Shushan Wushen

Chapter 932 Shock from the Star Sea

Chapter 932 Shock from the Star Sea


"Pass me an order to call all the officers above Zhonglang who have not been on the front line to come to Ye Mengxing for discussion!" Tang Chen's eyes flashed a stern light!
"Follow the order!"

There was no wave in Tang Chen's ancient well, and he sat on the Danchi dragon chair with a calm expression.Looking around, his eyes fell on the faces of the four nobles, and he asked loudly: "Everyone has forgotten, the blood oath!"

hiss! ! !
The nobles couldn't help being startled, Xiao Dingyang's expression was solemn, neither humble nor overbearing: "To King Ye Meng, the blood-thundered oath has never been deliberately remembered by the commander! Because, our stock-armed nobles have long been closely related to the God of Hunting and have become one! Generations Give your allegiance to the royal family and the Tang family!..."

"...In order to protect the royal family of the Tang family, we, as nobles, will spare no effort to exhaust our family blood!..."

Yang Shuping took a step forward, stood side by side with Xiao Dingyang, and bowed slightly: "What Marshal Xiao said is true, and so is my Yang Shuping family! To protect the royal family of the Tang family, we will never waver!"

"Hmph!" A cold light suddenly shot out from Tang Chen's eyes, his face sank like water, "The good one is not hesitating! The good one is determined! Splitting our Lin clan, isn't it endangering the royal family?"

what! ! !
Yang Shuping, Hua Wulei, An Shoudao, Xiao Ding Yang suddenly turned pale with fright, huh!Swish!Swish!Cold sweat poured out instantly...! !In this regard, they were lucky, but they were caught by Tang Chen!

After all, the content of the blood oath is, " not make enemies of the Tang family in any way, and never harm anyone in the Tang family! If you violate the oath, you will die, and your soul will be scattered and your blood will be severed..."

However, surrounding Tang Liang and Tang Chen to seize the heir apparent will weaken the power of the royal family!At least, the royal prestige has been hurt!
The four great nobles even vaguely heard... "Booming" thunder!Slap!Slap!Slap!Can't help sweating profusely.Cold sweat! ! !
Tang Chen sighed, and waved his hand, "You nobles, as high-ranking officers, have contributed a lot to the Hunting God Starfield! It can be said that you have made great military achievements! I expected you to help me garrison the Yongxi Starfield. Hi!"

"Yongxi Starfield?" Hua Wulei and other nobles were stunned!Yongxi Starfield has never heard of it!
Tang Chen beat them on purpose, deliberately downplaying: "Yongxi Starfield, located in the sea of ​​stars in the middle of the Milky Way! It was originally occupied by a six-clawed dragon! I killed it! It took it!..."

"What? His Majesty King Ye Meng actually took down a star field in the sea of ​​stars without making a sound? And..., even slaughtered a six-clawed dragon? It's terrible! After all, it is the sea of ​​stars that is extremely dangerous what!"

"...Now the Yongxi Starfield is governed by the Swift Aolong! You hunting gods! The backbone! The backbone! Reliance! Glory! The background..., oh~, should this king be very disappointed!!!"

The dragon is favored by the rules of the universe in the legend!The noble group favored by heaven and earth!In the vast universe, those are auspicious beasts that cannot be easily seen!Dragons and phoenixes never fall into a land without treasures!The star field occupied by the dragon clan, no doubt!It is definitely the richest place in the universe!
An Shoudao exclaimed!Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other in amazement, looking at Tang Chen with endless fear!A lone army not only penetrated into the sea of ​​stars, but also took away a star field run by the dragon clan. What a means!

Tang Chen at this moment!A terrifying existence that makes everyone tremble! ! !No doubt! ! !

Tang Chen saw everyone's horrified expressions in his eyes, sneered in his heart, and said majesticly: "This king has devoted all his energy and energy, and he has sacrificed his life to expand the territory of the Hunting God Starfield! The bright future and future of all the soldiers are in my hands!" Heart! Hmph!"

Tang Chen's cold and indisputable eyes were full of disappointment, and just a glance made everyone feel ashamed!
"Please His Majesty King Ye Meng punish the crime!!!"

Regardless of nobles, generals at all levels, or even Zhonglang generals, they are ashamed and extremely lucky!Some people have already contacted their former comrades-in-arms on the front line, and they will go to the battlefield in the next few days!How lucky Neil! ! !

Tang Chen coldly glanced at everyone's ashamed faces, and said in a loud voice: "The star fields around the Hunting God Star Field are already in our possession! It's just a matter of effort to take them down! It takes so much effort and effort! A small battle becomes a big one! Rush to the front line like a wheel, toil your life and waste your money, are you idle? Are you incompetent?"

"Could it be that everyone's taste has deteriorated and you're not picky eaters anymore? Quietly wanting to move, your hands are itchy?! Hmph! But it's just greedy! It's all about earning merit points!!"

Xiao Dingyang's eyes were shining, and his face was flushed with excitement: "Your Majesty Ye Meng! It's me, Xiao Dingyang, who is short-sighted! I'm guilty! Please punish me, Your Majesty Ye Meng! I'll cut the title or confiscate merit points, let His Majesty Ye Meng decide what to do." , I have no complaints!"

Plop!Xiao Dingyang fell to his knees!
Everyone was shocked!Xiao Dingyang also has the highest qualifications among the four great nobles.Kneeling like this, all the soldiers in the military world who have a connection with Xiao Dingyang's lineage fell to their knees!
Hua Wulei, An Shoudao, Yang Shuping saw that Xiao Dingyang was so bachelor, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, bent his knees one after another, and prostrated himself on the ground...

Tang Chen's eyes fell on Tang Xiaoshao, Yang Zhenting, and Liu Weiguo, showing a hint of relief on their faces. Ziweiwei, who was of Yanhuangxing lineage, did not disappoint Tang Chen this time, and none of them followed Tang Liang!

"Hmph! You are nobles, but you know how to advance and retreat! This king spent a lot of energy and resources to send you to Lingyan Pavilion! You have been studying for more than a year! Put what you have learned into practice! It's time to practice! Yongxi Starfield Governance is your exam for leaving the court! Do you dare to take it?!"

"Ah!...As expected..., unexpectedly..."

To be promoted to a nobleman, isn't that one of the best? !A brave man has no plan, and has long been turned into a pile of loess!Of the four major nobles, as well as some Yunhui nobles and the very few glorious nobles, which one is not smart and strategic?

Hearing this, I was overjoyed!Tang Chen didn't abandon them!Immediately, my heart was full of mixed feelings..., surprises and excitement, and excitement that could not be concealed!
"I... will definitely not disappoint His Majesty King Ye Meng! I will do my best to serve His Majesty King Ye Meng! Serve the royal family!"

"I know, what are you thinking! Missing your subordinates who have rushed to the front line! Right?" Tang Chen straightened it out, staring at the four nobles with piercing eyes!Seeing that the nobles were ashamed.It is also not good for them to be too embarrassing in front of low-ranking officers.Open the mouth directly.

"Okay! I know how dangerous the Sea of ​​Stars is! You really need four beams and eight pillars who cooperate with each other! That's it! That's it! Out of my original intention of establishing Lingyan Pavilion, I simply give you another chance! As long as your old department, take the initiative If you give up the military exploits made by following Tang Liang this time, then you can also participate in the selection, form a team of Yongxi Army, and head to the Sea of ​​Stars!"

(End of this chapter)

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