Shushan Wushen

Chapter 896 Emperor-Level Master Nuoding Wufu

Chapter 896 Emperor-Level Master Nuoding Wufu


A huge shadow is released from the sky..., hiss! ...Could it be? …

Missed!Kicked to the iron plate!
Feng Fuliu's eyes showed determination, and he flipped his wrist, "Boom!" It actually snapped!The great prophet cut off his own wrist?what does it mean?Everyone is puzzled!Tang Chen felt that something was wrong, but he didn't find any clues.

Guigu caught his head in time!He kept urging: "Run, it's too late! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Tang Chen suddenly came to his senses, chirp chirp chirp!The speed of light of three rings cannot be detected by the naked eye!The light burst and roared, soaring into the sky!
Fengfu Liu's phantom collapsed and turned into a crystal bright light...

The light condenses into a light curtain...

call out!
In the blink of an eye, Tang Chen ran out of the territory of the Hanquan Empire!call out!Ghost Valley's figure suddenly appeared on Tang Chen's body...

Dragon Knight fit! !

Ghost Valley, wearing the Longluan saddle armor made by Ye Meng's Armory on Ziwei Star!Tang Chen pulled the saddle and stepped on the sacred purple gold dragon!

Escaping is still what Guigu is best at!
Guigu tried his best to display his dragon talent, [space teleportation]!Passed through the Cold Spring Empire one after another!Yinquan Empire!Youquan Empire!Xiaquan Empire!Bitter Springs Empire!
All empires across the mantle civilization!Cut through the entire [Prestressed World]!Even to the Mingquan space enchantment!

Guigu didn't say a word!Crazy escape!The divine consciousness released by Tang Chen didn't have time to take it back, so he forcibly stayed in various dimensions!Torn apart!
Tang Chen felt dizzy for a while.

Suddenly!Tang Chen was surprised when the intercepted spiritual consciousness returned to the lower spring plane, and the spiritual consciousness sent a voice transmission: "Why did you come back in circles?"

"You can't go around in circles! [The strong man cuts the wrist] That's the supernatural power of the emperor's bloodline! Use the bloodline induction between the same clan to pass the information to the family's emperor-level master!..."

"...With the state of the two of us's current combat power, there is no life or death for a god-level master!" Guigu was still in shock, explaining ramblingly while fleeing.

Tang Chen's hanging heart felt a little relieved! "Ghost Valley, you are making a big deal out of molehills! Big deal, let's go back to Ziwei Xingchen! You can also cross the endless [dimension], what's the matter with chasing us? What's so great about the emperor class! Hmph!"

"Tang Chen! My respected Lord Dragon Knight, please let this Dragon King rest easy! If an emperor-level expert kills a Dragon King like me, it will be like a cat dealing with a mouse!"

Guigu has always been rebellious, so fearful like a tiger, Tang Chen has never seen it before!
"Guigu, have you been hurt by an emperor-level master?" Tang Chen asked tentatively.

"That's not true! But some emperors are lunatics! Sadists! After becoming emperor, they searched for dragons everywhere, and when they found the trace, they chased like crazy. Damn it! It's fine if you kill it, it's a big deal to lose a dragon The body, but the emperor-level pervert, insists on taming the dragons to drive them to pull carts! Guard the gate and protect the courtyard! On a whim, some even set up a pillar for the noble dragons to coil on it, just for facade..."


Tang Chen couldn't help laughing!
Guigu was a little unhappy about the headhunter.

"Emperor-level masters are those who transcend the chaotic state! Jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements, and look down at all beings! Step into the avenue of cause and effect! Control the profound meaning of the universe!"

Tang Chen still didn't understand what Guigu said, so he didn't take it seriously!Make fun of Ghost Valley.

"It turns out that you are afraid of being caught and pulled by the shaft of the cart! Alas! That's right, the coachman is very lucky!"

Guigu breathed out a breath of dragon, fell suddenly, landed on the ground, turned into a human form and said to Tang Chen: "Don't take it seriously, you will be scared to death if you say it! Do you think you will be fine if you escape to Ziwei Xingchen? Emperor level The master will fold the space according to the causal connection, and enter the universe and stars in your body without anyone noticing!"


Tang Chen sucked in a breath of cold air, his heels went all the way to the back of his head, he was shocked with chills!
Guigu whispered mysteriously: "A few days ago, someone sneaked into Ziwei Star to meet your female disciple..."

"What? There is such a thing? Tian Qin?"

Guigu patted Tang Chen on the shoulder, "Don't panic, I even killed a few QQ military flags with him! You didn't realize it! He was the one who fought against me in those few days! But don't worry, he didn't mean anything malicious, he came to Visiting relatives! That brat even gave me a lot of dragon blood! These days he went to help me touch it again! Hehehe!"

"Huh—" Tang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, quite depressed!Na Na said to herself: "Yu Haoran..."

"Hey! It's Yu Haoran! He was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable, so he specifically asked me to keep it a secret!" Gui Gu, with his hands behind his back, looked around vigilantly.


Tang Chen raised his big feet and kicked the serious, still-shocked Guigu to the ground!
"What are you? Eat things crawling inside and out? Why didn't you say it earlier? Yu Haoran? Yu Ji! Is your relative? How dangerous! If you don't tell me today, I don't know? It's not Yu Haoran, it's What about the other emperor-level masters? I have worked so hard for so many years, isn't all the hard work for nothing?"

"Ouch!" Guigu yelled exaggeratedly, Tang Chen knew that Guigu's recovery was not so quick, so he stopped immediately, but he immediately realized that he had been tricked.

About to get angry.

A huge coercion with endless murderous intent suddenly enveloped him!

escape?It's too late!

Consciousness locked!

Tang Chen was overwhelmed and fell to the ground with a bang!Can't help but be horrified!

"Emperor level master?" Tang Chen exclaimed.

"Hmph! She's very knowledgeable! She has some skills!"

With a ruthless and cold taunt, the void rippled, and a white-haired old man in a bright red armor suddenly appeared!
Tang Chen was horrified, and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

"Bah! Stop pretending! Old man Nuoding Wunu! Take revenge for my brother!" Nuoding Wunu squinted his eyes, looked at Tang Chen coldly, turned his head slightly to look at Guigu, his eyes lit up, and he raised his eyebrows. Covered greed.

Tang Chen floated Ye Meng Wangjia out of his body and hid it under the purple robe. A large number of high-level protective talismans appeared in the palm of his hand out of thin air, Phew!Raise your hand and sacrifice!

Following Tang Chen's low shout, the talisman rose to a protective mask!
"Hoo!" Tang Chen threw out another handful of talismans, and said in a low voice, "Chi!"

It's not Heaven and Earth Xuanlei, it's Falei!The cloud of purple lightning suddenly appeared and collided violently!A series of purple electric snakes were born, winding and zigzag, rushing towards Nuo Ding Wu Fu!
Nuo Ding Wu Fu Gu Jing Wu Bo, only stretched out one hand to move the sleeves of the wide shirt, "Huh..."

"What's in the sleeves?" Guigu suddenly shouted: "It turned out to be a supernatural power!!!"

Everything in the sleeve!Don't be fooled!Talented supernatural powers!Stepping into Emperor Wudi's cultivation base, every time he is promoted, Heavenly Dao will lower his innate supernatural powers just like he did for Wu Sheng.Obviously, what Nuo Ding Wu Nu chose was not the innate magic weapon, nor the innate bloodline, but supernatural powers!Everything in the sleeve! !
(End of this chapter)

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