Shushan Wushen

Chapter 962 Chaos Oath

Chapter 962 Chaos Oath


Ordinary mortals love face very much!What's more, Zi Donglai is still a down-and-out Shinto nobleman?
Zi Donglai was almost ashamed!
Reaching out to grab the next-dimensional necklace around his neck.He raised his hand to Tang Chen:

"Brother Ye Meng! This lord knows that your spiritual cultivation is outstanding, otherwise it would be impossible to drive away the arrogant ghost on the first day of the green road and save this lord! This is the seal of my Purple Dao Master and my hereditary Ziguang Lord! Please stay with me for now!"

When Tang Chen heard "Accept it for now", he didn't move, he didn't even look directly at him, and said in a neutral tone: "You don't get rewarded for nothing! It's too precious! Besides, in fact, the Purple Taoist Seal or something is really worth it." It's useless! But it's an egg!"

Zi Donglai laughed wildly... "However? Ha! Ha! Ha!"

He also reacted!
"Indeed! Zi Dao is at the end of the day, but it's useless! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The headband broke!A head of purple hair lost the shackles of the headband inscription pattern formation!Immediately, the four directions exploded...

Like a hedgehog!

"Brother Ye Meng! To be honest! If you drive these bastards out of my Purple Light God Realm, so what if I enshrine the Purple Light God Realm to you with both hands? So what if I respect you as master? It's a pity that your magic and combat power is at the end of the day. ..."

"Is this true?"

Tang Chen saw that Zi Donglai used a clumsy aggressive method, and couldn't help but underestimate Zi Donglai's level again!Simply take it all!
I have a plan for this fat sheep in my heart.

"Which one?"

Zi Donglai pretended to be puzzled.In fact, he is eager to kill two birds with one stone, and use his strength to fight!

Tang Chen looked serious, staring at Zi Donglai closely,
He questioned word by word: "If I can drive away the gods and men who invaded the Ziguang God Realm, then you will serve me as master?"

"This? I, Zidonglai, as the chief Ziguangjue, solemnly promise! I will definitely regard you as Zidao's greatest benefactor! I will set up a monument for you! The descendants of Zidao will pass on your legend forever! Generations are grateful!"

Zidong came to look at the torch, like a flame burning!

"Oh! Forget it!"

Tang Chen shook his head lightly, Zidong's ignorance made Tang Chen very disappointed.

Think of it even more as a stupid fat sheep!

Zi Donglai held the dimensional necklace in his hand, trembling slightly, and stood on the spot blankly.

He looked around the devastated Ziguang Divine Realm, and gritted his teeth: "Okay! Then I, Zidonglai, will entrust the full authority to brother Ye Meng! If you can restore the former glory of the Zidao, I will respect you as the master of the Zidao!" !"

Only then did Tang Chen show a bright smile, and his tone eased:

"Purple Path Master is still you! I'm not interested in Purple Path Master!"

"Really? Is it true?"

Zi Donglai was very pleasantly surprised! "Brother Yiyemeng! Just brother Yiyemeng!"

"You are the master of Zi Dao, and you are my master! You need to make an oath!" Tang Chen stared at Zi Donglai with piercing eyes, angrily and amusedly.

Zi Donglai's heart sank.

Suddenly lost the energy to cheer.

Nodding helplessly, he said weakly:
"Okay! What else can I do now, my lord?"

Tang Chen straightened his face, and his tone suddenly became harsh: "You don't want to? If you don't want to, forget it!"

Endless despair appeared in Zi Donglai's eyes, he numbly shook his head, took out a piece of black coal gangue, and solemnly said: "This Lord can make the Supreme Chaos Vow!"

Tang Chen stared at the coal, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, stretched out his hand to make fun of it...

"What is this?"

Zi Donglai was startled, and carefully wrapped the gangue with air,
Infinitely sighed: "Brother Ye Meng, this is the legendary forbidden object, the Chaos spar!"

Nine avatars of the divine way sprang up from Zi Donglai's body, whoosh!call out!call out!Drilled into the coal gangue... that is, the chaos spar.

A mysterious aura suddenly rose from the chaos spar, a white light flashed, and the chaos spar disappeared in an instant!
There was a voice in the air... only Tang Chen and Zi Donglai could hear: "From now on, Zi Donglai will always serve Tang Chen as Lord! The vow of the Supreme Chaos is fulfilled!"

"Brother Ye Meng, your name is Tang Chen? Is Ye Meng a pseudonym?"

Zi Donglai showed endless bitterness on his face.Muttering in a low voice: "You're not very old, what you hide is really deep!"

"Hmph! Chasing tigers and chasing wolves? You Zidong is also a good planner! It's just each other!"

Tang Chen succeeded, teased Zi Donglai mercilessly, grabbed the dimensional necklace, and threw it into Ziwei Star Shuyue Pagoda.

Zi Donglai remained silent.

Seeing this, Tang Chen urged:

"I'm not the one who lied to you! You did it voluntarily, didn't you? Besides, you don't have the ability to regain the Purple Dao Guangyu! I help you revive your family, you should be happy. Come! Give the master a smile!"

Zi Donglai had no choice but to show a smile that was uglier than bitter.

Tang Chen pouted, "I know you don't have confidence in your master! I'm very disappointed!"

There are [-] million divine incarnations!
Tenjin has a billion Shinto incarnations!
Xuanshen has tens of billions of divine incarnations!
Golden God has hundreds of billions of Shinto incarnations!
Above the golden god is the god king, the incarnation of trillions of gods!
When Tang Chen's Starfield of Hunting Gods was destroyed, he unsealed a few pages of the sacred book treasure scroll in Ta Town, and obtained nine sacred book Lingbi.In this way, Tang Chen's cultivation base has already been crowned emperor directly by King Ziwei and Emperor Ziwei!

Emperor Ziwei Wu!

It can be said that Tang Chen has already cleared the Chaos Realm!
Therefore, the spiritual energy in the body is transformed into divine energy, which is a matter of course!
Generally speaking, the ascension of a planet-level god-man is an ordinary Guangmin!
Ascension to the sunspot world is a god-man.

There is a process of cultivation in it!
Tang Chen has accumulated a lot of money!

The realm of chaos is soaring, that is beyond the existence of star level, star field level and galaxy level!

The corresponding should be Golden God!

However, it will take time for all the spiritual energy in Tang Chen's body to transform...

It also needs countless cultivation resources such as medicine pills and spiritual herbs to assist!

All in all,
Tang Chen is not as blessed as Guigu, he can directly refine Tang Chen's ready-made aura.

Tang Chen needs to rely on himself for all promotions!

During this process, Tang Chen's transformed aura not only had to meet his own cultivation needs,
Also supply Guigu, Tang Batian, Meng Wuzhuang, Tang Baobao, Tang Yingxiong, Meng Chengzhi, Meng Chengzhen, apprentice Tianqin..., even Tianquan Xingjun and so on!

The burden on the shoulders is heavy!

The burden is heavier!

now! ! !

Tang Chen wandered through the purple realm of light!

The armor of the Shen family emerged from his body, and he released his air and condensed a pair of big hands!Facing the eyes is clasping hands together, Shu Dao Zhang!
The light world shakes!

How many years has there been such a domineering descending attack in the world of Heizi!
Where Shu Daozhang passed, Guangmin, Shenren, Tianshen, Xuanshen... and even a few golden gods——

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Who is powerful? I am..."

Caught off guard, Tang Chen got him into Ziwei Xingchen and shut him into Shuyue Pagoda!

Tang Chen doesn't care about the background and background!Capture them all!

(End of this chapter)

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