Shushan Wushen

Chapter 931 The Army God of the Hunting God

Chapter 931 The Army God of the Hunting God


The Sea of ​​Stars in the middle of the Milky Way, the Yongxi Star Field, and the Yongxi Palace.

After more than a year of cultivation, Guigu used the [Castle of Time] to speed up time ten thousand times. It took 1 years. Not only did he restore the body of the original sacred Tyrannosaurus rex, but he also finally recovered the cultivation base of a first-rank martial saint!
Any noble and rankless dragon clan must cultivate a saint city avatar at the martial saint stage!Originally, when Guigu entered this chaotic universe, he was only the first-rank martial artist in the chaotic realm. When converted into the rules of this world, it is comparable to the martial saint cultivation in the stellar realm. Leaving the city, that is, the [Longyin Space] that Tang Chen has been using.

Now that the endless years have passed, Guigu has finally returned to the right path after several twists and turns!Guigu's original body was not a golden dragon, not a purple golden dragon, but a sacred Tyrannosaurus rex!

Guigu opened his dragon's mouth and laughed out loud!Tang Chen's Ye Meng avatar looked happy: "I can finally leave this universe!"

"These tens of thousands of years, I've been so depressed to death! If you go back to the Dragon Clan and tell it, you'll be laughed at by those guys! But I don't care! By the way, Tang Chen! I want to cultivate the Holy Physique of the City as soon as possible, and I need the reincarnation of the primordial spirit Get the body of a saint! Look..."

"The Yanhuang Star Territory has been destroyed! But I have handed it over to Kongtongyin for Hunting God Reincarnation, so there is no problem! Let's go back to Ye Mengxing!" Tang Chen thought for a while, then raised his head and said.

In fact, Tang Chen was most worried about the meeting between Guigu and Tang Liang!Both of them are the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan Tianjiao!Candidate sequence for dragon patriarch!One is a partner whose life is entrusted to him, and the other is a younger brother who is loved by the Ninth World. Tang Chen is really not good at judging among them.

[Swift Proud Dragon] looked sadly at the ghost valley that was about to leave.Tears!On the one hand, he was reluctant to part with the huge star domain foundation left by Guigu and Tang Chen.On the other hand [Swift Aolong] developed an endless attachment to Guigu and Tang Chen from the bottom of his heart!

A wandering heart, once it feels the warmth of Ning Xin, it is destined to give up wandering!
After this farewell, perhaps Guigu and Swift Aolong, father and son, may never see each other again!Therefore, Tang Chen and Guigu did not rush back to the Hunting God Starfield, but decided to stay for another month to smooth out the emotions of [Swift Proud Dragon]...

After all, for Tang Chen and Guigu to go back to the Hunting God Starfield, they only need to transfer in [Longyin Space], that is, the clone of Tang Chen's city mansion in the Hunting God Starfield, and open the [Longyin Space] by chanting a few spells!quite convenient.

Hunting God Starfield.The clone of Tang Chencheng Mansion had no choice but to withdraw from cultivation and walked out of the secret room.

Tang Chen stretched his waist, and there was a crackling sound of bones all over his body, his muscles were sore and itchy, and he felt so refreshed!He opened his mouth and exhaled foul air. At this time, everything was silent and it was midnight.Ye Mengxing raised his eyes to the sky, and there were bright stars shining brightly.

The Milky Way in the starry sky is clearly an endless ocean of moons!

"It's so beautiful, I hope Tang Liang won't spoil the scenery!" Tang Chen shook his head lightly, with a wry smile on his lips.One year is short and long, but for Tang Liang, it is probably the latter!

Tang Chen couldn't bear it, and prayed secretly in his heart, extremely hoping that Tang Liang would spend this year on cultivation.I really don't want Tang Liang to use the emperor's power to stir up wind and rain!
"Let's go to Shushan to see my younger brother!" Tang Chen understood Tang Liang's character, he was a master who was unwilling to be lonely, and felt that it was necessary to go to Shushan first.

"Ziweiwei is on duty to listen to orders!" Tang Chen called the headhunting guard outside the secret room, "Let's drive to Prince Yemeng's Mansion in Shushan."

"Report to His Majesty King Ye Meng. The old prince's mansion in Shushan has been renamed Qingxuan Prince's Mansion by King Qingxuan!" Ziweiwei's officer on duty was a veteran of Ye Meng's army, and he had a clear mind and promptly reminded him.

Tang Chen frowned, "Why are you still the crown prince? What happened this year? Tell me!"


General Huben, Ziweiwei, had already prepared a draft, and told Tang Chen concisely and without omission!

"... Received the title of King Qingxuan, privately built Qingxuanwei with [-] puppets of spiritual clay, left Shushan without permission, and destroyed the Taurus Starfield within one month. Domain! The trophies seized are countless treasures of heaven, material and earth..."

Tang Chen questioned: "The merits and crimes are equal?! What does the father say?"

"Reporting to His Majesty King Ye Meng, the Hunting God Emperor didn't say anything, but under the mediation of the nobles, the Hunting God Emperor approved King Qingxuan to become the crown prince sequence! However, the Hunting God Emperor said that unless Your Majesty you voluntarily give up the status of crown prince, Otherwise, the next Hunting God Emperor will still be yours!"

"I don't want to do that!" Tang Chen shook his head, his trust in Tang Batian was very useful to Tang Chen. "Then King Qingxuan has military power now? Batian, Ziwei, Ye Meng, Tang Chen four guards, how are the guards?"

"Nowadays the battle is tight against the remnants of the Little Dog Star Region and the Big Dog Star Region. They have joined forces with the Usagi Star Region and the Bojiang Star Region to carry out a three-line attack on our Hunting God Star Region! In addition to the thigh nobles, the owners of the Yunhui Nobles and Glory Nobles and The family elites have already left Shushan and headed to the front line for half a month! So..."

General Ziweiwei Huben is very smart, and he will stop when he clicks.Tang Chen nodded, with a cold look in his eyes: "So Batianwei, Ziweiwei, Ye Mengwei, and the officers and soldiers belonging to the four guards of Tangchenwei also followed Tang Liang to the front line to make meritorious service, did you earn meritorious deeds?"

"My lord is wise!" General Huben Ziweiwei nodded heavily, with fanatical admiration in his eyes. He didn't expect that Tang Chen could see the fire clearly, and he explained the thoughts of today's army officers and soldiers in one sentence!Simply confided: "Behind King Qingxuan..."

Tang Chen waved his hand and interrupted the conversation: "The four generals and nobles all support Tang Liang, support King Qingxuan, actively cover up in front of my father, and mediate from it..., right?"

"Yes! My lord! You are worthy of the hunting god and army god! Your subordinates... The subordinates have been worrying about you..." General Huben Ziweiwei lowered his head in shame.

His military rank is not low. If he retires with the rank of General Huben, the family can obtain the title of third-class honorable nobleman with the merit points of buyout.The hunting god royal family can protect unconditionally for 1 years!

However, he did not choose to retire because he admired Tang Chen. Looking at it now, he thinks this decision is extremely correct.Tang Chen deserves to be the hunting god who dominates Nebula, founded the Ye Meng family, and controls reincarnation!
If you can see the fire clearly, you are planning a strategy!
Following Tang Chen, there is still a lot to learn!The future will be even brighter!Career will be smoother.

(End of this chapter)

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