Shushan Wushen

Chapter 902 Great Summoning by the Riverside of Shu River

Chapter 902 Great Summoning by the Riverside of Shu River


Tang Chen summoned the space ring into the Demon Killing Plane, and released another Shuyue Pagoda!

A surprising scene appeared!

Between the two Shuyue Pagodas, a powerful tearing force erupted instantly!For a moment, the silent demon-killing plane was filled with dust!Shushui river water, three feet of waves without wind!It's a big deal!

Tang Chen couldn't help taking two steps back, narrowing his eyes!The divine light is endlessly bright, just like the space of the plane is illuminated with ripples!After the ripples, the light and mist dissipated!
A brand new Shuyue Pagoda suddenly appeared!It was only at this time that Tang Chen discovered that the Shuyue Pagoda was indeed a remnant pagoda!The spiritual light entangled the entire tower god, and because the formation was incoherent, more forbidden sparks were emitted!This is a short circuit formation!

In today's Shuyue Pagoda, most of the first floor is incomplete!The second layer is just an illusory pattern, which proves that the second layer has been lost!The third floor is complete, but it's a pity that one of the tower bells on the bucket arch is missing!All four and five floors are missing!The spire is vaguely a pyramid-shaped pattern, but unfortunately the entity is less than one-fifth of the original spire!

Tang Chen pinched the method with his hands, recited the syllables, waved his single arm, drew a circle of yin and yang fish, pointed out two poles, and pointed his fingertips at Shuyue Remnant Pagoda, "Deep summon! Return! Repair! "

Instantly!The space in front of Tang Chen once again rippled, black waves, white waves, repeating the cycle!A circular bronze gate suddenly appeared!

The deep-level causal summoning that Tang Chen explored was to use the things in front of him to find the target according to the causal connection.

Moreover, a part of the dragon clan's [space shifting] supernatural power is combined, and the associated objects of different [dimensions] are forcibly moved over!Tall, cool and domineering leak-testing supernatural powers!
However, Tang Chen was worried that his cultivation base was insufficient, and the probability of failure might be very high!

Boo!The round bronze door with an S-shaped crack opened suddenly!An identical Shuyue Pagoda has emerged in a big way!

surprise!Absolute surprise!Tang Chen not only had a great surprise for the summoned Shuyue Pagoda!I am even more excited about the successful upgrade of [Great Summoning Technique]!
The joy of success is hard to describe in words. In an instant, Tang Chen felt the world in front of him, as if some original shackles had been shattered!The world becomes so clear and alive!The feeling of being fully integrated!

A feeling of being recognized spontaneously arises!

[Great Summoning] combined with [Space Teleportation], that is a superimposed supernatural power!Tang Chen watched helplessly, one pagoda, two pagodas...a total of twelve pagodas floated out of the bronze Yin-Yang Gate!
The Shuyue Pagoda of the Demon Killing Plane is exposed like a spotlight!Flashing frequently!The Shuyue Pagodas one after another were absorbed and merged!

"It's almost there! We're only short of the second floor! There's still a big piece of the first floor missing..." Tang Chen danced happily!Just after a burst of bright light ripples, the first floor and the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor, most of the sixth floor, and even the spire were completely restored!
One, two, three...

"There should be thirteen towers!" Tang Chen snapped his fingers and calculated carefully...

Sure enough, the thirteenth Shuyue Pagoda broke into the bronze Yin-Yang Gate tremblingly!Tang Chen was taken aback, and felt waves of weakness including the main body!

"Not good! This is wrestling!"

Tang Chen exclaimed!Obviously, this Shuyue Pagoda with a complete second floor is not an ownerless thing, it has been refined by a peerless existence!The other party obviously discovered Tang Chen's unruly supernatural powers!
make a prompt decision!Ding! ~~

Tang Chen cut off the connection with the great summoning technique without hesitation!The opponent is definitely an existence that Tang Chen can't compete with at the moment!

Shocking noise!Ziwei star even caused a shock!Tang Chen from Cold Spring Academy fell on his back!Spit out a big mouthful of black blood! "Boom!" The phantom body of Tang Chen in the Demon Killing Plane actually shattered!
The bronze Yin-Yang Gate, the gate of light and supernatural power, was suddenly smashed to pieces by the Shuyue Pagoda flying upside down!Debris flying!The thirteenth Shuyue Pagoda ran back! The No.12 Shuyue Pagoda, which has not been refined by the main tower, actually gradually faded away, and finally disappeared...

Tang Chen secretly thought it was a fluke!

The snow mastiff destroys the world, good fortune tricks people, and it only hurts the real warriors below the chaotic level warriors!But for high-level detached people, that is invalid!The advantages I had formed due to the destruction of the world by the snow mastiff and the advent of good fortune, have disappeared with the improvement of my cultivation base!

The cultivation of those super beings is unfathomable!At least, Tang Chen can't compete at the moment!
Tang Chen could only watch the No. 12 Shuyue Pagoda, the duck he got flew away!
So, Tang Chen decided to sort it out!After all, after leaving the Yanhuang Star Demon Capital, he has experienced many events!The original incident, because the situation we are facing at this time is different, also needs to be analyzed from a new angle!
Tang Chen sat cross-legged on the face of Demon Killer.Gradually enter the state of introspection!
Demon Killing Remnant Face, as a fallen plane, the quilt that lost the Sun Star and Lunar Star is pitch black!However, as a high-level true martial artist, he sees things with the perception of the soul, or the sense of the soul!
Therefore, Tang Chen didn't realize that something had changed!
From the dark gray body of the Shuyue Pagoda, there is a rich and creamy moonlight flowing out at this moment!Gradually spread to the entire Demon Killing Plane!The moonlight is like water, the moonlight is bright and clear, the dark gray is hazy, and it is as bright as ink in the eyes!

The pitch-black body of the tower and the incomplete tower bell do not affect the majesty and magnificence of Shuyue Tower at all!
The body of the tower with six-story cornices and bucket arches is obviously incomplete as a whole on the second floor!However, the formation was running, and the body of the tower was fabricated by relying on the inscription patterns!Even, the incomplete tower bells and formation inscription patterns still made up for the gaps!

It's just that the array lacks the support of the tower body, and from time to time, the array's running circuit will cause a short circuit, 嗞!Hey!Hey!Hey!One after another, the brilliance flashed with sparks of spiritual power!
In this way, it is even more apparent that the Shuyue Pagoda is magnificent and mysterious!

The formation moves to the pyramid-shaped spire, the spire is obviously missing more than half of the entity, and it is still a virtual outline of the inscription pattern!
A round of brilliant sun, a quiet crescent moon, a shining meteor!With the spire as the center, the ecliptic trajectory is actually drawn, and it revolves around the sky!
Gradually, Tang Chen comprehended many difficult problems and came up with multiple sets of effective solutions! "Hey!..." Tang Chen finished his self-examination, without stagnation or dirt!The soul is transparent, the mind is refreshed, and the body is clear!Get up, put your hands on your back, and let out a mouthful of foul breath!
Look up, awesome!The vision of the Shuyue Pagoda!
For a moment, Tang Chen's mind was shaken, strands of intimacy, like cigarettes entering his lungs, aroused an irresistible impulse!
come over! ……near! ……Get close to me! ...

call!It's calling!

Tang Chen floated up involuntarily, his clothes fluttering like ghosts, no!The exile god came to the world! "Boom!" The Shuyue Pagoda's arch door suddenly opened, whoosh!Tang Chen disappeared in the face of Demon Killer!
"Where is this?" Tang Chen suddenly woke up!Surprised!
Tang Chen in the space inside the tower looked around, the whole space was integrated into one body, he didn't know how high it was, and he didn't know how vast it was!
call out!
Tang Chen's figure is like electricity, galloping into the distance.

There is a towering and exquisite huge stone wall!Shining brightly!
Tang Chen couldn't see the picture and writing on it clearly, he stretched out his hand to touch it, it was uneven!

call out!Tang Chen quickly darted in another direction, and sure enough, it was still the same exquisite stone wall!It can be felt that the pattern and writing on it are slightly different from the previous one!
call out!
call out!
call out!
Tang Chen looked crazy, like a wild beast in a cage, his body skills were running to the extreme...

"Don't be too busy! Ten pages of the divine book! Why are you tossing about? Just ask me! Do you understand what I mean? Little guy!"

Tang Chen was shocked when he heard this!He paused, "Plop!" Accidentally, he fell from a high altitude!Getting close to the ground, I was shocked to find that the distance from the ground was not ordinary high!A full hundreds of thousands of kilometers!

"Did you die?" Tang Chen felt a crisis in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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