Shushan Wushen

Chapter 897 Big moves come out one after another [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen's works]

Chapter 897 Big moves come out one after another [Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen's works]


The magic thunder released by Tang Chen is enough to kill the titled existence of Martial Emperor in the Stellar Realm!But at the moment it is useless!

Dao Dao Da Lei, even before the talisman that exploded the inscription pattern....Whoosh!Got into the sleeve of Nuo Ding Wu Fu's shirt!

Nuo Ding Wunu had the arrogance of a superior on his face, and his eyes were extremely disdainful, as if nothing had happened!A dead look of "flick off the clothes after the matter, and hide the merit and fame"!
Tang Chen is not reconciled!Ye Meng's black stick appeared out of thin air in his hand!Don't dare to be too big!Directly transformed into the original form of the three-section stick!

With the strength of Jiu Ming's light speed, he smashed at Nuo Ding Wu Fu!Nuoding Wunu had a smile on his lips: "Little guy, you are looking down on the Marquis!...Ah?"

Nuoding calmly retracted the red sleeves of his battle robe, turned his wrists around, with his palms facing outwards, and brazenly grabbed Ye Meng's black stick!
Tang Chen faced a crisis, but his mind became clearer. "I don't want to be incorporeal! I want to fight!"

Tang Chen's consciousness came to Ziwei Xingchen in his body!Instantly enveloped the entire Ziwei Universe, "Click!" A crack the size of a tree opened in the wall membrane of the Ziwei Universe...

Far, near, extremely far away, it is the star beyond the endless [dimension]!Tang Chen's origin!All Tang Chen's consciousness, all thoughts, all this sea of ​​stars!

Tang Chen is the cross-dimensional star will projection of this sea of ​​stars!All the cultivation is also for the upgrade of this sea of ​​stars!

Originally, Tang Chen was just a star, but now it has become a sea of ​​stars!This sea of ​​stars has a total of ten endless star fields!Impressively, it is close to consummation!

The universe is consummated, and the first galaxy is born, that is, Emperor Wu!Emperor Ziwei!But the current sea of ​​stars is only close to the perfection of the universe, and some endless star fields are not perfect yet!

Tang Chen was quite reluctant to lose contact with the star field and become an incorporeal body!Even though Tang Chen has the city to revive this clone, but if the divine body falls into the hands of Nuoding Wunu, it will definitely be refined!

The center of this sea of ​​stars is the Ziwei Star Field!Ziwei Starfield now has eleven stars, full of talents!The talents Tang Chen searched for and recruited were all on it!Top priority! ! !
Yu Haoran can enter this star field, so it's not impossible for Nuoding Wunu, who is also an emperor-level master! !
Tang Chen thought of heaven and earth!Thinking of Tang Liang!What they adopted was to refine the chaotic stars, dominate the star field, and then seize the entire universe...

Tang Chen is just using the plane of Wang Mian's small world to control the pseudo-universe formed by the Chaos God Crystal!In this pseudo-universe, only Ziwei Starfield is included!With the current state, it is not enough to cover the entire sea of ​​stars and turn it into a universe!
However, Nuo Ding Wu Fu is likely to discover this secret!The Sea of ​​Stars is likely to be discovered by Nuoding Wunu!If Nuo Dingwunu had a glimpse of Tang Chen's star universe, it would turn out to be a perfect universe!This alone is enough to make Nuo Ding Wu Nu want to seize the house!

What if Nuo Dingwunu seized Ziwei Xing and discovered the Divine Crystal of Dantian, which turned out to be the Divine Crystal of Chaos!Then Nuo Ding has no anger..., he will laugh and vomit blood! ! !

Tang Chen is desperate at this moment!He even regretted why he didn't follow the example of other martial saints and let the avatar of the city mansion come out to make troubles! ! !
The avatar of the Chengfu is just the body of the Yuanshen!Even if it is destroyed, the source of the sea of ​​stars cannot be found!The body is different!The dantian stars are the natal stars beyond the endless [dimensions]!

The natal star is gone!Nothing!What's the point of practicing [Shadow Jue] with an incorporeal body to reshape the physical body?Although the Chengfu battle body can still resurrect another Tang Chen avatar!
But I lost my natal star..., lost my original star sea..., and even lost... Chaos God Crystal...

Tang Chen felt hatred for [Hunyuan Taiji Bead] at this time!Too late!The two clones have independent consciousness and innate hostility to each other, which made Tang Chen exhausted to resolve it!But he ignored his own crisis!

If you haven't practiced the Dragon Clan's innate skills, you don't understand the importance of your natal stars!Why didn't I realize this earlier! ! !
The avatar of Yuanshen Chengfu and Guigu have been together for five years!For five years, she didn't realize the huge hidden dangers hidden in the natal stars! !

Tang Chen deeply regretted it!Deep self-blame!But Tang Chen didn't expect the state of mind in the past five years!
Tang Liang forced the palace unexpectedly, and trampled on family affection recklessly!In the past five years, Tang Chen's heart...was broken! ! ! !

Heartbreak never heals! ! !If it weren't for Ziwei Xingchen's tens of thousands of times of time acceleration, Tang Chen would still be just a wounded by family... a super sick person! ... Ordinary people, if their hearts are broken, they will die long ago!

However, there is no reason for Tang Chen to blame Pluto's clone!Both of them are projections across [dimensions] of the original star field. Although the thinking is independent, the will of the stars is the same!It's all Tang Chen alone!

The two avatars are actually one Tang Chen, who are located in two places at the same time!How can the emotions of the seven emotions and six desires be separated?If it is strange, it can only be blamed on Tang Chen, in order to restore his emotions, he believed in calligraphy, poetry and songs, instead of thinking about cultivation!

Time speeds up by 5 years!The heartbreak is finally healed! !Tang Chen just left the manor again!Before that, how could Tang Chen have the time to plan other things!

It can be said that the harm Tang Liang brought to Tang Chen was not weaker than Tang Chen's natal star being taken away! ! !

not to mention!Tang Chen left the manor and entered Tang Liang City Mansion, which is also the Qinling Underground Palace.How can there be careful and meticulous planning of what happens after death?

It's different from the damage his younger brother Tang Liang inflicted on Tang Chen!That's his own brother, Tang Chen must not be cruel to take revenge! !
Notting is not angry!snort! !
"I can't beat you, I, Tang Chen, will also splash your blood!!!" Tang Chen secretly said, "Fight!"

The Dragon Clan's biggest reliance is the supreme talent and supernatural powers! ! !
Tang Chen's biggest trick to press the bottom of the box! ! !
Tang Chen waved his hand to gather all the consciousness of Yuanyuan Xingchenhai...

boom!Bang 1 bang!In the original sea of ​​stars, countless rare treasures, rare metals, treasures of heaven and earth... exploded on each star!Unleashes endless aura...

All consciousness!All spiritual power!Input all of them into Ye Meng's black stick...

... Lightning and Flint! ! !
【overbearing】! ! !
This stick!silently...

This stick!no ripples...

This stick!most peaceful...

This stick!The coercion does not show...

This stick!Castrate slowly...

"No!—" Nuo Ding Wu Nu is an emperor-level marquis after all!Immediately saw the extraordinaryness of this stick!

Although Nuo Ding Wu Nu realized it later, his hand speed was faster!Snapped!One hand actually grabbed the middle part of Ye Meng's black stick!Although he stepped back half a step, he pretended to be relaxed and joking: "Little Doyle..."

The voice didn't fall...

Nuo Ding Wu Nu put his head on the head of the sky, and was caught off guard by Ye Meng's black stick and slapped him hard!
It was opened!
Nuoding's face was full of blood in an instant!
Nuo Ding is too angry to be too big!I don't know the strange warriors like the three-section stick!
The second section of the three-section stick pays attention to the tactic of "wrapping", and the third section is the tactic of "smashing"!

Nuoding Wunu grabbed the second piece, it can be said that he cast himself into the trap!
But it also makes the third part more castrated!

"Ah!... Brat! You've angered me!" Nuo Ding Wu Nu was blindfolded by Emperor Xue, his vision was blocked, and he yelled frantically, releasing his consciousness!

The other hand used supernatural powers!
Everything in the sleeve! ! !

"Huh?..." Tang Chen succeeded with a blow with all his strength, but he didn't win an overwhelming victory!Can't help being surprised!
"Escape!" Guigu grabbed Tang Chen and threw it on his back. Tang Chen turned Ye Meng's black stick into a huge dragon-inscribed gun, and fled across the dragon!
Sorry to be late!

Nuoding's non-angry consciousness locked on Tang Chen and Guigu, so there was no need to look directly at them!The supernatural power descended on Tang Chen's divine body in an instant!
what!what!what!A powerful and extremely terrifying tearing force!Tang Chen, who has just lost his strength, how can he bear...

Ow!Ow!Ow!Ghost Valley goes up to the sky and enters the ground, shaking its head and tail, like a madman.Desperately break free from the shackles...

no solution anymore!It's all a death! ! !

Chirp! Chirp!Chirp!Tang Chen fled back to Ziwei Universe with Guigu!
(End of this chapter)

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