and a big bottle handed over by Tang Chen .After all, he is a bachelor, so he still has some concentration.

Tang Chen didn't put it away either.That big bottle is a magic weapon for space storage. Tang Xiong and Liu Jinduo worked together to engrave the space formation. The water in it is as much as two West Lakes!Tang Chen's dantian stars are fused with Chaos God Crystal, and the water resources are very rich. This water is really nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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