Shushan Wushen

Chapter 940 Xiuxiu's life is tragic

Chapter 940 Xiuxiu's Life Is Tragic


Tang Chen operated the fortune-telling formula, added two divine senses, and firmly imprisoned these two wind-point universes that are invisible to the naked eye. These two wind-point universes, one yin and one yang!Attract each other!

Tang Chen manipulated the distance to prevent each other from being exhausted, sure enough!

The dual cores formed by the two wind point universes attract the nearby free universes!The yin attribute universe attracted two yang attribute universes at the same time!The yang attribute universe has attracted three yin attribute universes!
Properties are converted instantly!The original yang attribute universe got three yin attribute universes, and the attribute response was yin attribute!In the beginning, the cosmic group composed of the yin attribute universe and two yang attribute universes, the attribute is biased towards the yang attribute!
Yin and Yang are replaced, but not balanced!
It is precisely because of the imbalance that a huge reaction is created!The birth process of the wind beast began quickly!soon!A majestic wind beast appeared in Gangfeng!Kirin!
"As expected! As expected! Hehehe!"

With a thought in Tang Chen's mind, he controlled it with his divine sense and modified the form of the wind beast's divine body.The wind beast unicorn turns into a 狻猊 for a while, a 狴犴 for a while, a prison ox for a while, and a Pixiu for a while...


Tang Chen finally turned the wind beasts into a pair of phoenixes, raised his hands and put them into the dantian and star planes in his body!From then on, Tang Chen's avatar of the city mansion, the star plane in his body was born with wind!

As long as the rules of the universe in Tang Chen's body have a blueprint, Fengdian's will of the universe will exercise its power of creation and operate autonomously!
The reason why Tang Chen changed the wind beast into a phoenix form was not willful!Through Shuyue Pagoda God Xiaosan, Tang Chen learned that the most tragic beast in the universe is the phoenix!
The phoenix can be said to be the most tragic beast in the universe since ancient times!Phoenix, the female is a phoenix, and the male is a phoenix!Often captured by dragons!Huang is a concubine!Feng is an eunuch!Even the God Realm and the big shots in the God Realm, the favorite delicacy is actually dragon liver and phoenix marrow! ! !
Later, an unknown generation of patriarchs of the Phoenix clan came up with a method they thought was extremely clever, and reproduced in large numbers!Increase the number of descendants!
It is undeniable that on the surface, this strategy is almost invulnerable!After all, the blood of the Phoenix family is precious, and the number of descendants is really too rare!
However, this strategy, proposed by the ordinary Phoenix, is understandable, if the patriarch positions it as a major plan for the development of the clan!Then this patriarch's knowledge is really too short-sighted!
Heaven bestows great opportunities on a group, and there is a quota for great luck!There is a fixed amount!

The phoenix is ​​originally a divine beast!After the ethnic group desperately reproduced!Great opportunity, great luck is shared by the Phoenix family, after endless years, there are fewer and fewer high-level Phoenixes!Gradually reduced from a divine beast to a divine beast!
This also means that at this time, the Phoenix family has already disappeared in the God Realm!Another endlessly long time, the blood of the Phoenix family is so thin that they were unable to enter the God Realm after Nirvana!

Spirit beast!

The noble phoenix clan has been downgraded to spirit beasts!How sad!But what is even more tragic is that the ethnic group is getting bigger and bigger, and the blood is not only thin, but also stolen frequently!So the blood is even more complicated!

Finally, the Phoenix clan entered the mortal world, and mortals are greedy for the delicacy of phoenixes, so they not only hunt them wantonly, but also raise them in captivity!Call it; chicken!
Looking at the universe, the number of chickens far exceeds the number of humans!It is impossible for the Phoenix family to return to their former glory!

Tang Chen loves chicken the most!Braised in soy sauce, steamed, salt-baked, and white-cut are all favorites!Knowing the sad secrets of the Phoenix Clan, Tang Chen felt a strong sense of guilt towards chickens!

Chicken can no longer fall!Otherwise, you will not be able to get the great opportunity and great luck bestowed by heaven, and you will eventually degenerate into a monster!If there is no business, there will be no killing. What can you do for the Phoenix Clan!
——It was Tang Chen's 'guilt', the right to make compensation!
The fiery red gate seems to be born with a mind, and his temper is quite violent!Seeing that Tang Chen was hesitant to step into the second level, he actually released a red light that covered the entire top of the sword mountain!


This is never seen before!Tang Batian opened his mouth in surprise!The Hunting God Emperor lost his composure!After the red light dissipated, Tang Chen disappeared!

Tang Chen was caught off guard, and suddenly stepped on the ground!There is wind in the ear, and it falls down!The speed was too fast, fearing that his consciousness would be torn apart, Tang Chen bent over and knelt, holding his head with his hands...

Sure enough, the moment the red light dissipated, Tang Chen "got down to earth" almost at the same time!The ground was extremely hard, not ordinary gravel. Tang Chen's divine body was so strong that he still couldn't resist the shock, his face turned red, and he opened his mouth: "Pfft!"

Golden-yellow and blackened blood, blurted out!

The ground was stimulated by Tang Chen's blood, rumbled, the ground shook, the gravel turned, and the roar of the beasts continued unnoticed. The scarlet red eyes that could only be looked up released a cruel light!It turned out to be the brown ant earth magic dragon!Heaven-rank brown ant and earth magic dragon!
Tang Chen couldn't stabilize his figure, swayed left and right, and used his strength to fly into the air several times, but was detected by the brown ant dragon, making Tang Chen nowhere to use his strength. Tang Chen couldn't help but secretly scolded the brown ant dragon for being cunning!
The sky-rank brown ant and earth magic dragon are enough to ascend to the existence of the gods!Not only has a spiritual intelligence not weaker than human beings been born, but he can already speak human words!

With scarlet eyes, there was an undisguised expression of joking, and he couldn't help but tease and tease.Tang Chen didn't pay attention to it, and moved left and right, struggling to avoid the huge dragon claws that were waving one by one!
The power control of the brown ant and the devil dragon is almost flawless!Whenever a hit is missed, never sloppy, and withdraw the strength in time.Brewing the next wave of attacks!
This made Tang Chen's bomb crater strategy completely ineffective!Faced with it at any time is a full blow!Even though Tang Chen was physically strong, he definitely couldn't resist more than three attacks!

With a flick of Tang Chen's palm, Ye Meng's black stick appeared out of thin air!After coming to the Hunting God Starfield, this was newly refined with blood fiend pure gold as the avatar of the city!Haven't tasted the taste of devouring flesh and blood!

Ye Meng's black stick, every corner of the blood fiend gold is a treasure warrior!The whole Ye Meng black stick is a combination of countless heavy treasure warriors!It can be called the number one soldier in the universe!luxurious!atmosphere!Upscale!The general big forces and ancient sects can't come up with such a big hand!Not to mention famous families!

That is, the hunting royal family!The father and son formed separate groups and plundered wildly for endless years, which is why they have such strong financial resources!background!And ability!If you can grab it, you can hold it!

Tang Chen held Ye Meng's black stick in his hand, and his heart moved at will. The tip of Ye Meng's black stick suddenly formed a chilling, red inscription on the tip of the gun!Tang Chen swung it high, and suddenly plunged into the "ground" under his feet!

There was an extremely shrill scream, and the stone was shocked!Tang Chen was startled!After endless years of accumulation in the Hunting God Starfield, the achievement of inscription patterns has been continuously improved!The devouring ability of this Yemeng black stick is much stronger than the original Yemeng black stick!

(End of this chapter)

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