Shushan Wushen

Chapter 910 Tang Batian Appears

Chapter 910 Tang Batian Appears


Ye Mengrou rolled her eyes and suddenly realized.

" are shameless!" Xiao Shizhi and Xiao Bazhi suddenly came to their senses!cheated!

"Go away!" Ye Mengrou took two steps forward to help Tang Batian, Xiao Bazhi and Xiao Shizhi looked at each other, turned and ran!

Ye Meng hasn't reacted yet.Tang Chen has already made a move! "Still want to run?..."

Shu Dao Zhang!
The palm of the hand, the stars and the universe are reversed!Left and right!Grabbed Xiao Shizhi and Xiao Bazhi's necks!
"Crack! Kick!"

He broke his neck without hesitation!Throw it away!Boom!Turn into blood mist!Ding!Jingle!Ding!Jingle!Jingle!In the blood mist, tokens, jewelry, and storage rings fell all over the floor!It shows that the status of the two of them is lofty!
"Eunuch, Eunuch, are you okay!"

"Eunuch, are you okay!"

Tang Zhiyun, Ye Mengrou, Xue Xiaolian, Cuiyan God Son, Xiangshou God Son, Zhenhui God Son, Guan Yong God Son, Shi Ren God Son, each of them followed the titles on Yanhuang Star, deliberately showed their favor, and showed great hospitality!
They feel that this address is very kind, and it is easier to get closer to each other than calling them Father Emperor.

Tang Batian's eyes swept across the delicate and beautiful faces, glanced at Tang Chen, nodded, closed his eyes, and breathed out!Obviously, the old man still cares about family happiness!
True warriors are inherently powerful!After breaking the restriction imposed by the green ostrich queen, Tang Batian quickly regained his ability to move.Because Xiao Dingyang, Hua Wulei, Yang Shuping, An Shoudao and other senior generals all came back, they simply moved to Batian Temple.

Behind Tang Batian stood Tang Zhiyun, God Son Cuiyan, God Son Xiangshou, God Son Zhenhui, God Son Guanyong, and God Son Shi Ren.Sitting on the dragon chair.Longyan Joy!
"Rou'er, Xue Xiaolian, you two should go up the jade steps too! You are both good boys! I am so relieved!"

glory!Standing on the jade steps, standing behind the Hunting God Emperor, that is to say, Tang Batian has recognized their legal status!There will be a small sign of them in the Tang Family Ancestral Hall.

"I left the Yanhuang Star Field, and the journey back is long. Summarizing the past, I will accompany Tang Chen IX! The only mortal lady I can accept is Chen Cixin from the [Ultimate Plane], who fell in love with righteousness at that time. Fooling people, I can’t protect myself! That’s why I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m deeply regretful! When I returned to Batian Star from the Yanhuang Star Field, Fa Xing met Zhao Qingxuan by chance! My heart was touched, so I accepted it as my concubine, and then thought of Chen Cixin... Fuzheng Unexpectedly, I made such a big mistake!"

"My lord, you are blessed with the same blessings as the heavens! Every calamity turns into good fortune, and every calamity becomes auspicious! Your cultivation level will definitely improve!"

The crowd praised Tang Batian extremely warmly, and with flattering compliments, Emperor Hunting God quickly regained his senses.The old dignity gradually appeared on his face.Don't get angry...

A reward is inevitable!
"...Yan Shisan! You are very good! You have a legacy of hunting gods! I will make you General Yuyang and guard Tongguan Jianshan! In addition, I want to accept you as a personal disciple, are you willing?"

Yan Shisan ran wild, but accidentally broke the deadlock, and invisibly saved the plane of the hunting god world, which can be said to have contributed a lot!To be accepted as a personal disciple by the Dragon King, no matter from which point of view, it is a very generous reward!After all, the Dragon King controls the Hunting God Starfield, he is the most noble emperor!

Yan Shisan reached the sky in one step!Everyone was envious, and congratulated one after another.

"Your Majesty, Thirteen, I thank you for your kindness! But I really can't accept it! I'm sorry!" Yan Shisan put the dragging sword on the ground, fisted with both hands, and bowed deeply.

"Oh? Why is that?" The Hunting God narrowed his eyes and stared at Yan Shisan, his eyes full of dissatisfaction and doubts!Everyone was shocked.They all felt strange about Yan Shisan's actions.

Yan Shisan's tone was endlessly apologetic, but extremely firm: "Your Majesty, Shisan came from Xingyan County, Shuifu, and Yan Rou'er was with Yan Rouer since childhood—"

"Hahahaha!" The hunting god emperor's eyes suddenly burst into endless light, he raised his head to the sky and laughed, his voice shook the world, piercing the clouds and tearing the silk! "No wonder I heard your name so familiar! King Ye Meng came to me and asked for a lot of talismans for you! Are you the 'lingering soul'?"

Yan Shisan bent even lower, tremblingly: "Since Your Majesty knows that I am Yan Shisan, why not change the reward!"

"What reward? That, then what, don't mention it! Although you have a good eye! But after all, she is my son's queen! Do you understand?" The Hunting God Emperor said directly.Put an end to hidden dangers!

Unexpectedly, Yan Shisan said: "No, no, no! Your Majesty misunderstood! I just want to protect Sister Rou'er for the rest of my life! King Ye Meng is still an ideal candidate in my mind! At least he is very loyal! Unlike that Tang Chen, who There are so many ladies beside..."

Hearing this, Tang Chen was so angry that he was speechless!Can't help but look up at the sky!Muttering: "I saved your life in vain! White-eyed wolf! There is no grace in the blink of an eye!"

"No, no, no! One yard is worth one yard! You saved me, and my life, Yan Shisan, is yours, and I will mess with you from now on! Protect all your wives!" Yan Shisan was extremely solemn, with a serious expression on his face. Sincerely picked up on Tang Chen's words, and even put the Hunting God Emperor aside.

The Hunting God Emperor couldn't help but sit up a little bit, Longyan felt a little displeased.But thinking that this is Yan Shisan, there is no need to worry about it.With a thought, the Hunting God Emperor felt narrow-minded.

"Yan Shisan! Since you plan to follow Tang Chen, what about Ye Mengrou? Who will protect the flowers?"

Yan Shisan stared wide-eyed, and said very seriously: "I followed Tang Chen mainly to see him, how did you do it?"

"Huh? What and how did you do it? Tell me quickly! I want to hear it!" Tang Batian, the great hunting god, suddenly became interested, leaned forward, and stared at Yan Shisan with great interest.

"I'm curious, how did Tang Chen win the favor of girls so much? What method did he use to capture the favor of so many beauties? Even Rou'er, I think, always flirts with Tang Chen..."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Coughing sounds one after another filled the entire Batian Palace!Tang Chen released a coercion and sealed Yan Shisan's mouth, but Tang Chen was happy!Ye Meng's coercion comes from one after another!Tang Batian's!Ye Mengrou is so soft!Even Tang Zhiyun, Xue Xiaolian's!

Plop!Yan Shisan seemed to be tightly covered by an invisible big hand. Yan Shisan was so suppressed that he slipped, tripped over the big golden sword, and fell down!

The parties, all of them blushed and had thick necks, were very embarrassed!After all, it belongs to the secrets of the palace, so it's okay to spread it?Besides, they are all people with status and status!
"I'm tired! Tang Chen, stay with Ye Meng, everyone else should leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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