Shushan Wushen

Chapter 943 Why Can't You See the Light Blue Umbrella?

Chapter 943 Why Can't You See the Light Blue Umbrella?


The endless primeval forest, coiled dragons and crouching dragons, overgrown with weeds and vines!The footprints of spirit beasts are mottled and chaotic, the trees are broken, and the stubble is brand new!In the distance, there are endless stretches of mountains, bare black and brown mountains, and the top of the mountain is covered with moon...

Medusa stands in front of the pyramid in the shape of a "bump"!Slightly raised conical snake tail, five Ming Dy scales, suddenly stand up!Clearly, Medusa is ready for battle!

Tang Chen took a gulp of wine, was very drunk, shook his head desperately, and tried his best to stay awake.But the bright red eyeballs and dull eyes showed that everything was futile!
"Kill you! What can I do?" Jiu Zhuang heroic courage!Before Tang Chen lost his clarity, it's not that he didn't think of using his spiritual power to force the wine out of his body!After all, as the saying goes, wine depends on character.Tang Chen couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart for the behavior of forcing wine with luck!
Losing his mind, Tang Chen stretched out his arm from the city mansion, and carried the wine bottle upside down, boom!Hit the ground!
Originally, Tang Chen's bottle went to Medusa's head!It's a pity that Tang Chen drank too much, and the images in his eyes were double images!Also chose the wrong target!
Medusa didn't expect Tang Chen to drink too much on the spot during the match!Take precautions, mistakes are hard to prevent!Tang Chen missed with one blow, his moves were already worn out, and he retracted his arm when he let go of the wine bottle!

Medusa has black lines all over her head!Not sure what routine Tang Chen was playing, he was dumbfounded, opened his cherry mouth, and in astonishment calculated Tang Chen's unpredictable blow!
As the saying goes, hit right and wrong!The wine bottle fell from the sky and hit a branch on the ground!The branches are quite elastic!call out!The wine bottle actually flew up again!

"Oh? Ah..."

Medusa, it's getting messier!Can't help Huarong turned pale, and exclaimed!There was such a puff of wine poured all over the sky, it was poured into Medusa's little mouth!

Most snakes are naturally sensitive to realgar!Most fearful!Although Medusa is a snake demon, it is difficult to transcend the category of snakes! "Squeak~~! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!..." Immediately there was a scream, and the long tongue that split into two parts spit out!
Unable to maintain the "bump" posture any longer, it collapsed into mud!

Tang Chen was also astonished!The moment he missed, Tang Chen finally had a moment of clarity, and he broke out in a cold sweat!The wine woke up!Seeing that Medusa was overthrown by mistake, he secretly thought it was a fluke!

Whoosh!Tang Chen jumped out of the city mansion, and kicked him as soon as he raised his foot! "Hoo!" Tang Chen kicked Medusa into the palace!
The city mansion is equivalent to a universe under Tang Chen's complete control!Medusa's every move cannot escape Tang Chen's sight!Entering Tang Chen City Mansion, the only end is to let Tang Chen fiddle with it!
Tang Chen hugged his chest with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other. In fact, the remaining drunkenness had not been completely eliminated. This caused Tang Chen to have a bad mood, muttering, and talking to himself: "This guy is a snake after all, but his upper body is born So beautiful! What is the body structure like? I am very curious!"

Tang Chen never dragged his feet when he did things. He tore off Medusa's battle robe with his hand raised, retracted his arms, and tore off Medusa's pants...

Tang Chen's rough actions woke up Medusa.Medusa saw that Tang Chen's eyeballs were bloodstained and glowing a frightening red light, she was terrified, squeaked, and said incoherently, "Don't! Don't! You..., what are you doing?..." In a panic, she grabbed Pick up the broken robe next to it to cover the hidden parts...

But Tang Chen had already caught a glimpse, "Ouch! Ooh! Ooh!" He felt nauseated all of a sudden, and he vomited again and again!

"You! You are discriminating against me! I, Medusa, the demon king, is angry! I want to fight you!" Medusa was obviously very angry, with a beautiful face, heavy breath, struggling to get up, and scratched To Tang Chen!
"Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't come here! Please let me go! Stay away from me! Vomit~" Tang Chen's forehead was bulging with veins, his face was flushed from holding back, he covered his stomach with one hand, and raised the other to stop Medusa The demon king approached.

Unrelenting, Medusa curled up her tail and attacked Tang Chen viciously!Tang Chen had sex after drinking, took off Medusa's robe and trousers, inadvertently pryed into Medusa's privacy, made a fool of herself after drinking, and regretted it!

At this moment, seeing that Medusa was actually relentless and aggressive, she couldn't help being angry: "Who are you with? It's endless, isn't it? Get out!"

A palm of the Shu sword, destroying flowers with hot hands, without mercy!Blast the demon king Medusa out of the city!
Tang Chen felt bitterness in his mouth, quickly brewed a pot of hot tea, drank a few cups, and then suppressed it slightly. "Oh!" Thinking of the scene just now, he smiled wryly.

Unexpectedly, there are many changes at this time!
Medusa outside the city can already mobilize her spiritual power!Using spiritual power to transform into a battle robe, covering the whole body!The beautiful eyes reveal endless murderous intent!He took a step fiercely and picked up Tang Chen City Mansion.


Raise your hand and go out far away!

"Ah! Hiss!...Ahhh! What's going on?" Tang Chen's fourth cup of hot tea just reached his lips, the city was shaken, the tea spilled all over his body, and Tang Chen's lips were scalded with blisters!
Phew~~, the Pyramid City Mansion rolled and charged into the air, drawing an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, heading towards the Luoxue Mountains!Although Tang Chen got used to the turbulence in the air, he suddenly fell into the depths of the snow!

Tang Chen got out of the city mansion, covered in snow, "Bah bah! Bah!" Spit out the remaining snow in his mouth, turned around and put away the city mansion.Can Xue contained the cold air of ten thousand years, slipping down Tang Chen's neck, bringing Tang Chen a bit of coldness, a burst of coldness!
Boom!Tang Chen was caught off guard, and was suddenly hit by a strong force!Involuntarily rushed to the sky!While Tang Chen quickly adjusted his balance, his divine sense swept across his body!
crisis!Definitely a crisis!

Tang Chen's consciousness swept across the snow in the mountains, and he was shocked to find that, like an avalanche, each and every snow elf stood up!It seems that the true martial artist in retreat has been asleep for a long time!

Cuiyan Shenzi once talked about the secrets of the cool snow mountain, the century-old snowman, the thousand-year snow demon, and the ten-thousand-year snow elf!They are all extremely terrifying existences!Once you are haunted by a snow elf, there is absolutely no reason to escape!Because the human body, even a monk, at least [-]% is [True Liquid Without Fragrance], that is, real pure water! !

Snowman, snow demon, and snow elf are all in one body [True liquid without fragrance]!Following cause and effect, there is absolutely no way for human monks to survive!Not only that, Snow Elf is a general term!The human form is just one of the forms. All kinds of divine beasts, spirit beasts, birds and beasts, as long as they have descended on the snow-capped mountains, they will be copied by the blood elves.
Snow elves are extremely terrifying existences!

Sure enough, snow eagles one after another fluttered their wings and flew into the air, crashing into Tang Chen!
Tang Chen took a deep breath!Snow elves are nothing more than special beings who have successfully cultivated!Tang Chen is not afraid!
(End of this chapter)

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