Shushan Wushen

Chapter 939 Wind Point Universe

Chapter 939 Wind Point Universe


Tang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief!Run the spiritual energy, the spiritual power walks around the sky, the body recovers quickly, and the exhausted soul also gets a respite!
Tang Chen couldn't help being shocked when he heard the sound!By simulating the universe of wind points, Tang Chen clearly discovered that in the wind, countless wind points actually gathered a one-horned suanni!
The one-horned 狻猊 is invisible to the naked eye!Tang batian never said it!None of the previous trainees mentioned or recorded it!Tang Chen really discovered it!This is a wind beast!
The cosmic will of the wind and the universe, the wind beasts formed in groups!

Observing the wind beast, Tang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, and activated [Fengyunlu] supernatural powers, and he could clearly see the movement of this one-horned suanni's divine body!

The body of the wind beast is formed by the intersection of Yin and Yang of countless "wind point universes"!

Under the domination of the laws of heaven, it seems that there is an indescribable attraction in the unicorn 狻猊! The 'Wind Point Universe' is actually in an endless stream, bustling and bustling! 'Wind Point Universe' is running all the time!collision!offset!Annihilation!Rebirth...

Tang Chen clearly felt that the wind on the top of the sword mountain was much weaker due to the appearance of the wind beast and one-horned 狻猊!Tang Chen's pressure suddenly eased!

"Could it be because I used the supernatural power [Fengyunlu]? This stimulated the birth of the wind beast? The difficulty of the first level has increased? Dogshit!" Tang Chen couldn't help cursing.Get ready for battle!

One-horned Suanni, the coercion is gradually increasing!Tang Chen's eyelids jumped when he saw it!Gritting his teeth, he ran the 【Good Fortune Jue】!A unicorn with fierce horns, with purple energy rising!Appeared out of nowhere!

Double horns vs single horns! ! !
The purple unicorn preemptively strikes, flying with all four hooves, rolling towards the one-horned Suanni, whoosh!rushed up!
The difference is; the one-horned 狻猊 is a regular beast formed by the wind point universe, which cannot be seen with the naked eye!And the purple unicorn is the magical beast formed by Tang Chen's power of creation!Lifelike!

Yan Shisan had been standing on the arrow tower at the head of Tongguan City, and was shocked when he suddenly saw the purple unicorn appearing out of thin air!Guarding Tongguan Jianshan, the relevant information is naturally to be mastered.Purple Kirin - Unheard of!

He, Yan Shisan, couldn't see the one-horned suanni, but he didn't know that the purple unicorn was actually Tang Chen's magical power!Before he could think about it, Yan Shisan hurriedly took out another blank stone slip and [Beacon Fire Talisman], and directly imprinted the memory of what he saw and heard from Yuyang star to Tang Batian!

When Tang Batian received the letter from Fenghuo, he was so impatient that he tore open a [locating talisman] and landed in Tongguan!

At the same time, Tang Liang also arrived at Yuyang Star Tongguan Sword Mountain almost at the same time!

It's not that Shushan where Tang Liang is located is a few 'light weeks' away from Tongguan Jianshan, compared to Ye Mengxing!Members of the royal family all have special [positioning talismans] in their hands, within the jurisdiction of the Hunting God Starfield, the distance is really not a problem!The problem is, Tang Liang feels that Tang Chen should not go straight to the third level in just a few days!
Only the third level is truly dangerous, where countless Godhunters steal and hate!Simultaneously took the longest time!This is only three or two days!King Ye Meng, Tang Chen's combat power can destroy the Starfield Alliance Army alone, how can he be an ordinary person!Not so fragile, vulnerable!
Thus, the first meeting of Tang Batian and Tang Liang in the Hunting God Starfield was born!

Tang Batian glanced at Tang Liang, turned his head without any expression, and looked at the top of Jianshan Mountain with an extremely solemn expression, where Tang Chen with him was facing the crazy purple unicorn alone!

On the one hand, Tang Chen knew every move of the wind beast unicorn unicorn through [Feng Yun Lu], on the other hand, he manipulated the purple unicorn, kicking his legs, flicking his tail, hitting his horns, and smashing his body...

Before time travel, Tang Chen and his friends would play controller games in the game hall of Wanda Plaza from time to time, and this time it came in handy!
Spit fire!

Tang Chen's heart moved at will, the pressure of the purple unicorn's temperament changed suddenly, the fire of rules and profound meanings, the light flourished, and the whole head of the purple unicorn turned into a fire meteor, drawing a gorgeous and graceful arc, changing the line in an incredible way...

"Boom!" It slammed into the ribs on the side of the wind beast unicorn!

The wind fuels the fire!The Wind Beast Unicorn Suanni was instantly hit!

Make a low sonic boom!A shockingly large hole appeared in the belly of the unicorn 狻猊!The flames linger!The purple unicorn passed through!

"fight back!"

The purple unicorn flicked its tail, raised it high, immediately adjusted its momentum, hoo!Huh!Huh~~, the beast drifts!The head and tail of the purple unicorn are dislocated!Shrinking the scales, the power of creation gathers a pair of horns on the head!call out!Hitting the lion head of the wind beast unicorn 狻猊!

The one-horned 狻猊, also a divine beast, reacted very quickly, suffered heavy injuries, and became even more berserk!Stepping out with four hooves in an arc, easily adjusting the direction, the ferocious mouth looks like gnawing on the ground, but in fact, the horn suddenly shoots out!
One horn versus two horns!Hit together!
The one-horned Suan Ni of the Wind Beast has a longer horn!Like a blunt snake spear, poof! !Stab Zi Qilin's head hard!Boom!The reverse scale between the two horns of the purple unicorn burst into pieces!The purple light poured out!The coercion collapsed!
However, the two horns of the purple unicorn are like a halberd drawn by Fang Tian, ​​with big branches and small branches, carrying the remaining coercion and divine power, puff!puff!puff!puff!The huge lion head pierced into the wind beast unicorn 狻猊!
The wind beast, the one-horned suanni and the purple unicorn, died together!On the top of the sword mountain, Tang Chen stood alone in the air.His figure didn't move at all!After all, what he consumed was only a trace of spiritual power!

"Hahaha! Good!" Tang Batian couldn't see the clue at this time!Can't help but applaud!Show unabashed appreciation!To Yan Shisan, who was usually anxious, he smiled and nodded to appease him.

At this moment, Tang Liang's heart was cut like a knife!Since the ninth generation, Tang Batian has bathed in this kind of admiring gaze countless times!Tang Batian looked at Tang Chen in the Yanhuang Starfield, either disappointed or anxious!Sometimes even indifference!
But now, Tang Batian unabashedly gave Tang Chen his appreciation!What was left to Tang Liang was ignored!Tang Liang is vulnerable!Immediately, the pain pierced through my heart, and an indescribable sense of loss hit my heart!

"This Dragon King doesn't lack such humble feelings! Hmph! It's just a compliment! I don't care for it!" Tang Liang comforted himself, but it was hard to hide the solidified loneliness on his face, and he couldn't help but sneak a peek at Tang Batian.

Sure enough, Tang Batian was still looking forward to the top of Sword Mountain with great interest!

The top of Sword Mountain.Tang Chen didn't immediately enter the void passage of the second pass, but stood in front of the fiery red gate at the entrance of the passage, and closed his eyes!Carefully comprehend the battle scene just now.

The wind beast unicorn 狻猊, every move, wind points the trajectory of the universe... After careful combing, Tang Chen smiled, and stretched out his hand to release a burst of aura!
Shu Dao Zhang!
On the top of the sword mountain, the two wind point universes are controlled by Tang Chen——

(End of this chapter)

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