Shushan Wushen

Chapter 868 Extravagant promotion

Chapter 868 Extravagant promotion


Meng Chengzhi actually... nodded...

"That's not allowed, I'm afraid of guilt! I dare not! I listen to Madam in everything!" Tang Chen rejected Meng Wuzhuang righteously, and glanced at Tang Baobao.Meng Wuzhuang didn't understand Tang Chen's 'essence'!
On the contrary, Meng Chengzhi heard the clue, and said in a deep voice: "Tang Chen! It's rare that my sister likes you. As for Tang Baobao, she didn't get a definite answer from Mrs. Ye Meng, did she? I think that Tang Baobao will be with you in the future. There should be a support for Wu Zhuang to be together! After all, they are all in the same circle! Family infighting..., hey! It’s far away! Talking about confidantes, isn’t it just to find familiar people to chat with!”

"The family should not fight among themselves! Harmony! It must be harmonious!" Tang Chen corrected his mistake in time.Meng Chengzhi smiled, but he didn't speak, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!Universal law!Can't avoid it!Inevitable!

"Baby Tang, what do you think?" Meng Wuzhuang looked at Baby Tang expectantly!Only now did she wake up and taste the true meaning of Tang Chen's words!

Tang Baobao shook his head, Meng Wuzhuang and Meng Chengzhi suddenly changed color!Tang Baobao was quite embarrassed and said: "It's nothing for me to recommend, I'm afraid of sister Ye Meng..., alas! Actually, I am also quite nervous!"

"Oh!" Meng Chengzhi and Meng Wuzhuang's expressions softened.I agree with Tang Baobao's concerns.

call out!Tang Ying suddenly appeared!I have been listening with a smile for a long time!Time to get to work, too!Tang Ying opened her mouth full of bitterness: "Hey! The year is not good! The business has somehow happened, and this year's profit has dropped sharply! However, the labor force has increased a lot! What a pity! This time, the Tang Sect lost a lot of money for the sake of the Meng Sect's son-in-law. Flying a boat in butterfly clothes, this old man is ashamed of his ancestors! After Tang Chen returns, Tang Er Er, I don’t know how he will laugh?"

"Isn't Tang Xiong of the Tang family resigning from his position as the head of the family to protect the evil species... Didn't he break into the Chaos Orb alone? Tang Chen?" Meng Qingfu finally heard the clue!Puzzled!

Tang Chen nodded, "That's right! I'm from the Chaos Orb!"

Meng Chengzhi had a premonition, but no surprise!Meng Wuzhuang was very curious, and asked Yanhuangxing about the customs in a low voice.Tang Ying pulled Meng Chengzhi, and continued to cry poor!Meng Chengzhi had no choice but to take out the four treasures of the study, and wrote an IOU to pay the remuneration.Under Tang Ying's inducement, the salary was doubled several times on the grounds that the butterfly clothes flying boat was damaged!Only then can I leave contentedly!

Tang Baobao didn't leave, Meng Qingfu set up a fire to burn charcoal, caught a few spirit beasts, and everyone started to barbecue!Not long after, the smell of meat overflowed, and Tang Chen was not good at drinking, so he took out a few packs of Jinjunmei and Tieguanyin, Huangshan Maofeng, Dongding Oolong and other teas, brewed a few pots of tea, and poured himself a drink!Sure enough, Meng Chengzhi came over!Gobble up!Repeated praise!Meng Qingfu wanted to ask for a drink, but he felt that it was too expensive, so he didn't look down!However, Tang Chen filled two cups and handed Meng Qingfu's Battle Body and Primordial Spirit Body with his own hands!Meng Qingfu was so surprised that he almost knelt down!
Tang Chen simply took out a large copper pot, boiled water and pulled tea leaves, let you brew it!The scene is almost crazy!finally!Tang Chen felt Ziwei star vibrate, and there was news from Kongtong Yin!
After 8000 years of time acceleration, Meng Chengzhi finally returned to the realm of a saint!Re-cultivated out of the city!Meng Chengzhi is a great sage!So his city mansion is particularly majestic and vast, standing up, it is a three-story palace!So Meng Chengzhi built the Saint City Mansion this time taking into account the square building in the middle!Taking into account the structure of Shuangcheng Mansion!That's why it took so long!

"Everyone, a sage is coming here! Everyone welcome!" Everyone's faces were radiant after being moistened by the tea water!With a comfortable belch, Meng Qingfu even secretly stole a bottle with a small bottle and hid it in the storage ring.Tang Chen turned a blind eye.

call out!Accompanied by the enveloping rainbow, the sage Meng Chengzhen glanced affectionately at Ziwei World, bowed his hands to Kongtongyin, and then volleyed in the sky to pay homage!8000 years of constant companionship, taking care of food and daily life, pills and spiritual things, countless hundreds of millions of prescriptions [Zhenye Wuxiang] can be used at will...

How dare you accept the Kongtong seal, whoosh!They ran to the Wenqu Continent first, and everyone had never seen the image of Kongtong Yin, and they were shocked!Looking up, the navel is far away in the sky!
"Stop showing off, make it smaller!" Tang Chen ordered.Kongtong Yin smiled wryly, "Master, I have been pampered and pampered for the past few years, and I have returned to my prime! This is the smallest state! I was originally a million miles tall!"

Tang Chen rolled his eyes, waved a Tang Sect's space magic circle, and then made Kongtong Yin to a height of two meters. Kongtong Yin smiled, grabbed a roasted Yufei Demon Sheep, and looked at Tang Chen.Tang Chen laughed loudly, and raised his hand to signal: "Eat, there is tea! Eat and drink!"


The body of Yufei Demon Sheep is about seven or eight meters long, and the bones weigh five or six thousand catties when rolled down!Kongtong Yin eats very politely, one shredded pork, one shredded pork, chewing slowly!But it's too fast!Whoosh!Dazzling, only bare bones left...

However, Kongtong Yin is very particular about drinking tea. He holds the teacup carefully, and does not forget to pour a drop on the tea pet, and then takes a sip, closing his eyes and savoring the tea fragrance rippling on the tip of his tongue!After a long time, open your eyes!Satisfied, I took a few breaths and took a second sip!The movements are elegant and familiar, very much like Tang Chen's style!
Meng Chengzhi couldn't help but feel ashamed!Meng Wuzhuang also regretted it too much!After staying in Ziwei Star for nearly ten thousand years, I am really annoyed that I haven't learned how to taste tea!But Baby Tang is not upset, she doesn't like tea, she prefers to drink alcohol!At this moment, his face was like a peach blossom, and his eyes were full of charms. Tang Chen involuntarily peeped several times, but he didn't dare to look him in the face, for fear that he would lose his composure!
Whoosh!Meng Chengzhen returns in shock!
In an instant, a five-color rainbow appeared in Ziyun Small World!God's voice is lingering!There are goddess musicians playing music in the shadows!This is unimaginable!Only the great sage has the divine voice, and Meng Chengzhen is the saint!Seemingly strange, Meng Chengzhi, Meng Chengzhen and Meng Qingfu all looked puzzled.Tang Chen explained: "Saints are divided into planetary saints, star saints, star field saints and chaos saints!"

Meng Chengzhi's eyes lit up, filled with envy, and Meng Qingfu exchanged tears with excitement, "A chaotic sage! A chaotic sage came out of Mengmen! He will surely establish a mansion in the future!"

"Then you are the elder of the Kaifu!" Meng Chengzhen was in a good mood, talking nonsense!The sage's golden mouth speaks well, and the opening of his mouth is the holy voice, which is the holy way!I saw the four ancient seal characters shining with golden light instantly condensed into a seal, phew!call out!Get into Meng Qingfu's battle body and primordial body!Meng Qingfu was so excited that he left the city, only to see that there was an extra plaque on the majestic palace!Covered with red silk, under the red silk are four golden ancient seal characters [Elder Kaifu]!
(End of this chapter)

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