Shushan Wushen

Chapter 871 Crushing artistic conception

Chapter 871 Crushing artistic conception


Meng Wuzhuang and Tang Baobao subconsciously took half a step, trying to serve as the last meat shield for Tang Chen...

Tang Chen saw it in his eyes, and his face showed admiration, "I don't let you down! I don't let you down!" Gently embraced the fragrant shoulders of Tang Baobao and Meng Wuzhuang, put his palms on the shoulders, and glanced at them contemptuously Rule the big hand, raise a little finger!With a swipe impatiently: "Playing tricks! It's blocking me from the sun!"

Chirp chirp chirp chirp!

The invisible and intangible wings of the hand come first!Good luck tricks people!Nature changes the rules!Kong Xi'an's rules and secrets are great hands, great sage methods!Comparable to good luck!And how can it compare to the force of good fortune, the good fortune wind blade!

The wind blade of good fortune at super-light speed, the wings of the hand are urged!What is the effect of cutting hands with a knife?The rules of the sky, the profound meaning, the big hand, what will happen!The middle finger, the thumb, the index finger, the palm, the ring finger, the little finger...chop off one piece at a time visible to the naked eye!


Like the sound of broken porcelain!Big hands collapse!Kong Xi'an was backlashed by the [Golden Rules and Sacred Words]!The realm of the great sage is similar to the realm of Taoism's crossing the catastrophe!It has already turned into a green heart!puff!A mouthful of emerald green blood came out of his mouth!Dao Shang!The Great Way of Sorrow!Shengxiu is the most important thing to be perfect!Confucianism and Taoism are flawless!It is impossible for Kong Xi'an to advance to Yasheng in this life!

"Is there anyone who is overwhelmed! A clown!" Tang Chen's eyes were full of endless ridicule, staring at Kong Xiping!Kong Xiping nodded, and uttered the holy words: "Tang Chen has a high level of cultivation, he is the son-in-law of the Tang clan, and the new head of the family! He is a peerless power! Kong Xianmeng's one-sided words cannot be fully believed! The Confucius family is abrupt! Plead guilty!"

"Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference!" Tang Chen nodded, his eyes eliminated the hostility.I can't help admiring the Confucian government in my heart, its ability to bend and stretch, and the spirit of pursuing right and wrong in everything.

"Let me Confucian mansion, go back in time, search the soul to verify the truth! Make a careful investigation, and then negotiate with the Tang Sect! Farewell!" The golden light flashed, swish!Cover Kong Hee Check, Kong Hee An!Five-color auspicious clouds rise up under your feet, whoosh!Fly away!

Kong Xi listened to the colorful auspicious clouds spreading from under his feet, and he should have followed Kong Xiping away, chanting in a seemingly elegant manner;
Drunk with wine, full with virtue.A gentleman for thousands of years, Jieer Jingfu.

If you are drunk with wine, you will eat food.A gentleman for thousands of years, Jieer Zhaoming.

Zhaoming has Rong, Gao Lang orders the end, and orders the end with Chu.Public corpse report.

What does he tell Wei?Yandou Jingjia.Friends Yau photographed, photographed with dignity.

In the time of prestige and appearance, a gentleman has a filial son.There is no shortage of filial sons, like Yongxier.

What is its class?The home of the room.A gentleman for thousands of years, Yongxi Zuoyin.

What is its Yinwei?God is Erlu.A gentleman has lived for thousands of years, and his life has servants.

What is his servant?Ms. Lee.Ms. Lier, from grandson to grandson.

In an instant, Tang Chen and the others suddenly felt excited!It's like the feeling of being half drunk with wine, in a daze, but in an extremely comfortable mood!I couldn't help but spit out some compliments that I was usually ashamed to say!And a lot of more disgusting flattery filled the whole ear!

Tang Chen suddenly caught his head, raised his eyes and looked around at friends with familiar faces, and didn't have time to think about which one was which!But I saw a majestic black-robed king sitting on a higher place of the banquet. Upon closer inspection, his face resembled Tang Xiong, and unconsciously Tang Ying. Upon closer inspection, he turned out to be Tang Batian!In amazement, huh?Mr. Spilberg?Looking at the black-robed king again, it was actually Tang Chen himself!
"Hiss!..." Hallucination!Not an illusion!This is the artistic conception of poetry!The artistic conception of the great sage reciting poems!Enough to disturb the mind!Yuanshen Tang Chen himself rushed into Ye Meng's study room!Turn on the computer and search quickly! A poem in the "Book of Songs", "Daya Drunk" This is a song!Persuasion and blessings!
Suddenly, a chant sounded suddenly!Kong hoped to chant: "Large rats, great rats, I can't eat millet! Three-year-old girl, I don't want to take care of her. The passing away girl is suitable for the paradise. The paradise, the paradise, I can get what I want. Big rats, big rats, no food My baby! A three-year-old girl, I am Kende. A daughter who is going to die, I am suitable for the country of joy. Happy to the country and the country, love me straight? Big rats, big rats, there is no food for my seedlings! Three-year-old girl, don’t me Willing to work. The daughter who will pass away is suitable for Lejiao. Lejiao Lejiao, whose eternal name is it?"

"Not good! There are murderous intentions!" Tang Chen shuddered!Those officials who persuaded them to drink and bless them quickly turned their backs!All of them became unkempt, sallow and emaciated, and dressed in rags... They blamed Tang Chen one after another!Tang Chen really wanted to close his eyes and not look at it!But the wine bottles in their hands have turned into shiny farm tools...

Tang Chen felt his body shrinking rapidly. Looking up, those officials were still drinking, and the banquet was still going on!Those skinny farmers were holding farm tools and staring at themselves!And he turned into a fat big mouse!

Kong Xi listened to the recitation of "Daya Drunk" and generated a poetic conception, drunk!Tang Chen was in it and could still rely on his soul power to resist, everyone was drunk alone, and I was alone awake!Big deal gets trapped!And Kong hopes to sing "National Style · Weifeng · Shuoshu" in "The Book of Songs", putting Tang Chen in a poetic mood!Became a big rat hated by farmers!It's just a killer!hunt!

The artistic conception of poetry can only be deciphered by poetry!Of course, the artistic conception of poems and songs can be used!Yuanshen Body Tang Chen quickly searched for the solution! "Yes!" Yuanshen Tang Chen found Li Shangyin's "Midnight"...

Tang Chen hurriedly recited: "Wan Jia sleeps at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the dew wants to fall into the smoke for the frosty moon. The fighting mouse goes to the hall and the bats come out, and the jade piano moves and leans against the window strings."

In an instant, near the headquarters of the Tang Sect, the night fell, and the temperature dropped sharply, making it extremely cold!The branches and leaves of flowers and plants are so cold that they are covered with autumn frost!it's too cold!The moon shrank in the clouds and refused to come out!The officials who were drinking in a poetic mood couldn't help shrinking their necks, bowing their heads, "squeak!"

Although the officials were in a poetic environment, they had ordinary people's thinking. Looking at the lights of thousands of houses in the distance, they realized that it was already midnight, and the family members must be thinking about it.
Tang Chen breathed a sigh of relief!The first poetry that Kong Xi heard was cracked!Tang Chen could already see clearly, those farmers shivering from the cold!Faced with a large number of rats, powerless!After all, they were too cold, and they almost froze to death!How can I still have the ability to deal with mice?The peasants look sad!

Tang Chen couldn't bear it!After all, these farmers exist in reality!It exists in other [dimensions]!Although it was the projection summoned by Kong Xiting through the [dimension] of the poetic realm.Tang Chen still can't freeze them to death!They are poor people living at the bottom of the rivers and lakes!Poor man who has been exploited and bullied all his life!Everyone bullies everyone, even mice bully them!
(End of this chapter)

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