Shushan Wushen

Chapter 867 Ye Mengmeng's Another Spiritual Body [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works]

Chapter 867 Ye Mengmeng's Another Spiritual Body [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works]


Meng Wuzhuang finally roared out, "Tang Chen, you're messing around with women, hooking up with baby Tang, where do you put me? I'm the princess of Mengmen, or the heroine of Ziwei you personally named, what can't compare to me?" Tang Baobao with her face covered? Is she as beautiful as me?"

Tang Chen's eyes gradually calmed down, he looked at Meng Wuzhuang calmly, and said very seriously: "Wuzhuang, can you listen to me?" Seeing Meng Wuzhuang nodding, Tang Chen said: "To tell the truth, I It is indeed Tang Clan's son-in-law!"

"What? Baby Tang Bao, so you guys have been together for a long time?" Meng Wuzhuang felt her heart was suddenly clenched and loosened by a pair of big hands, oppressed and painful, and opened her mouth: "Pfft!" Spit out a mouthful of bright red blood!
"Little sister!" Meng Chengzhi exclaimed, and hurriedly supported the crumbling Meng Wuzhuang.Meng Wuzhuang showed a wry smile. "No wonder you have so many treasures that are beyond the reach of others!... [Zhenye Wuxiang] is actually used to make tea..."

"No! I have nothing to do with Tang Baobao!" Tang Chen looked at Meng Wuzhuang distressedly, and reached out to grab Meng Wuzhuang's shoulder. Meng Chengzhi opened Tang Chen's arm roughly, "Get out! Touch my sister again, I'll kill you!" you!"

Meng Wuzhuang had infinite affection for Tang Chen, and couldn't help but think of Tang Chen's thousands of years in Ziwei Star... and never surpassed Lei Chi by half a step!At this moment, the mystery is solved, and I can't help feeling good. "I understand! Tang Chen, thank you for your respect! You are a good person, baby Tang Bao is so lucky!"

Tang Chen knew that if he didn't say anything, he would inevitably hurt Meng Wuzhuang. After all, Mengmen was very kind to him!Besides, Meng Chengzhen was involved here!This is the main purpose of Tang Chen Tianquanxing's trip!

"Wu Zhuang, I actually like you very much! You should be able to feel this, can't you?" Meng Wu Zhuang's bitterness became more intense, her brows were knit together, tangled in pain!Youyou said: "What's the use of understanding? You have already married, and I am a direct descendant of the Meng family. As a princess, I cannot be a concubine!"

Seeing that Meng Wuzhuang could communicate, Tang Chen took advantage of the situation and said, "Baby Tang and I are just brother-in-law and sister-in-law! Baobao Tang's older sister is my unmarried wife!"

"Huh? I didn't pass the door! Then I still have a chance!" Meng Wuzhuang recovered instantly, pushed Meng Chengzhi away, climbed onto Tang Chen's shoulders, and said with resentful anger, "Don't scare me in the future! My little heart, Plop, plop, still jumping!"

"Tang Chen, you lied to her, right? I, Baby Tang, am the only princess of the Tang Sect!" Baby Tang's figure slowly solidified!She didn't leave!Has been hidden in the void.Observe how Tang Chen deals with Meng Wuzhuang.Now Baby Tang...disappointed?
Meng Wuzhuang's body froze, she couldn't believe it!Tang Chen was actually lying to her.And she obviously believed it just now!Tang Baobao, the only little princess of the Tang Sect, is known not only in the Wenqu Continent, but also in the aristocratic circle of the Big Dipper Star Region!No secret!How stupid I am!Knowing Tang Chen, the brain is obviously not enough?
Meng Chengzhi made no secret of his murderous intent!He wants to maim Tang Chen!Imprisoned in Mengmen for life!Meng Wuzhuang is my brother's most beloved sister!Otherwise, she could be allowed to mess around and even go to Qiongming Academy to study!Even the princess of Confucian Mansion is not qualified!Isn't Tang Chen stroking the tiger's whiskers!

Tang Chen smiled, stretched out his other hand, and grabbed Tang Baobao's catkin!Baby Tang Bao did not refuse at all!She meant to compete head-on with Meng Wuzhuang!Take what you like as your own and make it the best!If you fail, keep working hard until you succeed!
In front of the Tang Sect, the biggest failure is to face setbacks and be helpless!There is nothing to do but to grab it!This is also the solution to the problem!If you run into a problem and avoid it, or don't go to several levels to find a solution to the problem, that is not in line with Tangmen's style of doing things!
"Hehe, little girl! I..." Baobao Tang covered Tang Chen's lips, and put the mask on his front to reveal his red lips automatically, "Boom!" Kissed her, "Call me Mrs. Jiubao!"

"What the hell? Return Mrs. Jiubao!" Tang Chen shook his head, ignoring Meng Wuzhuang's eyes, and solemnly said to Baby Tang Bao: "Little sister, you are different from Wuzhuang! Do you remember Tang Zhiyun?"

Tang Baobao froze for a moment! "Sister Yunyun! Are you Tang Chen?" Tang Chen nodded, "Of course I am Tang Chen!" He said in his heart, Yanhuangxing Tang Sect is indeed connected with Wenqu Tang Sect!They even have communication channels with each other!Wouldn't it be better to ask Tang Xiong to draw up a kidnapping list if he had known this earlier...

"Brother-in-law, you know Ehuang Nvying when the Primal Chaos Continent was not divided!" Tang Chen suddenly changed color, secretly thinking that it was broken!My sister-in-law is still an idiot!Shaking his head hastily, "I don't know! I don't know! We are a couple..." Feeling a slip of the tongue, he hurriedly shut up.

Baobao Tang smiled with wide eyes, "Hehehe, brother-in-law is dishonest, cheating sister-in-law! You already have eight wives! I am the ninth! Mrs. Jiubao! Sister Ye Meng agreed!"

"What? Can you guys contact Rou'er?" Tang Chen instantly felt fooled.The whole world knows, and I'm still in the shadow of the only corner... It feels bad!

Swish!Baby Tang Bao reveals the biggest killer!Zooming in... all the masks on his face disappeared, revealing a beautiful face!Tang Chen was startled, his eyes immediately became confused, and he murmured: "Zhiyun! Cousin Zhiyun!" Drooling!Out of the mouth!This face is [-]% similar to the current Tang Zhiyun, but it is the same as Tang Zhiyun in [Demon Killing Plane], in appearance and temperament!

Baby Tang raised his eyebrows triumphantly, even shrugged his shoulders, and spread his hands. This is Tang Chen's little habit. Baby Tang has never seen it before, but he learned it so vividly!
"The Purple Cloud Cauldron of Chaos Pearl Tang Sect and the Purple Cloud Cauldron of Tianquan Star can boil water to pass books! We just got in touch recently! I heard that Second Uncle's Ziyun Cauldron was taken into the hands of some secular world official for collection! I finally found it! Yunyun said, you will come to take over the head of the Wenqu Tang Sect and let me marry you! She said that sister Ye Meng should agree..." Tang Baobao stared at Jumei without any shyness. The big eyes and the dimples on the cheeks are even more charming!

"Should" agree, but Ye Mengrou hasn't been informed yet... But with Tang Baobao's beautiful face, what courage does Tang Chen have to refuse? "It turned out to be like this! Alas! I've always been afraid of guilt, and I listened to your sister for everything... Anyway, I also resigned to my fate! Fighting is futile!" Tang Chen revealed his true feelings with infinite sadness!

"That's it? Humph! You can marry two princesses, but you can't favor one over the other!"

Meng Wuzhuang stared at Tang Chen angrily.Tang Chen involuntarily glanced at Meng Chengzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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