Shushan Wushen

Chapter 942 The old friends meet each other but do not know each other

Chapter 942 The old friends meet each other but do not know each other


The attacks are getting more and more intensive!Tang Chen gradually became anxious, always dodging such a shameless attack is not an option!There is always a time of exhaustion!But illusion, how can it be so easy to crack!

"Eh? Illusion? It's not in the records!" Tang Chen immediately recalled the records of the trainees who returned all the time. Except for the star thief who died in the third pass, the trainees who were able to come out of the mountain were at least Tang Batian, Xiao Dingyang, Hua Wu Lei and Yang Shuping will not hide anything!What they mentioned one after another is a mountain!ocean?Really no!
Tang Chen peeked at the surrounding environment again, the vegetation was verdant and the waves were rippling...

"Could it be that I dealt with the wind beast first, exposed my strength, led to the upgrade of the trial project, and stimulated the difficulty factor?" Tang Chen lowered his head to observe the attack marks falling on the ground!

Sure enough, something was discovered!The attacking point is different!But if the attack effect is different, it shows the problem!Judging from the attack effect, at least three of them are making frequent attacks!

The hideous and terrifying huge fist marks, palm marks, and torn stubbles on the ground clearly revealed the identity of the spirit beast!Physically powerful spirit beasts, divine beasts, monsters or divine beasts!

True human fighters, even if they are powerful in body training, can't rely on brute force and attack like this without skill!

After confirming the judgment, Tang Chen felt a little more at ease. Although he was trapped in an illusion, there was no possibility of suffering evil tricks, and the danger factor was not that great!
So far, there is no star thief who has passed the third level, but Hua Wulei, who persisted for the longest time, only survived for a week, and finally was released by the plant-like monster, Thousand-Handed Evil Spider Vine. There is no way to escape, and he was forced to sacrifice the Sword Mountain Order before he was eliminated!
Tang Chen relied on his body to be perfect, tempered by dragon blood, and Long Yuan added that it would be no problem if he persisted for a year or so!in addition……

"I got it! I figured out a way!" Tang Chen's eyes lit up suddenly, and he fluttered his nostrils. Sure enough, there was a faintly salty smell in the air, and there was a coquettish smell!

"Medusa!!! No wonder there is an ocean in the illusion! To cover up the fishy smell of the snake! Try to cover it up!" Medusa is a rattlesnake demon with a human head and a snake body!She was born extremely beautiful!There are whistling scales on the snake's body and tail, emitting extremely low sound waves, confusing and disturbing, and even creating illusions!Talented supernatural powers!
Tang Chen confirmed his judgment and quickly formulated a counterattack strategy!
Whoosh!Tang Chen turned around and jumped into the big pit that was just born!This is also the first time Tang Chen used the cannonball theory during his evasion process!Generally speaking, unless deliberately, the second attack or even the third attack is basically impossible to land on the first attack!This is a random probability problem!It is also a kind of inertial thinking in the field of psychology!The long tail theory of the game!

Just as Tang Chen expected, the huge attack power roared past, boom!Boom!Boom!The word "pin" of Cheng falls in the distance of the big pit!Tang Chen was in a big pit, and his divine body suddenly disappeared!
It disappeared without a sound!

Taking a closer look, there is a beautiful and luxurious ancient castle where Tang Chen was originally standing!This is Tang Chen's city mansion!Tang Chen shrank his divine body into the city mansion!

Tang Chen can change the shape of the city at will. The Roman-style pillars and the pointed Gothic roof of the castle look unique, but they are the Achilles heel!

Feel free to move your heart, Tangchen Castle has changed the appearance of the building in a way that is visible to the naked eye!Four edges and eight turns, impressive pyramid!For pure defense, a pyramid with an inner angle of 60° is undoubtedly the best!

boom! boom! boom!
In an instant, three attacks came one after another!Tang Chen was inside the city mansion, and leisurely took out a piece of spiritual jade to supplement consumption!After more than half of the refinement, he threw it away casually, and turned his hand, and another spirit jade appeared in the palm of his hand. After refining it a few times, he felt that the essence was not so strong, and he threw it away again...

In the blink of an eye, Tang Chen's feet were in disarray, and he threw two or thirty yuan of spiritual jade with remaining aura!It's not that Tang Chen is rich and self-willed, wasting money wantonly, and extorting money.It was indeed Tang Chen's style of handling things.Don't say anything, don't do anything!Pay attention to being kind to others, don't speak out of the house, don't do things in the house, and stay on the front line in everything!The highest score is three points, and the lowest score is seven points!

These seven points are thrown in the third level. If a star thief enters the trial, when life and death are exhausted, refining and replenishing, it will be a life!What a kindness!But Tang Chen didn't expect to repay his kindness, he just left an opportunity for future generations!
The three spirit beasts Titan Vigorous Monkey, Green Rust Behemoth, and Ergon Orangutan were pierced through the palms of their palms by the sharp pyramid spire, and their fingers were broken, all of them wailing endlessly!The pain is ruining the world, flying sand and flying stones!Crazy form!A spirit beast known for its brute force, its IQ is always so poor!
Anger appeared on Medusa's beautiful face, and she simply moved these three idiots away!In the fantasy realm, there was an instant silence!Tang Chen shook his hand, click!The spirit jade in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp crashing sound!
"The world is quiet! Could it be that Medusa will end in person? I'm looking forward to it!" The corners of Tang Chen's mouth twitched and he pursed his lips tightly.

If it is exhausted, the one who suffers must be the beautiful snake demon king Medusa!After all, it needs to consume spiritual power all the time, control the Mingdi scales, and maintain the existence of the illusion.

Even so, Tang Chen is the Martial Emperor of Chaos Realm after all!

If Tang Chen's realm matched the chaotic realm Wu Emperor Ziweigong, he would have already broken through the sky and entered the ranks of transcendents!
According to Tang Chen's current combat power, in the chaotic universe, he would be considered a peerless and invincible existence!How proud to be a peerless power!She has arrogance and noble dignity!
Emperor Wu's strength of character! !
This feeling of restraint really made Tang Chen feel uncomfortable!Tang Chen couldn't bear the humiliation of being controlled by others, not to mention that the other party was just a small "long bug"!
Tang Chen took out a bottle of realgar wine, raised his head and took a sip. "Hiss..." The pungent smell of alcohol, with a flash of fire, warmed the stomach!Bajibaji mouth, picked up a spicy stick, and threw it into his mouth.Blinking and blinking, squeezed out the hot tears!

Tang Chen is not good at drinking, after drinking such a sip, his head is already red and his face is swollen, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are glowing, and he is setting fire to the sky!It's just that I heard that realgar is specialized in killing snakes, so I found such a bottle of wine from Ziwei Armor Cave!

Tang Chen was in the city mansion, and he had already taken off his plain clothes at this moment, and changed into Emperor Wudi Ziweigong's gifted magic weapon suit!Tang Chen didn't dare to be careless this time, the lion needs to fight the rabbit with all his strength!It is not uncommon for the real martial arts world to see capsized boats in the gutter!Drowning is water!Not only did he wear a protective mask, but he even put on the back protection flag of the third-rank Ziwei Gongwu Emperor!

Although there are three lives, but if one is lost, one will be lost, and any one is extremely precious!There is no room for loss!Don't hang up!

The space of the Pyramid City Mansion, the lush coconut groves and pines, and the vast sea, shattered like a mirror!Disappear in the invisible!Reveal the true colors of the third level!

(End of this chapter)

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