Shushan Wushen

Chapter 961 Flying Pond

Chapter 961 Flying Pond


Not to mention, Xuanshen and Daluo Jinshen!Zi Donglai spoke calmly and eloquently.

Tang Chen frowned as he listened.

The secrets of the universe that can be known by Dijun and Xihe's god emperor cultivation base, and even Ming Jifeng's god king cultivation base!Why do you still hide your ears and steal the bell, and don't think about making progress?

"Come from the east. As the young master of Zidao, don't you know that [Baiyun Canggou] will destroy the world?"

Tang Chen couldn't help but asked Zi Donglai.

Zi Donglai suddenly showed sadness.

With a long sigh:
"Hey! Although I am the young master of the Zidao, it has been endless years to control the Zidao. It has been nearly a billion years! How can I not know? I can't help but know that even the most ordinary ants in the world of Heizi, those Guangmin, know it." of!"

Tang Chen asked:

"Now that you know it, why don't you accumulate strength and work together to face the future catastrophe?"

Zi Donglai took a deep look at Tang Chen,
Standing up and pointing forward, he said:
"It's so simple in the world of Heizi! This bright world has the darkest routines! That's where my purple path has been stationed since the beginning of chaos! Are you interested in going to see it?"

"As you wish!"

Tang Chen didn't understand Zi Donglai's intentions, but he still rubbed his body and followed Zi Donglai's footsteps.

Zi Donglai's divine sense swept over Tang Chen behind him, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of Zi Donglai's mouth.Afraid that Tang Chen would notice something, he spoke to disturb Tang Chen's thinking and judge.

"Your Excellency Ye Meng, of course, when you rescued me, did you ever look at the [Fa Inscription Pattern] in Ming Gui's hand?"

Tang Chen didn't say a word, the stack of [Fa Ming Wentu] did fall into Tang Chen's hands.

Tang Chen's pseudonym Ye Meng was also on guard against Zi Donglai.

The so-called poor people must have something to hate, and Zi Daomo has definitely touched the unimaginable anger of heaven and people.

Zi Donglai smiled faintly,
"In the world of Heizi, the aura is getting weaker and weaker day by day, so the gods, the mysterious gods, and even the golden god of Daluo will fight if they disagree with each other, and they will fight to the death! Some even fight for endless years!"

"It's such a mess? Does the Black Emperor Shrine not care about it? Don't the seven gods intervene to stop it?"

Tang Chen thought to himself, but he didn't speak.

Zi Donglai's eyes flashed when he saw this.

Seeing Tang Chen keep up with his body skills,
Also didn't care.

Although Tang Chen was puzzled, how could he be unprepared in the world of Heizi?
Although Tang Chen wasn't asking for a price with his dead body, he was counting on Zidong to reciprocate and express Tang Chen's life-saving grace in some form.

But the farmer and the snake, Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf...

In this world, without strength, even if you save someone's life, you will still be silenced!
After all, no one wants others to know the embarrassment at that time!The embarrassing things that damage the image should always be covered up as much as possible!

Especially... decent people.

Tang Chen knew it well! ! !

Life and fiction are two different things!
The so-called heroes save Bai Fumei...

The so-called "seeing injustice on the road, acting out of righteousness..."

The so-called generosity to help the down-and-out nobles...

This is no different from courting death!
Who made Tang Chen a top aristocrat from the royal family?

He was originally a figure in that circle!
And it's the top floor!
Naturally understand the secret!

In a sense, Tang Chen could see Zidonglai's little abacus at a glance!

She didn't even bother to laugh at Zi Donglai from the bottom of her heart!

Tang Chen was soft-hearted, and could continue to give Tang Liang the chance to correct his mistakes over and over again!But Zidong is here...

Who is he?

Tang Chen is very proud!
I really never put such things in my eyes.

Zi Donglai, as the sole master of Zi Dao among the seven great gods, walks in the world of sunspots in the world of light, full of purple energy!

That purple air enveloped Tang Chen and himself, and he walked faster and faster!

Even so, it took more than half a month to arrive at the so-called [Feisheng Pool] that Zi Donglai said just now!
Zi Donglai's family is near the [Flying Ascension Pond], but Zidao's [Purple Light Divine Pavilion] has been destroyed by the other six great gods!
Originally the forbidden area of ​​the Purple Dao, the [Purple Light Divine Pavilion] belongs to the Guangyu, and the collateral descendants of the other six great gods,
Or, the god-man who ascended up endless years ago stayed here without any scruples.They are selling pills and magic weapons, talismans, magic codes, herbal exercises, and even soldiers' clothing...

Tang Chen looked around——

The dilapidated [Purple Light Divine Pavilion], from the ruined walls, it can be seen that the Zidao must have been endlessly brilliant in the past!

Otherwise, you can't control the [Flying Ascension Pool] alone for so long!

Zidong came to see Tang Chen looking up at the wreckage of the building, rubbing it with his hands from time to time, sighing endlessly, and couldn't help feeling sad:

"So far, I, Zidonglai, are the only one left in Zidao's direct lineage! But none of the other gods dare to monopolize the divine domain to which my Ziguang Shen Pavilion belongs! This is the domineering spirit of our ancestors!"

Tang Chen curled his lips when he heard the words, but said in his heart without saying a word:

"What are you bragging about? People are afraid that the one who strikes first will become the second Zidao! The rafters of the early ones are rotten first! The inscription pattern gun shoots the early ones! Besides, good fortune in the lower realm tricks people, how can there be a god who ascends?"

Zi Donglai seemed to be extremely concerned about the glory of the past, and talked endlessly about the great achievements of Zidao's ancestor, the God King.Trying to arouse Tang Chen's worship.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed.

Tang Chen seemed to be more interested in [Flying Ascension Pool].

Don't take his word for it at all!

"Brother Ye Meng, is it possible that you are interested in this [Flying Ascension Pond]? You have saved my life, and I am of the Zidao lineage, and I value the most kindness. How about this! I will use this [Feisheng Pond] as the master of the Purple Dao. Presented to you, Brother Ye Meng! Don't refuse!"

Zi Donglai simply made a big move!

Tang Chen couldn't help widening his eyes, stunned, his heart was like a mirror, although [Flying Ascension Pond] is an extremely important sacred treasure, but with Zi Donglai's cultivation base, and looking at Zi Dao's current decline...

Tang Chen couldn't bear Zi Donglai's rambling ink marks, so he simply sarcastically said:

"Zi Donglai, you are so generous! This treasure of God's family, you can give it away as soon as you say it! Can you be the master? Pointing at the mountain to sell mills, stuffing cattle and sheep to make an empty promise! Empty promise! Hoho Ho!"

"Brother Ye Meng—!"

Zi Donglai didn't expect that in the past half a month, Tang Chen would hum and haha ​​from time to time, who would have expected that a whole sentence would be so choking!

The tone couldn't help but also aggravated: "Brother Ye Meng doesn't know how to chat! Talk about talking about Ke'er!"

Tang Chen's expression changed suddenly, "Zi Donglai, are you blaming me?" How could he stand such straightforward sarcasm?His face turned cold!

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed at [Flying Ascension Pool], and questioned loudly like a reprimand:

"It's not bad that you are in charge of Zidao's lineage for this Ascension Reception Pool! You are the only bead left by Zidao now, right? Do you have the right to control this Ascension Pool? Look at these guys around and run to your Purple Light Divine Realm , It’s like going to a market! Do you have the ability to expel them?”

Tang Chen's words made Zi Donglai's already purple face even more embarrassed!

(End of this chapter)

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