Shushan Wushen

Chapter 893 Shadow Jue

Chapter 893 Shadow Jue


hiss! ! !
Tang Chen was stunned.

Human beings are the spatial projection of the will of the "original stars" across [dimensions]!What about incorporeal?It is the obsession of a remnant soul that has lost contact with the 'original star'! ! !
Obsession is the emotional product of thinking memory, ideals and aspirations of a person or a special life.

It's different from Yanhuang people who use flesh and blood to nourish their obsessions!The incorporeal body is to cultivate the physical body with obsession!
Different routes lead to the same goal, but they go in the opposite direction!

Generally speaking, the so-called "obsession" under normal circumstances will completely disappear with the annihilation of the body!

However, some rather powerful 'obsessions' are unwilling to fail!
Across the endless [dimension] 'obsession' but failed to complete the mission of projection, I feel unwilling! !Do not recognize failure! !

In other words, this is a "stubborn" star!
Fortunately, these "stubborn" stars were able to enter the [Prestressed World]!
In the world of pre-stress, "obsession" has obtained the opportunity of "error correction" given by the mantle civilization...and has become an "incorporated body"!
——Since you are not willing to part with it, then go upstream!back to those days!Continue the unfinished star mission!Great opportunity!Big luck! "Obsession" can only go, "Take it!" Go "Snatch!" "Go steal!"...!Further improve the "virtual body"!
Get away from reality!The incorporeal body regains its physical body with a devouring technique called [Shadow Jue]!Continue to complete the star mission!

Through the interrogation by the avatar of the city government, Tang Chen finally grasped this information, and he couldn't help being touched!
Sigh the incomparable preciousness of life!Sigh the endless persistence of pursuit!Feel the vastness of the mantle civilization!

The so-called broadness of civilization has nothing to do with the frequent appearance of cutting-edge magic weapons!It has nothing to do with how advanced the cultivation system is!A great civilization is not necessarily profound, but it must be profound!Because everyone has stepped in inadvertently! !
That is the ascending channel! "Broadness" must be inclusive and inclusive!There is no deliberate human obstruction!You can easily board the platform to display your ambitions!
Precise and profound, exquisite and profound, it has become a duty!Sophistication is really insignificant!
Into the super civilized world.Be inclusive!All kinds of Frost Sky compete for freedom!
As long as you have a positive perseverance!Then there is always a way in the world that will take you to the pinnacle of life!
Tang Chen couldn't help sighing: Looking back at the low-level civilization, why is it narrow?It's nothing more than the insignificant and stupid troubles of nobles! ! !
Those nobles who are "stupid!" and "forced!" deliberately show their status! !Brush the sense of presence! !Brush the sense of superiority! !Good at showing off and being pragmatic, ashamed of being diligent and pragmatic! !What's more, in order to keep the nobles forever, they even closed the ascending channel...

This world is just like a big garden with beautiful scenery, full of exotic flowers and plants!
The low-level civilized people are complacent looking at the devastated, broken branches and vines full of holes, and take out the flowers from their arms from time to time to show and show off their shamelessness...

High-level civilized people enjoy the beauty that flowers bring to their mood and vision. At the same time, they take out a handful of flower seeds from their arms and sprinkle them, or pick up the gardener's shower head and don't forget to moisturize the flower roots...

How foolish one is! !How enlightened one is! ! !
Tang Chen secretly told himself to keep in mind; absolutely! ! !cannot! ! !Provoke these "Shadow Jue" practitioners! ! !
With obsession, even if the body is lost, it is still determined!Such a spirit is no longer admirable, but frightening!panic!Endless fear! ! !
"Shadow Jue" skills are too evil! ! !
Fighting against practitioners of "Shadow Jue" is like encountering a scheming liar! !

Tang Chen imagined fighting with the practitioners of "Shadow Jue"; Tang Chen must be concerned about the victory or defeat of the battle!However, what practitioners of "Shadow Jue" focus on is the 'battle' itself!
For "Shadow Jue" practitioners.Winning or losing is not important!The important thing is, during the period of fighting with each other, how much energy can I absorb from you?How many physical worlds have been taken away from you!How many great opportunities have been taken away from you!Great luck!
That is to say, as long as Tang Chen and the practitioners of "Shadow Jue" decide to fight!It already means failure!
Besides, the vitality that has been deprived by "Shadow Jue" will never come back!Therefore, the Yanhuang Stars are definitely not their opponents!
The Hanquan Academy is called the Imperial Academy, but it is actually a military academy! ! !

This kind of national system is all soldiers in every body! !As expected, he should have been coveting Yanhuangxing for a long time!Since the war will start sooner or later, try to delay the start of the war when there is no chance of winning.That is the correct strategy and tactics...

Tang Chen's Pluto avatar ended the interrogation, and Tang Chen also focused on Lermontov...

I saw that Lermontov turned into a shadow, and the shadow cautiously stretched out his foot, stepping on the name of "Big Stupid", which is Tang Chen!

[Monument of Surveying Shadows] It's a magic weapon!Tang Chen immediately felt the name on the [Kan Ying Monument], and instantly had a mysterious connection with his 'combat body clone' and even his 'city mansion clone'!

Incorporeal!The Kanying Monument actually detained one of Tang Chen's 'obsessions'!Tang Chen was shocked!Very shocked! !
boom! ! !
How could Lermontov, a mere [incorporeal body] whose 'obsession' had just been condensed, trample Tang Chen who was carrying Ziwei Universe under his feet?

Tang Chen is enough to kill Lermontov even if he pulls his hair out!

The incorporeal body of "Big Stupid" was instantly activated, and he communicated with Tang Chen's original star without any effort!After all, there was no connection in the first place...

boom!boom!Easily knocked Lermontov into the air!Now that it's activated, "Big Stupid" must sing all the way! !

rub!Bass!The name that ranks ahead of "Big Stupid" in everything, bang!boom!boom!They all fell down! The name of "silly big man" has been crushed all the way...

"Ah! The stele has exploded!" Zhao Xiaocong's face was as shriveled as a withered chrysanthemum, bursting with surprise!Instructor Zhao Xiaocong lost his composure like a little girl, reaching out his hand to cover the shriveled and wrinkled chrysanthemum mouth!

Zhao Xiaocong's autumn eyes, which were as clear as still water in a secluded pool, turned to Tang Chen, gurgling!gurgling!gurgling!babbling...

Boom! !

The word "silly big man" was originally an obscure gray color, but it quickly turned black!turn white!Silver!Turn red!Turn into gold!Go green!Securely occupy the first place!

This is also the maximum value that [Kan Ying Monument] can show! ! !
Feng Fuliu walked like flying, rushed in front of Tang Chen, and grabbed Tang Chen!The body trembled uncontrollably!

"Monster! Good job! A model of the Cold Spring Academy! A well-deserved role model! The elite of the empire! The hope of the empire! ——"Silly big man" what's your name? Do you want me to give you a name?"

"Tang Chen!" With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he twisted his toes, moved his body, and avoided Feng Fuliu's gaffe without a trace.

Tang Chen slowly raised his head, smiled and stared at the three big green characters full of vitality of "silly big man"!Blessed to the heart, I have moved my mind about "Shadow Jue"!
Learn from the strengths of the barbarians to control the barbarians! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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