Shushan Wushen

Chapter 911 One Word Tells the Truth

Chapter 911 Telling the truth in one word


Tang Batian had no choice but to make a "dun" decision!
Ye Mengrou was familiar with the road, and led the girls to the uterus.

Royal study.

Tang Batian inquired carefully about Tang Chen's cultivation situation and the current situation of the Yanhuang Star Field.Tang Chen gave a concise answer without revealing too much.

Tang Batian smiled slightly, seeing that Tang Chen had a knot in his heart.

"Tang Chen, you've come back very well! You've done well in the Yanhuang Starfield! I'm really happy for your achievements! As a father, I can say that you, Tang Chen, are my pride!"

Seeing Tang Batian lifting himself up so high, Tang Chen glanced at Ye Meng with some guilt, and sat on guard in his heart. According to Yanhuangxing's logical thinking, the higher you lift yourself, the harder you fall!

"You don't need to look at Ye Meng, you look at me!"

Tang Batian flipped out a black and white bead, his eyes were piercing: "Do you recognize it?"

Tang Chen nodded: "Is this [Hunyuan Taiji Bead]?"

Tang Batian sighed, shook his head and said: "You really know this thing! I didn't leave [Hunyuan Taiji Bead] to you at the beginning, because I was afraid that you would fall into the devil's way if you were eager for success! And now you have advanced Emperor Martial, must have successfully used it! I was in vain worrying about you! Ye Mengrou was left to watch over you!"

Tang Batian seemed to casually mention Ye Mengrou again, Tang Chen was extremely guilty at once, the matter was innocent, and his reputation was affected for a lifetime!I couldn't help sweating my head and feet, and looked a little at a loss.

Tang Chen's spiritual sense sent a voice transmission to Tang Batian: "Dad, what happened to Ye Mengrou is a bit ridiculous! I don't know how to deal with it!"

"Hahaha! What am I thinking! Didn't you tell Ye Meng?" Tang Batian's divine consciousness echoed, full of jokes and ridicule.

"Ye Meng said that he would not be jealous with himself! But..., is there any custom in Hunting God's Star Region that we can share wives or something?"

"Hahahaha! You! You! Ye Meng! You didn't tell Tang Chen about your relationship?" Tang Batian ignored Tang Chen's embarrassment and questioning.

Ye Meng showed a look of astonishment, "Father, I placed the memory stone in Wang Mian's cave, on the table in the imperial study room! You are not..."

"You haven't recovered your memory?" Ye Meng looked at Tang Chen, quite surprised.

Tang Chen was instantly confused, feeling something was wrong in a daze, but he couldn't figure it out.Shaking his head, "Didn't you leave a message about experience? So I didn't accept the memory stone! That's right! Since you are still alive, in Yanhuangxing..."

Ye Meng and Tang Batian looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Ye Meng shook her head and said with a wry smile: "No wonder how hard I tried, I couldn't really understand Tang Chen's thinking consciousness! Dare to lose my emotional memory! Father, is this the shortcoming of [Hunyuan Taiji Bead]?"

Tang Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Thinking of the inconceivable guess that was interrupted by Ye Meng in the void of the Hunting God Starfield, he asked cautiously, "What is the relationship between me and Ye Meng? Dad, can you explain it again?"

Tang Batian's face suddenly changed, his face was flushed, and he laughed out of breath: "Cough! Cough! Cough! Tang Chen! You still don't understand? Then tell me what you think the relationship between you two is?"

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Batian and Ye Meng, and said very solemnly: "Ye Meng and I should be another self in a different plane!"

"Huh?" Ye Meng looked confused.

Tang Batian stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, "What's the mess? What kind of kung fu did you practice? You can talk so much about the primordial spirit body avatar! Okay! Let me ask you! I happen to be going to ask you too! You enter Are you a saint? Did you fail to cultivate the primordial spirit avatar when you became a saint? Then what I ask you is, how did you enter the emperor's realm without going through the Taoism?"

Tang Chen was dumbfounded!Who said I don't have a clone!Isn't this a clone of Yuanshen City Mansion?So he asked back: "How do you know that I don't have a clone?"

Tang Batian didn't hear the rhetorical question in Tang Chen's words, and still followed his own logic, shouted: "Because you are Ye Meng's Yuanshen Zhanfu Body! So it is impossible for you to condense into a clone!"

Ye Meng pulled Tang Chen's shoulders, "Father arranged Rou'er by your side, which means that you will return to the Hunting God Starfield as soon as possible when you become a saint, let's get together! Attack the emperor's realm!"

Tang Chen's head buzzed, it turned out to be like this!Originally, based on the sacred book, Tang Chen preconceived that Ye Meng should be one of the sixty "selves"!
But from the moment he saw Ye Meng, Tang Chen was very conflicted!Due to the relationship with Ye Mengrou between them, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Chen to attack Ye Meng!Otherwise, I'm sorry Ye Mengrou!

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be a turnaround!Whether Ye Meng or herself!It turned out to be the same person!This allowed Tang Chen to explain clearly why Ye Meng could also use the light to upgrade to Emperor Marquis Martial!
Yuanshen Chengfu Body and Divine Body Battle Body are one person!Each other's thinking and memory are connected, and they have their own independent consciousness!but?

Tang Chen frowned, "Between Ye Meng and I, memory and thinking, why can't we figure it out?"

"Seal! Soul seal!" Tang Batian raised the [Hunyuan Taiji Bead] in his hand and slowly twisted it, "[Hunyuan Taiji Bead] can be called a fetish that achieves the Yuanshen Chengfu body! The success rate is quite high ! But the disadvantages are even greater!"

"What's the disadvantage?" Tang Chen asked vigorously, feeling something vaguely in his heart.Pounding!
"This [Hunyuan Taiji Bead] is a Taoist magic weapon that has the effect of splitting the soul of the primordial spirit! When the primordial spirit is strong enough, you can try to split the soul! Taiji is divided into two instruments, one into two! Forcibly divide the body of the deity and the primordial spirit Divide! Form the two body deities!"

Tang Chen nodded, his heart relaxed, and he nodded.This is indeed the case!

Tang Batian continued: "Tai Chi produces two ceremonies, and these two ceremonies are mutually dependent and mutually exclusive! Therefore, these two deities must be separated into two places, and they cannot join hands to defend against the enemy! Although it cannot be said that they will never be seen forever, they are Pretty much the same! Do you understand?"

Tang Chen smiled lightly, "I know! Not only that, but the biggest advantage of the two deities is that if one deity falls, the strength of the other will double! In time, you can use the [Hunyuan Taiji Bead] to smash the soul again! It's like resurrection!"

Tang Batian patted Tang Chen's shoulder appreciatively, "That's true! Under Emperor Wu, it is almost impossible for a saint to fall! But you are an exception! This is why I left Ye Mengrou to you! One protection, On the other hand, she has an emperor-level void talisman in her hand, and she can fold the space to escape!"

Tang Chen couldn't help but think that Ye Mengrou, who was so beautiful, suddenly became agitated in his body!

(End of this chapter)

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