Shushan Wushen

Chapter 901 Time Delay Chen Ye

Chapter 901 Time Delay Chen Ye


"Okay!" Shi Yan Chen Ye looked at Tang Chen meaningfully, there seemed to be a question in his eyes, but he only answered one word!

"Let's estimate the value of [Shuyue Pagoda] first! It should be easy to estimate!" Tang Chen said, his spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped Shuyue Pagoda, and he calculated the approximate amount.

Time delay Chen Ye is also very happy to make such a deal!After all, to separate the small bone-shaped [bone coins] one by one, manual consumption is also a huge expense!

The mantle civilization is highly developed, as can be seen from the quality of Shi Yan Chen Ye!If it was on Yanhuangxing, there would definitely be merchants who realized that the Shuyue Pagoda was extraordinary!But [Prestressed World] is like this, just benefit from your own perspective!There's no need to squeeze the other party's interests out of stealth, making the corners of your mouth slick and your brain full!The other party looked bitter!
However, Shi Yan Chen Ye is not without scheming, he just follows the right way of business, and his spiritual sense transmitted his voice: "Brother Tang Chen, on the premise of not affecting our transaction, let me ask, what is the use of this tower for you?"

"This tower may be of great use to me!" Tang Chen answered Shi Yan Chen Ye openly and aboveboard.Shi Yan Chen Ye didn't feel embarrassed, after all, he was doing business and he was making money!There is no need for side effects!
With a smile on the corner of Chen Ye's mouth, Shi Yan carefully passed the Shuyue Pagoda with his spiritual consciousness, and compared the number of [bone coins] with Tang Chen.

After all, it is trillions of transactions!Tang Chen's street stalls are far from enough!Tang Chen took out another box of RIO premixed cocktails!Sure enough, the colorful colors and the rich fragrance of ethyl acetate!What's even more rare is that nearly [-]% of [Zhenye Wuxiang]!
Tang Chen opened a bottle generously!Say hello to Delay Chen Ye tasting!Time delay Chen Ye's eyes lit up immediately!He gave Tang Chen an expected high price!

Five boxes of RIO premixed cocktails were left behind, and Tang Chen finally got the Shuyue Tower as he wished!It even includes the hundreds of millions of [bone coins] that were hammered down from the Shuyue Pagoda!
Tang Chen put away the Shuyue Pagoda!And tons of little boxes!Each small box is neatly packed with [-] bone coins!

Both money and goods, a perfect transaction!

"Brother Shi Yan, may I ask this Shuyue Pagoda, do you know its origin?" Tang Chen asked Shi Yan Chen Ye softly, Shi Yan Chen Ye shook his head, "I don't know either! It was left by the ancestors! My grandfather accidentally discovered that it was a whole body [bone coin], so it was mined!"

"Ancestor Ling is the God of Water Shark Soul Eater 'Time Lag Whale'?" Tang Chen asked seemingly unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yan Chen Ye turned pale with shock, and his tone was extremely sharp: "Who is Brother Tang Chen? How do you know, my ancestor's name is taboo?" He said while shrinking his hands to his cuffs!Guess Tang Chen didn't understand the explanation, Shi Yan Chen Ye wanted to magnify his move!

Tang Chen grinned and explained: "I not only know the God of War for Water Shark Soul Devourer, but also God of War for Furnace of Flame and Invincible King Kong! Even I myself am God of Dragon Blood Undead... Family... God of War!"

"Hiss..." Shi Yan Chen Ye took a deep breath, as if he still didn't believe it, he actually took out a thin three-edged transparent needle!It's more than a foot long!Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly, "Dragon Blood Needle?"

"Sure enough, Brother Lin has a relationship with the dragon blood nobles, so he actually knows this thing! Alas! This is also the last relic of the ancestors and the Shuyue Pagoda!" Shi Yan Chen Ye stared at the dragon blood needle sadly, " This is exactly the token between our water shark nobles and the ancestors of the dragon blood nobles! According to the last words of our ancestors, we can find the secluded place of the dragon blood nobles with the help of the Shuyue Pagoda! What a pity..."

"Alas! Hanquan Empire! Yinquan Empire! Youquan Empire! Xiaquan Empire! Bitter Spring Empire! Even the Mingquan Shrine has not received any enlightenment from Shuyue Pagoda! Originally thought that the lineage of the dragon blood noble...has been lost ……,today……"

"Offended! Brother Lin! It's about the ancestors of the family..."

"It's okay! It's due! I... don't mind!" Tang Chen forced out a drop of golden blood and spread it on the dragon blood needle.Swish!Shine bright!In the golden light, a sacred purple gold dragon can be vaguely seen, hovering and soaring!Tossing up and down, awe-inspiring!
"Brother! You..., you dragon blood nobles are hiding so deeply!" Shi Yan Chen Ye couldn't contain his excitement!There are tears in the eyes!The sincerity is evident!
"Alas!" Tang Chen sighed: "How did I know that your Water Shark family actually entered the [Prestressed World]! When the Dragon Blood Family was down and down, only the Vajra Nobles still had titles! And the Flame Nobles were stationed on Mars, It has been broken for a long time!"

"The ancestors knew about the downfall of the entire family of the Flame Nobility! Back then, they had correspondence with Lord Muyan of the Vajra Nobility... But it's a pity that the Jieao family colluded with the extraterrestrial demons to destroy the world, Baiyun Canggou! The vicissitudes of life!"

"Yes! Baiyuncanggou! The snow mastiff is extinct again!" Tang Chen couldn't help sighing.

"Our water shark family, stationed in the endless waters, tracked down the black hand with the whole family, and finally discovered the secret of the monster's existence..." Shi Yan Chen Ye waved his hand to set up a space barrier.Lower your voice.

Tang Chen's eyebrows gradually raised, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red...

In the evening, Shiyan Chen Ye personally sent Tang Chen back to the Cold Spring Academy!Time delay Chen Ye immediately returned to the Water Shark Auction House.Continue to perform intelligence gathering work!Through Tang Chen, Shiyan Chen Ye finally understood where his family was now, it was already in the mantle prestressed world!Incredible!However, Chen Ye still chose to believe in Tang Chen after he delayed it!
How precious is the friendship condensed with blood and life for the older generation to entrust each other with their backs?Who in the younger generation has the heart to blaspheme?Tang Chen and Shi Yan Chen Ye exchanged almost all the information about each other in detail!The only thing is that Tang Chen didn't tell Shiyan Chen Ye the truth that Guigu was Lin Lu back then!After all, this is an absolute secret!
Guigu's memories are shared with Tang Chen, and Tang Chen knows everything about Lin Lu's relationship with Shi Yan's big whale!It can be said that even if Tang Chen falsely claimed that he was the reincarnation of Lin Lu, even the time delay whale would not be able to find the slightest flaw!Of course, Tang Chen wouldn't be so bored as to use lies to win Shi Yan Chen Ye's respect!Tang Chen wouldn't do things that don't make any sense!
Guigu is still practicing hard under the service of Tang suit!To be honest, Guigu actually desires power more than Tang Chen!Who made Guigu a lunatic dragon!During these endless years, Guigu, with its tail between its legs like a dog, huddled on Pluto, lingering on its last breath.Can't bear to look back!How could the proud and noble Guiguzi have experienced such a cruel mental journey!Know your shame and then be brave, it is time to strive for strength!
call out!
Tang Chen shook his hand, and shot a [Bone Coin] into Guigu's mouth. Guigu's body tensed up, and he immediately received a sound transmission from Tang Chen's consciousness!Through memory sharing, the ins and outs are clear!Can't help being very moved!Tang Chen sensed Guigu's mood swings, and hurriedly scolded: "Concentrate on training! Improve your strength as soon as possible, or I will kill you!"

Only then did Guigu calm down and continue to run Zhoutian!The cultivation base recovered at an incredible speed!

Before Yu Haoran left, the interspatial ring he summoned contained a large amount of dragon blood he begged for!The emperor Wudi has face!Dragon blood is high-level pure blood!The breath of life is strong!Proof that the dragon with dragon blood is still alive!This is another great opportunity for Guigu who has the supernatural power of [Space Teleportation]!

However, those who see have a share!Guigu did not lose to Tang Chen, he was so busy with one person and one dragon!
Attacked half-step Emperor Wu's bottleneck several times, but ended in vain!Never break!Tang Chen simply stopped breaking the wall!Instead, he smoothed out his magical powers again!Using the incomparably abundant spiritual power today, he cultivated every kind of supernatural power to the extreme!Even the [Great Summoning Technique] was discovered by Tang Chen as a second layer of skills!

A deeper summoning technique!If the first layer of summoning is called time and space!Then at the second level, Tang Chen found out the Karmic Summoning again!

Tang Chenfu was so spiritual that he suddenly thought of [Shuyue Pagoda]!
call out!
Spiritual consciousness condenses into a phantom body, descends on Ziwei Star, and enters the plane of killing demons!
(End of this chapter)

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