Shushan Wushen

Chapter 870 Tang Ying is very dignified

Chapter 870 Tang Ying is very dignified


On Ziwei Star, Tang Chen Yuanshen himself, Chaos Martial Lord, has the eighth-rank and third-level cultivation!The powerful power of consciousness is menacing!Crush the spirit of Ziyun!Ziyun's spirit instantly collapsed! [Reincarnation test]!Tang Chen continued his efforts and completely stripped the relationship between Ziyun's spirit and Ziyun's small world!Tang Chen completed refining in the blink of an eye!Take complete control of Ziyun Small World!
"Scatter!" Tang Chen said out loud, pointing in front of him!The power of Ziyun Small World's ban is revoked! "Huh..." Meng Chengzhen, Meng Chengzhi, and Meng Qingfu's five divine bodies have been squeezed clean!Panting!The pressure was gone, and I immediately slumped on the ground!

Tang Chen stepped forward, Phew!call out!call out!Collect them into Ziwei Star.Throw it into the secret realm where Ye Meng practiced in the army.That is the place where Meng Chengzhen just came out.If you don't take them in, you won't take them in, but if you can restore your combat power, you still have to help!Relatives!Otherwise, Meng Chengzhi will get frustrated!

Adjusting the flow of time, Tang Chen turned his head and smiled at Meng Wuzhuang and Tang Baobao, and threw out these five divine bodies again!The three of them practiced for a whole year!The spirit of the dragon and the tiger are penetrating!
Meng Chengzhi put his arms around Tang Chen's neck affectionately, "Tsk tsk, little brother-in-law! It's really interesting! Send charcoal in the snow! Thank you very much!" Tang Chen smiled slightly and said affectionately: "Brother, you are welcome, thank you! We are Family! If you can help, don’t say anything, I, Tang Chen, will take the initiative! Unless I have unspeakable difficulties! If you talk about giving charcoal in a timely manner, my brother-in-law will feel ashamed!"

"I understand! I understand! What's the use of uncle, don't be polite! You are talking about a family! My Qingyun god page, you can use it for two days!" Fang Fang took out the champion page and stuffed it into Tang Chen's hand.Tang Chen hurriedly pushed back, "Brother, you can't do it! You can't do it! This thing is too expensive! When I need it, I'll let you borrow the makeup from you! Hehehe..."

Only then did Meng Chengzhi take back the Qingyun God Page, and told him, "Come and get it when you need it! You don't need to go through my little girl! Anytime is fine!" Meng Chengzhen also got a blessing in disguise, and completely consolidated his realm!I have face inside!All the grievances against Tang Chen in my heart disappeared!With a big wave of his hand: "Go back to Qiongming College, Brother Bai, I want to become a saint in Shuangcheng Mansion!"

With a wave of Tang Chen's hand, the space channel was opened, and the eight figures left Ziyun Small World!Appeared at Tangmen headquarters!


A large number of disciples of the Tang Sect in the headquarters of the Tang Sect, dressed in mechas and wielding mecha swords, looked like they were facing a formidable enemy!On the roof and fence, the pitch-black magic cannon, with spiritual power rippling from the muzzle, is obviously ready to fire!Tang Ying stepped on a world-destroying weapon... [Ni Mie Cannon], smiling at the great sage at the door who was dressed in the sackcloth of a Confucian sage!
Kong Xi's eyes were sharp, and he just saw Tang Chen appearing, and immediately yelled: "That guy, that kid ruined my city battle body!"Go straight to Tang Chen.Tang Chen ran the "Art of Creation" and glanced at it!The rich good fortune between heaven and earth formed a shackle to imprison that string of mantras of the great sage!

"Ah! This kid is weird! Patriarch Tang, please hand over this person! The Confucian Mansion will no longer hold you accountable! Otherwise, we will report to the Grand Sage Kong Li!"Kong Li is the biological son of the most holy Confucius!A big shot in the Big Dipper Starfield!A god-like existence in Wenqu Continent!

The rewinding mantra of the great sage, like a huge fist, smashed Kong Xi's lottery!

"Noisy!" Tang Chen put his hands behind his back, looking imposing!Meng Wuzhuang, Tang Baobao, one on the left and one on the right, and behind them Meng Qingfu, Meng Chengzhen, and Meng Chengzhi spread out.Form an arc!And Tang Chen was at that cutting point!
The Confucian Mansion cut some Kong Xi's lottery, but Tang Chen threw it out with a look, causing the remaining four great sages on the other side to look at each other, unable to figure out Tang Chen's way.

"Uncle Tang, they are here to look for me, Tang Chen! Let me deal with them!" Tang Chen bowed to Tang Xiong calmly.

"You are my son-in-law of the Tang clan, or the head of the family! Everything is up to you!" Tang Ying calmly accepted Tang Chen's gift, and calmly said a word that was earth-shattering!Tang Chen couldn't help trembling in his heart!Why is the Patriarch of the Tang Sect so worthless?Stuff it!

"He turned out to be Tang Chen! The Meng Sect and the Tang Sect colluded! Destroyed my city's battle body! I'm so mad! Wow!" Kong Xi signed, so angry that he almost lost his anger, but caught Tang Chen but Don't know Tang Chen!The Holy Word rolls over!Golden light!A ray of holy light suddenly burst out from the Confucian Temple in the distance, covering Kong Xi's lottery, Tang Chen's majestic voice seemed familiar: "Pollution of the sub-sage's family, deprivation of the Great Sage's mantra for ten years!"

Boo!A mysterious artistic conception came.Kong Xizhu felt that something had been pulled out from the depths of his soul!But I don't feel like I've lost anything! "What's wrong with me?"

Kong Xizhu spoke again, but there was no divine voice, nor did golden ancient seal characters spit out from his mouth...

"Tang Ying! He turned out to be Tang Chen! Is he a big shot in your Tang Sect?" Kong Xiping, as a great sage, has a respected status, but he can't compare with Tang Ying!Seeing that the Confucius Temple maintains the Mencius Gate, it feels unusual!Intention to quit.

"Wow! The old man's great sage's mantra has been deprived! No matter who it is, he will die if he destroys my city's battle body! Hope, Xi'an, hope to hear, Xiping! For the sake of past love, please help this old man! Kill Tang Chen!" Kong Xi signed the Great Jihad Body, how difficult it is to recover!A slip of the tongue and being deprived of the Great Sage's mark, endless remorse in his heart, deep hatred for Tang Chen, Kong Xi's signature howling in despair!There is no saintly demeanor!
Kong Xi'an couldn't bear it, and chimed in: "I hope that the Great Holy War Body will be destroyed, and the Sacred Heart will be damaged! Tang Chen even destroyed Kong Xianmeng of the Confucius family, and the Kong family wants to sign the two holy war bodies! The crime is not light! Come on!" Zhang Realm's big hand!Take it hard!This is the magic of the rules!The palm prints of this big hand are clearly visible!But I can't see the movement track clearly!The big hand is not in the present, not in the past!Not in the future!
"Mie Tangchen!" Kong Xi'an said out loud, impressively!Great sage's supernatural powers, [golden rule and holy words]!The big hands of rules enveloped Tang Chen's space!This is the mystery of the Great Sage mobilizing the power of the world and forcibly changing the rules of the universe!The average saint is irresistible!In the slightest, the battle body is damaged, and in the worst case, the soul body is annihilated and drawn into the void!

Tang Ying's expression was extremely serious!Using force under his feet, the Nirvana Cannon aimed at the Five Great Sages of the Confucian Mansion!Tang Chen, he won't save each other, but if something happens to Tang Chen, then these five great saints will undoubtedly be buried with him!With a move of mind, a steady stream of spiritual power, through the crystal nucleus of the monster, began to recharge the Nirvana Cannon...

Meng Chengzhen, Meng Chengzhi, and especially Meng Qingfu, who had received Tang Chen's great favor and could not repay them, used the supernatural powers of saints to change the rules!Stop the coming of the hand that destroys the world! "Tang Chen, run!" "Brother-in-law, run!" Facing the great sage, the two primordial bodies were powerless to fight, so they spoke out to remind...

(End of this chapter)

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