Shushan Wushen

Chapter 892 Kanying

Chapter 892 Kanying


The thousands of prophets around seemed to have been prepared, and they all prostrated themselves on the ground!Whoosh!The leading crutch ran towards Tang Chen's knee, and swiped over!The prophets blocked Tang Chen's sight, so they were caught off guard and didn't hide!Boom!He stumbled and knocked down three or four little prophets!

Zhao Xiaocong smiled mockingly: "Cut, did you see that! Stupid big man! Wunu old prophet can knock him down with a light turn! What's there to be arrogant about! See you all, little prophets! You can only practice hard Only then can we go straight to the sky! Go to the Nine Heavens!"

"This stupid big guy! It's a living example! Children, remember Aunt Zhao Xiaocong's teachings! Work hard to practice!" Wunu old man, make up the knife at the right time!Holding the crutch with one hand, like holding a pointer, pointing at the dumbfounded Tang Chen!
Tang Chen was inexplicably sad and angry!The prophets around him, including Zhao Xiaocong and the old man Wunu, are indeed dwarfs!Tang Chen has worked very hard, but he is still much higher than them!Stand out from the crowd!Very abrupt!But height should never be a defect that is ridiculed and made fun of!This divine body has been condensed to the extreme, okay?

However, Tang Chen still understands the principle of doing as the Romans do!Clasping fists and saluting: "Excuse me..."

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise, let's continue the class! Young prophets of Hanquan Academy, get in formation and practice! Big man, do you hear that? Stand over there! From now on, you are Lianying He's a key student in Class One, Grade One! Hmph!" The old man Wunu gave Tang Chen a hard look!
Zhao Xiaocong made up the knife in time: "Students like the big fool should focus on drills! They are too naughty! They are too disorganized and disciplined! What is the mission of a soldier?"

"Boom!" A deafening sound rose from the earth, resounding through the sky!Countless little prophets screamed: "Obey orders and listen to commands!"

Zhao Xiaocong still looked expressionless, but his tone eased: "Okay! Very good! Disobedient to orders, disobedient to command, and secretly trying to sneak to the front line! Are you burdening the little prophet? Jiuchongtian, you were in the entertainment room at that time. What? As a quasi-military officer, a brigadier general! We came from among the prophets, we want to go back to the prophets! Become the most powerful group of prophets!..."

"The most awesome group of people!" The prophets around Tang Chen heard the words "the most awesome group of people" one by one, and they became restless as if they had been injected with chicken blood!He raised his fist and waved it vigorously, shouting inexplicable slogans.

"The most awesome group of people!"

"The most awesome group of people!"

Zhao Xiaocong stretched out his hand and made a downward movement, and there was no sound at all!Some prophets even had their expressions so frozen, with their mouths open, but they didn't make a sound!Tang Chen has never experienced this kind of absurdity, but guessing, it should be "Forbidden!"

"Stupid, enter the key list! The last place, to make a warning to others!"

Following Zhao Xiaocong's order, "Boom! Boom!" A stonemason chiseled out the words "Big Stupid" on a huge stone tablet with all his might!

"Remember! Stupid! When will you be able to push up the ranking with [Influence]! You will be blessed by me, Zhao Xiaocong!" Zhao Xiaocong stared into Tang Chen's eyes as if angry , Tang Chen's scalp became tight with anger, and his hair stood on end!But in the depths of Zhao Xiaocong's eyes, he discovered... Hope!
In an instant, Mr. Spielberg's earnest eyes appeared in Tang Chen's mind!Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head, it must be an illusion!Zhao Xiaocong has never met her before, what can she expect from humiliating herself so much?
"Aunt Zhao Xiaocong! I... I can, can I try?" An extremely thin boy raised his skinny and bony arms and asked Zhao Xiaocong cautiously.

Zhao Xiaocong turned to ask the Wunu old man Feng Fuliu for his opinion, "Master Feng Fuliu, today is not [Photography Day], do you see this little guy's request?"

Feng Fuliu straightened her body, smiled amiably, and said to the young man, "Isn't it? You just absorbed the [influence] of the giant shadow in the sky? What's your name?"

Seeing that the Great Prophet Feng Fuliu was uncharacteristically approachable, the young man was immediately flattered and embarrassed, " name is Lermontov, I just...I—"

"Oh! Got it, accepted it! Right!" Seeing Lermontov nodding his head vigorously, Feng Fuliu glanced at Zhao Xiaocong appreciatively, then reached out and patted Lermontov's shoulder affectionately. "As the Prophet of the town school of Hanquan Academy, I will make an exception today and authorize your instructors! Your Aunt Zhao Xiaocong!"

Zhao Xiaocong got the authorization and said to Lermontov: "Go, cute little prophet! Let's see how many places you can advance? Auntie is optimistic about you!"

Lermontov looked grateful, and respectfully saluted Zhao Xiaocong, then bowed his hands to Fengfu Liu, and walked to the huge stone tablet!There is a word on the head of the stele, [Kan Ying]!
"[Reconnaissance Shadow]?" Tang Chen noticed that the people around him were all without shadows!
Lermontov made a tactic with both hands, "Pfft!" His body seemed to be pierced through by countless fine and sharp needles!Swish!The whole person is unbelievably transparent!Gradually, it disappeared without a trace!However, Lermontov's shadow became so solid!Had Lermontov entered the shadows?

Sure enough, Lermontov's hazy blurred shadow started to squirm!Like a resurrected creature!Tang Chen felt his scalp go numb, "Damn it! Are they ghosts? How could it be so weird?"

Tang Chen habitually released his spiritual consciousness to capture the thinking consciousness of the prophets around him.

hiss! ! !
Tang Chen's consciousness was swept away in a single glance, besides the soul rune, unexpectedly...


It turned out to be an incorporeal body! !

wrong!I missed information! !

Whoosh!Tang Chen's Yuanshen body on Pluto suddenly opened his eyes, and a series of afterimages appeared without moving... The afterimages disappeared in place and reappeared, impressively!It's already the Hades Hall of Truth Listening!

The prophet turned out to be incorporeal!How important is this information! !
"Ghost Valley, that's too careless! Some information needs to be peeled off, and after repeated inquiries, we can collect the desired information! It is definitely not something that can be obtained by beating and torture!...Ghost Valley is really simple and rude!"

Tang Chen wants to interrogate the fallen prophet himself!

[Prestressed World] Indigenous people, the problem of body structure, was ignored in previous interrogations!This is the most basic, but a huge problem!

Pluto.The interrogation is going on...

"...Incorporeal body! That is a state between the soul and the primordial spirit, stronger than the soul but weaker than the condensed body of the primordial spirit! Good at... devouring shadows!..."

"...The little prophets have gone through the militarized practice of the Cold Spring Academy, practiced "Shadow Jue" to perfect the soul rune, and to perfect the soul rune, you need to commit yourself to the shadow, devouring the chance and luck of others..."

(End of this chapter)

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