Shushan Wushen

Chapter 960 The light world is not bright

Chapter 960 The light world is not bright


Everyone looked at Guigu together.

Guigu stretched out his dragon claws and gestured to explain: "In the lineage of the dragon clan, the highest is the god! Nine-clawed god! The rules of the universe cannot be tampered with! Take a look, look, this spirit enters the body and drives away the aura in the king's body , I already have thirteen dragon claws!"

Tang Chen stared intently at the dragon claws of Guigu Sacred Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Dragon claws as black as ink.Sure enough, thirteen sharp blue dragon toes were exposed!

"Huh? That's right! I've seen the ancestor dragon of the dragon clan. The nine-clawed dragon really only has nine dragon toes! What the hell are the extra four? The number thirteen..."

Tang Chen was astonished.Puzzled eyes turned to the tower god Xiaosan.

Xiaosan flicked her hair.Said in an outrageously arrogant tone:

"Among the world of spirits and gods, the dragon's nine claws are the limit. The claws of Chuxujiao, Huiyang claws, Qilin claws, pole Yuan claws, Pixiu claws, cheek pouch claws, white birch claws, dry claws, arc kick claws Besides, your little dragon actually gave birth to green dragon claws, white tiger claws, basalt claws and vermilion bird claws! This is a great fortune! Why bother me? Do you understand what I mean, little guy?"

Gui Gu was a little bit crazy being despised by Xiaosan.

Justified: "I am a dragon! I am the Dragon King! The holy Tyrannosaurus Dragon King! Not a human!"

Xiaosan is relentless.Resolutely use this topic to hit Guigu's face.

Said: "You have cultivated the body of a city saint, then you are a human! You are right! Besides, you are not a holy tyrannosaurus king anymore!"

Guigu didn't intend to entangle this meaningless topic either.

"Huh? Then who am I? A great sage with two feathers and four legs?"

"No! You are the Happy Tyrannosaurus Rex! Do you understand what I mean? Little guy..."

Xiaosan has a straight figure.

He raised his hand and stroked his long hair reaching to the ground gracefully.

"Happy Tyrannosaurus Rex? The legendary... god? My dragon clan can do it too. Has that become a god?"

Guigu was startled.

Then I was overjoyed.

Tang Chen searched for the secrets in Guigu's memory imprint.

Sure enough, it was confirmed.

Can't help but smile.

I'm really happy for Guigu.

"Of course!"

Pagoda God Xiao Sanyun raised his jaw calmly.

His expression was extremely arrogant and free and easy.

Four claws are reckless, five claws are dragons!
Dragon family to pure blood.

A productless dragon like Ghost Valley.

Born to be a five-clawed dragon king!

The so-called pure blood dragon.

That's just that within five generations, one of the parents is a Wupinlong!

Such as [Swift Proud Dragon].

If his mother wasn't that [Hongmeng Mosquito].

Even if it's just a four-clawed mang.

Then [Swift Proud Dragon].It will also be a pure blood dragon with strong blood.

The Dragon Clan pays attention to the inheritance of bloodline talent!

Stronger than Yongxi.

The existence of the six-clawed dragon!
It's a pity that there is no complete bloodline talent inheritance!
After all, it is not popular!
Fortunately, return to Dragon Tomb.

Strong Dragon Race.

Perhaps Yongxi's dragon soul will be chosen to conceive dragon eggs.

Fang has a chance to completely join the Dragon Clan!
However, Yongxi is impossible!
The Dragon Soul was broken up by Tang Chen and Guigu!
Soul flies away!It is impossible to return to Longzhong!
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I didn't expect it! I, Guiguzi, still have today! I have become a Tyrannosaurus Rex! The God Realm! I can even gallop in the God Realm!"

Guigu has had a knot in his heart for many years.Instantly open!

The cloudy eyes of the dragon gradually became clear.The air in the Ziwei universe is stirring...

Mountain whistle tsunami!

Into the Ghost Valley with two bodies!

The holy body of Chengfu is full of air!

Happy Tyrannosaurus Rex body, streamer!
Like a dragon-shaped light source!

A round of brilliant day!
Slowly condensed behind the body of the saint in the city...

The Happy Tyrannosaurus rex got into the sun wheel!

Hold your head high.Ferocious and peaceful!
In a moment, the body of the saint of Chengfu entered the sun wheel.The Happy Tyrannosaurus Rex came out.

On that day, the wheel wrapped the body of the saint in the city.

Turn into a mixed star.

Guigu breathed out the dragon's breath to hold up the Hunyuan stars.

Above the Ziwei stars.Shuttle travel.Excited...

"Don't panic! Go to the reincarnation star to practice! Hurry up!"

Baby Tang Bao roared like thunder.Tang Chen was so frightened that he trembled.

Ghost Valley almost lost control in the air!
call out!
Desperately broke through the air and left!

"This guy is too tired! You always have to beat at any time! Look at my wife!"

Tang Chen made fun of Baby Tang.Tang Baobao reached out and took off the mink mask.

A beautiful face.It reminded Tang Chen of Tang Zhiyun for a moment, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Meng Wuzhuang and Tang Baobao saw this.One left and one right.Hold Tang Chen's arm.

Just about to comfort... "Ahem!" An untimely cough suddenly sounded.

Destroyed Tang Chen's routine.Tang Batian carried Chen Ye, who was still indulging in cultivation.

A half-smile: "Tang Chen! You should have a secret room here! Where is it?"

Tang Chen was extremely embarrassed.

He scratched his temples awkwardly.

Get Dad on Ziwei Xingchen.Forgot to place it!

I really saw my daughter-in-law and forgot my father!

At this time, the pagoda god Xiaosan has actually opened up!He stretched out his hand and gave in: "The old man is here, so naturally he is going to the [Lingxiao Memorial Hall] in the Little Three Pagodas! That is the owner's exclusive secret realm! You are always an exception! You are always an exception! Do you always understand what I mean? Old man..."

Tang Batian deliberately manipulated his posture.When I moved my toes, I suddenly realized again.Said: "This is not good! It's not quite in line with the rules..."

"Where are the rules in front of you! What do you always say, what is the rule! Your old rules are the biggest rules! You are always the rules! The rules are what you made! What are the rules?..., you always understand me What do you mean? You always..."

The tower god Xiaosan looked like a dog, leading Tang Batian.Walk into the Shuyue Pagoda.

Tang Batian and others.It was almost Tang Chen's entire team.

Collectively facing...

Reiki to spirit, this difficult task!So they closed down.

In the world of true warriors, the strong are respected.Even Meng Wuzhuang and Tang Baobao!Also, don't dare to widen the gap with Tang Chen too far.

Even Tang Chen himself didn't think of it.Entering the dimensional space can actually make you a coincidence.Become a god!You know, there has been no existence of becoming a god in the chaotic universe for nearly ten thousand years!

No more thunderstorms.Unable to temper the body.It is impossible to become a god by body cultivation!Tang Chen became a god.That's a shortcut to the Dragon Clan Kung Fu.Dragon Blood Body Tempering!

besides.There is no other way!
And the sunspot world.

Due to the endless years of reproduction, there are more and more descendants of god kings, and the natural gods are not enough aura to meet the number requirements for forming gods.
Even if the king of the gods empowers them with supreme mana, he can barely become a few gods!

As for the God King, that is absolutely impossible!
Therefore, the seven major brachial gods under the Black Emperor Shrine tacitly closed the ascension channel!

Even the God of Tribulation who ascended occasionally would be killed quietly,
Or simply throw it into the crypt and force these robbers to mine!

Jieshen didn't practice skills, so he couldn't be promoted to a god!

 Called from a mobile phone, the format is a bit bad.

(End of this chapter)

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